![]() General Information Sheet Our site is best viewed in 800 X 600 screen format, which is commonly in use by most users. Most of our site requires the use of a java capable browser, although all the photo galleries, the written histories and the merchandise catalogues that are accessible in the various areas should work fine. There are two main fonts that we use a lot on our site to keep within our Medieval theme and still be able to use text instead of images and our page is best viewed if you have these fonts. If not you can download them here. Our web pages cover many aspects of the Medieval and Historical re-creation scene. Below you will find a basic outlay of who we are and what we have to offer. Detailed info is found in the various areas throughout our site. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
This is a very large and comprehensive site. Many people, artists and Guild members have contributed to this website, and while every effort has been made to ensure proper credit where due; that no copyright infringements have occurred; and to verify that the freeware that we have used on this page is truly so, it is always possible that someone or something was missed. Fair Use Notice It is however possible that this web site may contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This page is operated under the assumption that this non-profit and educational use on the Web constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. All other borrowed materials and images are owned and copyrighted by their original owners. All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied. Please contact us and inform us immediately if you see anything that is yours by right. We can then either give you the proper credit and links to your work, or remove it from our site if deemed necessary. None of the images are reproduced here for purposes of resale or redistribution, merely as decoration to enhance our site. All our contributors have a little area on our page to promote their work. Check out the Bulletin and Ads area in the Library, as well as the Village Market Place. Also, in our Barristers office, you will find the permission forms and copyright info from those who have graciously provided them for us. Click on the copyright symbol where ever you find it on the page and it will take you to the pertinent document, or at least to the Lawyers office. Who We Are 1. Isle of Standauffish Renaissance Guild
The Isle of Standauffish Renaissance Guild Inc., is a Nevada Not-for-Profit corporation. This is our Renaissance Re-creation Guild. Here you will find all of our group's created Histories, our Picture Galleries, our Activities and Members Only forums and other directories. {There are some public areas in the members forum so check it out}. Various Groups such as Omar Kharim's Belly Dance Guild and the Dragon's Claw Inn Brewing and Culinary Guild provide instruction and activities in specialized fields. We have many such areas available. In the Library you will also find info and links on various other Medieval related topics, especially those of direct interest to our group's history and member research. Got a site we might find interesting? Let us know and we might include it. For a brief tour outlining our group and its history you can go here, for the full tour, follow the links through our humble Realm. We have developed a full History for the group, though individual member's time lines and personas may vary from the group's. As with all other re-creation groups, if you seek perfection, you are doomed to failure! And for those who still squabble, do you see that blue British telephone box under those trees back there? For the full tour start here. 2. Blue Knight Productions
The second part of our site is Blue Knight Productions. This is the business run by the founders of the Guild. The site is set up as a tour through the Lord's Castle and the surrounding lands; a visit to the Capitol, Port of Shalott, the hub of the Isle; across the Isle to the various Free City States; and finally, take a ship to other Ports of Call in the Knowne Worlde; reached by our merchant Fleet of Dragon Ships; the finest ships that are available at the time. Here you will find quality Medieval related goods of all types as they become available. Due to the size of the project, you will see construction on this site for some time, and merchandise is changing constantly, so stop by often at the Docks and tour the Warehouse, where ships are arriving Monthly, many with exotic Goods from the Seven Seas. Medieval Merchants is the catalogue outlet for period merchandise for Blue Knight Productions. This is also where the various members of our Guild who have their own Medieval related Shoppes can promote their products and services. The merchants are formed into a period group know as the Ynys Pyre Mercantile Guild. All this goes into making a very rich and diversified community, while allowing for a fun environment in which to participate while reliving and re-creating history. Our Guild structure you will find in the histories, as well as how you can participate. If after the tour you have further questions or wish to contact us, just stick that note in a bottle and it will get to us. ![]() For those Merchants who have items for sale through various means that are of a related matter and wish to be included in our Realm, we have various options available. There is the Village Market Place, a space reserved just for Medieval related products and artwork. Contact us and let's make a deal. If you still wish to participate with non related products banners, we can place those in the Library on the Bulletin Board, the place where we post all our announcements, notices and upcoming events information. Just drop us a note. I hope to have some more info posted soon on this subject. Blue Knight Productions itself has been set up to included catalogue merchandise related to our theme. It will also be responsible for for-profit theatrical and other productions as well as being host for charitable functions such as a Masquerade Ball for local charities. The purpose is to give our members an outlet and support for their entertainment related jobs and businesses such as Dream Weaver Productions and Illusionary Visions. Web page design and Graphic Arts are just another aspect we offer. We have a wide range of members, from students with many talents just making their way in the world, to seasoned professionals in many fields. All this info will be found in the Member Roster here each member has a space for a small resume. ![]() 2. Drathmar Corporation Drathmar Corporation has been created and set aside
for the sole purpose of building a major Medieval, Historical and Cultural
Theme Park in Las Vegas, Nevada. This project has been in the works now
for several years and we have secured major support and financial commitments.
Both the Isle of Standauffish and Blue Knight Productions, along with all their sub-sidiaries will play a major role in both the building and final operations of the theme park. This company structure gives us a perfect and unique base to run and maintain all aspects of the project. As you can see we have much to offer. This is a major project and will take many years to complete. Volunteers of all sorts are needed and there will be many job opportunities in the near future. Check back often! ![]() Isle of Standauffish Renaissance Guild Omar Kharim's Belly Dance Guild
Webpage © 2003 -2006