Minerals ~ Garnet var. Spessartine
MPB Mini Box Series
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Garnet var. Spessartine

This material was collected by me in the late 70's and when its gone I will not likely be able to get back up there to dig anymore. These are bright red garnet grains and crystals associated with green diopside grains and crystals in skarn. Specimens vary as to specific content of each mineral but all are from the same source

Location: Listed Road Cut, Chandos Lake, Ontario, Canada

GSP 001
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50
GSP 002
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50
GSP 003
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50
GSP 004
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $12.50

GSP 005
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
GSP 006
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
GSP 007
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50
GSP 008
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $10.00

GSP 009
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50
GSP 010
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $18.50 (12.00)
GSP 011
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
GSP 013
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Sold: $12.50

GSP 014
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $12.50
GSP 015
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
GSP 016
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
GSP 017
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $18.50
Inventory Location: BOX MPB-008  Listed on Ebay
Garnet var. Spessartine

This material was collected by me in the late 70's and when its gone I will not likely be able to get back up there to dig anymore.

Location: Listed Road Cut, Gooderham, Ontario, Canada

GSP 018
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $10.00
GSP 019
Spessartine Garnet & Diopside in Skarn

Price: $10.00

Inventory Location: BOX MPB-008  Listed on Ebay



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