Event Photos
Miss Kitty Jeans to Jewels
Sept 1998 and 1999
Opportunity Village, Las Vegas

Mrs Kitty Rodman and Raquel K. Schmidt {Elora}

Members of the Isle "Go Western"
This event we provided security for the host
Not many Photos of these Events were Taken
Cam and Rozanne Favaro {City of Mediteranneus}

Raquel and Melinda Schmidt {Elora and Acadia Ballater ~ Port of Shalott}

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Brent Dawson  {Bjarki the Black ~ 
Brotherhood of the Gauntlet}

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Steve Whitfield 
{Nikitta ~ Dragons's Claw Inn}
Ron Schmidt
{Zorgon of Shalott ~ Port of Shalott}

Raquel Schmidt { Elora Ballater ~ Port of Shalott}

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