Foreign Ports of Call

Other Medieval Re-Creation
and Re-enactment Groups

Set sail on one of our fine vessels and visit some Foreign Realms. While our Island has a lot to offer, it is not for everyone. There are many Medieval Realms available to the seeker that each have their own unique features to offer. Here you will find information about some of theses groups, such as where to contact them, with direct links to those who have websites.

Due to time and space restraints we focus particularily on those connected to the Isle of Standauffish, but if you wish your group to be linked to in our Library, then E-mail me, Baron Sir Zorgon of Shalott, and we will gladly consider your site for our listings.

The Isle of Standauffish and its
association with Other Re-Creation Clubs

General Info:  The Isle of Standauffish Renaissance Guild has at its core people that are currently members or have been members of the other re-creation groups in town. And, as a group, we participate at certain functions such as the events and wars of the other clubs. We by no means  speak on their behave, nor promote one as above the other, as they all have different qualities, including our Guild, and it is left to each individual to find his or her niche. Mention of the other clubs here is for the sole purpose of explaining both our background, and our current participation level. 

SCA;   The Society for Creative Anachronisms 

Device © SCA 

 This is by far the largest re-creation group in the Knowne Worlde. Some of the members of our Guild are very active and prominent in this group as well. We attend many of the major events in both the Kingdom of Caid and Atenvald, sometimes making it to the Outlands. As many in our Guild are Merchants, and the major wars are such awesome spectacles, it is small wonder that you will find us there. 
See Disclaimer Here

Link to photos of;
Estrella 1996, Estrella 1999, Estrella 2000, Estrella 2002, Estrella 2003
GWW 1 1997, GWW 2 1998
Highland War 1997, Highland War 1998

Local Group Barony of Stakhafn

For links to various SCA websites go to the Library in the Research Dept.
Adrian Empire;  A Live Steel Fighting re-creation group.

Device © Adrian Empire 

The Adrian Empire, out of California,  with close ties to both the SCA and the ECS, has recently established a Kingdom here in Las Vegas, the Kingdom of Aragon. Many of those that have joined the Kingdom are good friends of members of the Isle. The Kingdom was the first to officially recognize the Isle of Standauffish, and has offered us an open invitation to attend any of their events. There are talks in progress about our Guild as a whole having a group membership, while retaining autonomy within the Kingdom, as an addition to, not instead of our other interests.
See Disclaimer Here

Link to photos of; 
Crown War 2000, Coronation 2000

Local Group  Kingdom of Aragon
For links to the Adrian Empire's  websites go to the Library in the Research Dept.

ECS;  The Empire of Chivalry and Steel

Device © ECS

The ECS, another Steel Fighting group, was the birthplace of what is now the House of Shalott. The Isle also had recognition and open invitation under the previous Queen Rose of Aberlone, wife of then Count Sir William Baine. But since they have left for Aragon, and due to other recent political upheavals, our current official status with them is unknown, though we have many friends in this group as well, and should have word soon as to the new rulers official policy regarding our Guild.
See Disclaimer Here

Link to photos of;
Fool's War 1996
Howard Hughes Demo

Local Group Kingdom of Vega
For links to the Empire of Chivalry and Steel's websites go to the Library in the Research Dept.


Device © Clark County Parks & Recreation
Age of Chivalry
Renaissance Faire
Go Here For Faire Information

The Isle of Standauffish has its home port in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our local Renaissance Faire, The Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire is our main annual event. It is where we get a chance to show to the public what we are all about. Stop by the Picture Gallery in the Library to view some of our past faires.

We are also an official website for the fair, which is hosted by Clark County Parks and Recreation here in Las Vegas. All the current information will be posted here as soon as the director makes it available to us. Clark County also has its own site here.

Lord Frederick    Parks and Recreation Fred McElhaney

The Isle of Standauffish officially formed at the Renaissance Faire here in Las Vegas {Oct 97} but we had participated previously with another club the previous years. We hope to be a large and active part of the Faire in years to come and in this regard are working closely with Fred McElhaney to find our place as well as help out in other activities where our skills may be useful, such as an appearance at the City of Henderson’s Shakespeare festival in Garb to hand out Ren Faire flyers as well as add ambience to the event. 

