House of Black Arrow
Captain Duncan MacPherson 
Persona History
Duncan MacPherson family history

Father Kenneth MacPherson ~~ Mother Rose Fraser
Grandfather Ewan MacPherson  ~~ Grandmother Mary Fraser
Brothers  ~~ James and David MacPherson
Sisters ~~ Sarah MacPherson and Anne MacPherson

Duncan MacPherson was born in 1454.  In 1470 his father sent him overseas on one of his ships to work in the family business. Before the age of sixteen he had learned to hunt and use a bow.  In 1478 at the age of 24, through unfortunate circumstances, with the death of the ship's captain, he was forced to take control and thus became the captain of his first ship.  It was shortly there after that his father ordered him and his ships to sail to the Kingdom of Vega, where he had an agreement with Colonel William Baine.  By the terms of this agreement Duncan served for five years.  During that time he happened to met  Baron Sir Zorgon of Shalott and later took service with him. When Lord Zorgon returned home, Duncan and others in his household followed him. Under the now Viceroy, Duncan became Leader of the Black Dragon Squadron.


Heraldry of Captain Duncan MacPherson 

Photo Page

Mary MacPherson

I met Duncan at a Solstice celebration. For 2 years we saw one another, our parents made sure of it. Since this was an arranged marriage they didn't feel that abstinence was necessary. After our first meeting 2 years to the day I became a ship maid on my now husbands embarkation to Vega. Many perils we have met. When it came time for my husband to receive his title, being his wife, this too meant that in some menial form I received title.

Now we have come to know this new order of things. I have recently learned reading and writing. This concept is strange to me. My family has communicated for generations simply by word of mouth.

Heraldry of Mary MacPherson

Photo Page


Images and Text  © 2003 Isle of Standauffish