Costumes of the Tudor Era - 2

The following text is  © by Lara Eakins and is reproduced here by gracious permission for our Guild's historical and educational purposes. The scanned images and documentation are also the work of Lara.

Picture Credits
1. Charles V by Titian, Prado, Madrid

2. Another portrait of Anne of Cleves.
Fom the workshop of Barthel Bruyn the Elder in Cologne
Now at St. John's College Oxford
Recent x-rays have revealed a longer nose under the top layer of paint.

3. The wax figure of Anne of Cleves at Madame Tussaud's, London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

4. Portrait of Arthur, probably painted when he was 15, 
the year of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
Since the portrait below is probably the copy of a lost original, this
is the only known contemporary portrait.
Bridgeman Art Library

5. The longest known portrait of Arthur
Royal Collection St. James Palace © Her Majesty the Queen

6. Young Catherine by Michel Sittow
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

7. Catherine in about 1530
Painted by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 55.9 x 44.5cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

8. Wax figure of Catherine of Aragon from Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

9. Edward, Price of Wales by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) painted in 1537. Oil on wood 57x44 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection

10. Edward VI c. 1546 by an unknown artist
National Portrit Gallery, London

11. Edward VI by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 155.6 x 81.3 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

12. The Princess Elizabeth, aged about 13 (1546)
Sometimes attributed to William Scrots
The Royal Collection at Windsor ©Her Majesty the Queen

13. The Coronation Portrait
Probably a copy of a lost painting from 1559
Painted by an unknown artist
National Portrait Gallery, London
(Formerly in Great Hall of Warwick Castle)

14. "The Phoenix Portrait" c. 1575
Probably painted by Nicholas Hilliard
Oil on panel, 78.7 x 61 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

15. "The Pelican Portrait"
Another portrait of Elizabeth, similar to the one above
and may be from the same pattern sketch.

16. Elizabeth I
Painted by an unknown artist c.1588
Oil on panel, 97.8 x 72.4 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

17. "The Ermine Portrait"
Painted in 1585 by Nicholas Hilliard
In the collection of the Marquess of Salisbury

18. Wax figure of Elizabeth I from Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins
(figure based on the Ermine Portrait)

19. "The Darnley Portrait"
Painted c. 1575 perhaps by Federigo Zuccaro
Oil on panel, 113 x 78.7 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

20. Elizabeth with a sieve, a symbol of virginity


Note: Lara E. Eakins is an Honourary Member
of the Isle of Standauffish

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