Carpenters from the House of Shalott are providing gates for the faire, as well as some hand painted signs, while Camillo of Mediterraneus, who joins us this year, has contracted for a reviewing stand and two thrones for the King and Queen of the faire.

Also, we have obtained permission to promote the Renaissance Faire on our website, the information and photos coming directly from Fred.Our stage, just a platform last year, will be completed this year, and we have many acts booked already, and Fred has lined us up a few to fill in the gaps.

So all in all this has been a busy year for our Guild, and we have come a long way in a short time. We already have many events booked for the coming year, events that will be annual, and more is planned. Its a lot of work, but the effort is well worth it, and we have room for new members, those that can commit to a task and dedicate themselves to making our Guild a great place  to be!!

Link to photos of;
Faire 1995, Faire 1996, Faire 1997, Faire 1998, Faire 1999, Faire 2000
Faire 2001, Faire 2002, Faire 2003


Device © Opportunity Village
Opportunity Village
Go Here For More Information

Opportunity Village is a major charity organization that helps mentally handicapped people here in Nevada. For the past few years The Isle has been instrumental in helping them with an annual fund raiser with a Camelot theme as its base. Other events are planned for the near future. Check with us to see how you can participate. For photos visit our Picture Gallery.

The Isle of Standauffish has adopted OV as its official charity and helps out whenever it can with other functions. Go to our Bulletin Board for more details and some of the other activities planned for the future. OV also has its own website here for info on their organization.

Lady Avalina d’Beaumares  Director of Marketing Linda Smith
Lady Katherine of Anglesey  Project manager  Cary Harned

Purpose;  Opportunity Village is Nevada’s largest non-profit agency serving people with disabilities. They have received national awards for their programs and facilities.They provide vocational training, job placement, recreation and advocacy to adults with mental retardation. They hold many fund raising events that get the whole community involved which are a lot of fun for those helping out, as well as achieving the goal of raising money for a most worthy organization.

The Isle of Standauffish came to be connected with them through participation in a Gala opening of the newly re-constructed of the Magical Forest, the one that had been severely vandalized the previous summer. The community came through in a big way, and now it has been rebuilt better and bigger than ever. Through Fred McElhaney of Clark County Parks & Recreation, we were asked if our Guild could offer help with a Camelot theme Gala fund raiser for local VIP’s. We were more than happy to do so, being right up our alley. It was a great success, and as a result have become good friends with the organization. It will now become an annual event.

Our Guild has been asked to take part in many other planned events, and just recently a number of us provided security and other volunteer help at the Frank Sinatra Golf Classic at Stallion Mountain Country Club. Though this one was not a Garb event, it was fun and a good chance to meet and interact with the celebrities, and is a good example of what can be found with our Guild.

For More Information Call (702) 259-3700
Opportunity Village; 6300 West Oakey
Las Vegas, Nv, 89102
or visit their website.

Magical Forest Camelot Event - - November 1997 - - Ist Annual. This was the first annual “Camelot at the Magic Forest” Gala fund raiser conceived by Linda Smith and her staff at Opportunity Village. The Isle of Standauffish became involved through Fred McElhaney of Clark County Parks and Recreation, organizer of the Las Vegas Renaissance Faire. We attended a meeting with Linda, having with us Jan and Steve Gaskin as representatives from the SCA, and Cam and Rosanne Favaro as a presence for the ECS. Together we showed Linda what we had to offer and became appointed liaisons between her and the various clubs.

Despite a few minor snags, (it was all put together in less than a month) it was a major success, and proved that the various clubs could pool together for a community event. Huzzahs to all those who attended!

The Frank Sinatra Las Vegas Golf Classic, May 1998, Ist annual.

Another fund raiser that was for the benefit of Opportunity Village was the Frank Sinatra Celebrity Golf Tournament. It was a joint venture between ESPN, the Barbara Sinatra Foundation, and Opportunity Village. Though this had nothing to do with our Medieval Theme, we went as a group to help out with things like security and other functions. Despite the heat, it went very well, and should lead to this being an annual event. It was held at the Stallion Mountain Golf and Country Club. More info on this event is available in our Guild Archives for those interested, and info is always available on this, and
any other event, direct from Opportunity Village.

Link to photos of;
Magical Forest 1997, Magical Forest 1998, Magical Forest 1999,
Camelot For Kids 1999, Frank Sinatra Golf Classic 1998,

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