Assorted Lessons in SCA Heraldry

Edited By Jaelle of Armida. (mka Judy Gerjuoy)

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Peripheral

Answers to the Quiz

1. Argent, a saltire azure between two eagles and two lozenges gules.
Primary - the saltire / Secondary - the eagles and the lozenges as a single group.
2. Per fess azure mullety argent and Or, a fess and in base a bear statant gules.
Primary - the fess / Secondary #1 - the semy of mullets / Secondary #2 - the bear
3. Azure ermined Or, three roses within a bordure argent
Primary - the three roses / Peripheral - the bordure.
4. Per pale gules and purpure, on a fess argent between three bezants each charged with a rose, four fleams gules.
Primary - the fess / Secondary - the bezants / Tertiary #1 - the roses on the bezants / Tertiary #2 - the fleams. 
5. Sable, an elephant argent charged with a mullet gules within an orle argent.
Primary - the elephant / Secondary-Peripheral - the orle / Tertiary - the mullet
6. Gules, a chevron between three roses Or, each charged with a cross fitchy sable.
Primary - the chevron / Secondary - the roses / Tertiary - the crosses on the roses. 
7. Per fess nebuly purpure and argent, three lions within a bordure counterchanged.
Primary - the three lions / Secondary-Peripheral - the bordure
8. Per bend gules crusily Or and Or semy of hearts sable, on a bend sable a spear bendwise Or.
Primary - the bend / Secondary #1 - the crusily (semy of crosses crosslet) / Secondary #2 - the semy of hearts / Tertiary - the spear.
9. Vert, two lions rampant and a lymphad Or and in chief two spears fesswise in pale argent.
Primary - the lions and the lymphad / Secondary - the spears
10. Vert fretty Or.
Primary - the fretty treatment
11. Gules, on a cross argent five mullets gules.
Primary - the cross / Tertiary - the mullets.
12. Vairy purpure and argent, an eagle displayed sable between three roundels Or.
Primary - the eagle / Secondary - the roundels
13. Per chevron sable and Or, on a chevron three bullets and on a chief argent a lion passant gules.
Primary - the chevron / Peripheral - the chief / Tertiary #1 - the billets / Tertiary #2 - the lion.
14. Sable, a bordure argent ermined gules.
Primary-Peripheral - the bordure
15. Or, a wolf rampant sable between three hares gules all within a bordure sable billetty Or.
 Primary - the wolf / Secondary - the hares / Peripheral - the bordure / Tertiary - the billetty (semy of billets)

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Armory content written by Herveus d'Ormonde (mka Michael Houghton)
Name content written by Jaelle of Armida (mka Judy Gerjuoy)
Web layout, design, and additional editing by Frederic Badger (mka Brander Roullett)