Costumes of the Tudor Era - 4
The following text is  © by Lara Eakins and is reproduced here by gracious permission for our Guild's historical and educational purposes. The scanned images and documentation are also the work of Lara.

Picture Credits
1. Katherine Parr (formerly called Lady Jane Grey)
Re-identification of the portrait was made by the brooch she wears.
Oil on panel, 180.3 x 94 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

2. Wax figure of Katherine Parr at Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

3. Another portrait of Jane, by an unknown artist
In the collection of Lord Hastings

4. Formerly called Kathryn Howard
(Probably Elizabeth Seymour)
Painted by an unknown artist, after Holbein
Oil on panel, 73.7 x 49.5 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

5. The wax figure of Kathryn Howard from Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

6. Princess Mary, aged 28 (1544) by Master John
Oil on Panel, 71.1 x 50.8 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

7. Queen Mary in 1554 by Hans Eworth
Oil on Panel, 21.6 x 16.9 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

8. Queen Mary
Society of Antiquaries

9. Mary in 1554 by Mor
© The Prado, Madrid

10. A portrait of Elizabeth with the white rose of her family
Painted by an unknown artist, c. 1530 copy of lost original
Oil on panel, 56.5 x 41.6 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

11. Mary at about the time of her marriage to the French heir
Painted by an unknown artist
Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

12. Mary by a follower of Clouet
Probably based on the portrait at the top of this page
National Trust

13. Wax figure of Mary at Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

14. Cardinal Wolsey by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 83.8 x 55.9cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

15. Cardinal Wolsey
Christ Church Picture Gallery

16. Edward IV in a 16th century copy of a lost original
Society of Antiquaries

17. Portrait of Elizabeth Woodville, probably a copy of a lost original
Master and Fellows of Queen's College, Cambridge

18. Sir Philip Sidney by an unknown artist
National Portrait Gallery, London

19. Sybille of Cleves by Lucas Cranach
Schlossmuseum, Weimar.

20. Portrait of Richard III, copy of a lost original
National Portrait Gallery, London


Note: Lara E. Eakins is an Honourary Member
of the Isle of Standauffish

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