Isle of Standauffish Member Roster

The Rogue's Cove Pirates

Past Member Group

Note :      This Roster is based on those members that have had interaction with the Isle and may not be current or complete. Visit here for current info: Rogue's Cove
Cap't Aramis Donegal McCleary
     Captain of  "Neptune's Fury" 
     Guild Master

Persona History     Photo Page

mka;  Greg Coblenz

Mr Donovan Long
     First Mate of  "Neptune's Fury"

Persona History     Photo Page

mka;  Mika Spangler

Robert MacDuff

Persona History     Photo Page

mka;  Mike Hamilton


This Listing is not in order of Rank

Nanthanial Alistair Davidson
Thomas W Van de Beers (Dead Tom)
Blind Rob (Seamus Robert Kilburn)
Rowan McCoven
Wee Wench

Gino Tortelinni
Katie McKenna

Vacant Berth
Margo Baysheville
Robert Jeremiah (Jerry) Riggs
Vacant Berth

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