This Loom was Graciously Donated by Cathy Collins

The loom was hand made by her husband who used it for school demonstrations and a teaching aide before he passed away. Along with the loom came many samples of his work and all his books on weaving. Also included were plans for a period spinning wheel which the Guild will soon attempt to build as a wonderful piece to compliment the loom.

Mr Collins work will live on in the demonstrations and the hands on learning for guild members. It is a most welcome and valuable addition to our Guild's teaching aids and we thank Cathy Collins for this thoughtful gift. It will bring many years of joy to many people.

In the photo above the loom has been set up for a demonstration at the "Age of Chivalry" Renaissance Faire here in Las Vegas. Note the three colors of wool. They represent out Guilds colors. The loom has been set up to make a Tartan Sash, a Tartan designed by and for Isle of Standauffish Members. Many people have taken a hand in making a section, and while it is not coming out even, it provides valuable learning experience for our members.

The Tartan will be registered in Scotland later this year. This is a perfect demonstration of the loom and is an appropriate first use of it. Below Baroness Acadia of Ballater is showing a fellow Renaissance person how it works. Baroness Acadia's Maiden name is Fraser, of the Lovat Frasers.

The Isle of Standauffish Tartan
© 2003 Isle of Standauffish 

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