Deed and Title

Whereas the House of Shalott, for  Exceptional
Service to the House of Tudor in shipping and in trade, and for the aide of men, supplies and arms to serve the  causes of the House of  Tudor in its time of great need;
Do I, Henry Tudor, King of England hereby Decree:

The Island, located at longitude 4 degrees 43 minutes and latitude 51 degrees 38 minutes, off the east coast of Tenby in Wales; in Carmarthen Bay; in the Celtic Sea; hereafter to be known as the Isle of Standauffish, is to be granted to the House of Shalott, in perpetuity, to use as they see fit.

 It is further decreed that Baron Sir Zorgon of Shalott shall   serve as Viceroy of said Island.

  Unto this I set my hand, on this 10th day of
  October, in the year of our Lord, 1487;

His Royal Majesty,  King of England


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