"The Wishing Pool"
Image © 2003 by Mary Baxter St Clair
Image used by permission
Somewhere deep in the forest of out Enchanted Island there is a secret Wishing Pool. It's a mysterious and magical place that is hard to find because it shifts from place to place, never in the same spot twice. To find it you must be able to meet the requirements: a pure heart, a kind and gentle spirit (so you won't frighten away the fairies), a dream that is true and the courage to pursue it. Plus you must not fail to take with you those two most powerful companions indispensable for wishes to come true: they are of course "Faith" and "Hope".

Image of the "Wishing Pool" and text © 2003 by
Mary Baxter St Clair
Used with kind Permission.
Visit her Website to purchase this and other prints

Mysts of Avalon
The Beginning

One day, so the story goes, Lord Zorgon rode his horse through the forests, his mind lost in thought. He came upon a vast field of flowers that stretched down to a large lake. He dismounted and tied his steed to a tree, then strolled into the flowers. This was the lake of Legend, he mused, the same lake of Legend, where Arthur's body was said to have been set aflame, adrift in a boat. Where the Lady of the Lake took back the Sword Excalibur and took Arthur down to the Faerie Kingdom of Avalon.

As he strolled in the hot afternoon sun, he listened to the birds singing and swore he heard the whispers of the fairies by the lake. Listening more closely to this chatter, he was surprised to hear his name being called. It was soft and musical, not a word really, almost a sigh on the wind. Following the little voices, he came closer to the edge of the lake, and sat by the cool waters. Soon, amidst hundreds of the little flying wonders, he drifted off to sleep.

While dozing, he had a vision of the future. In this vision the Lady of the Lake called out to him, and showed him what he must do. From that day forward, his life changed. He vowed to make the land whole once more for all the good people of the realm. 

When he awoke, the fairies were gone, there was no Lady of the Lake, and the sun was just setting. He thought about what he had dreamt not one to believe in things of a supernatural nature. He thought it most likely some scent of the flowers had poisoned his mind. He arose to take his leave, but a glint of sunlight on the shoreline caught his eye.

There, lying in the water partially covered with silt, was a sword! Wading into the cold shallow water, he reached for it and drew it out. It was remarkably well preserved though it had obviously been in the waters for quite some time. He cleaned it off, and could make out an inscription on the blade. It was that wondrous sword of Legend! Excalibur! Perhaps there was something to all those stories he had heard as a boy. Slowly he raised it up, the last rays of the sun gleaming off its surface, and when he held it aloft, he felt a power run through him, and this power gave him the strength needed for the path that he would soon choose to follow!


This Realm is dedicated to Alyssia, the very sound of her name inspiring visions and dreams, who was with us since the very beginning and now brings the Faerie Kingdom to life Though she has left us to follow a different path, she has left her mark.

And so it Begins
Welcome to the Faerie Realms