Isle of Standauffish

House of Shalott
House of Black Arrow

City of
Past Member
Brotherhood of
the Gauntlet
Past Member


Flag of the Isle of Standauffish

Flag of the House of Shalott

Flag of Omar Kharim

Flag of the Rogue's Cove Maritime Society


Baron Sir Zorgon 
of Shalott
 Isle of
Duke Sir Camillo
di Lombardi

Important Notice Regarding Our Heraldry

The Personal Devices {Shields} and Coats of Arms found in our History and Members areas are copyrighted and belong either to the Guild, the individual member, or the Historical personage mentioned. 

The Historical ones are matter of public record.  However the  Guild or  Member devices are individual emblems, many already registered with various College's of Heraldry in  various o rganizations.  As these devices  identify the individual's or group's Persona or Organization, permission for use or reproduction of these devices cannot, and will not, be given by us. All rights to these devices shall remain with the Guild and its Members.

If you wish help with creating your own device we have an area in our College of Heraldry that will cover that topic, and we can point you in the right direction. Some limited help may be available from some members, but this service is predominately for members only due to time factors.

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