Assorted Lessons in SCA Heraldry

Edited By Jaelle of Armida. (mka Judy Gerjuoy)

Rule of Tincture.

Answers to the Quiz

Which of the following obey the law of tincture? [Answers Below]
1. Per fess argent and Or.
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture. 
2. Per pall inverted sable, gules, and vert. 
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; cannot be per pall of three colors. 
3. Per saltire purpure and azure. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture. 
4. Quarterly gules and azure, a cross vert.
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; field is not neutral or metal 
5. Per chevron azure and argent, a fess gules.
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture.; neutral field 
6. Per bend sinister purpure and sable, a bend argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture.
7. Per pale argent and Or, a pale erminois.
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; field is not neutral or color; erminois counts as a metal.
8. Per bend azure and gules, a cross sable.
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; field is not neutral or metal.
9. Per pall ermine, erminois, and sable. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture. 
10. Per chevron inverted Or and sable, a pale argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture; field is neutral 
11. Per saltire azure and erminois, a saltire argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture; field is neutral 
12. Per fess argent and Or, a fess sable. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture. 
13. Per pale sable and argent, a fess gules. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture; field is neutral 
14. Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture. 
15. Per bend purpure and vert, a bend vair. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture; charge is neutral 
16. Quarterly vair and ermine, a cross argent. 
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; this one is a ringer; the field is OK, but the cross has no contrast with the ermine part and very poor with the vair part, which is half argent. 
17. Per pall gules, vair, and sable, a pall argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture; vair is neutral; thus it has good contrast with gules and sable; the pall has good contrast with all of the parts of the field. 
18. Per pall inverted Or, argent, and ermine, a pall inverted sable. 
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; cannot be per pall of three metals 
19. Per bend sinister sable and argent, a bend sinister counter ermine. 
The answer is No: Does not obey the rule of tincture; the bend sinister is essentially sable which does not have sufficient contrast against the sable half of the field 
20. Per saltire Or and argent. 
The answer is Yes: Obeys the rule of tincture.

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Armory content written by Herveus d'Ormonde (mka Michael Houghton)
Name content written by Jaelle of Armida (mka Judy Gerjuoy)
Web layout, design, and additional editing by Frederic Badger (mka Brander Roullett)