
Welcome to my Castle, the Castle of my dreams, my hopes and my desires. This is a special place where I keep my dearest friends close to me in my heart. This is a place filled with Passion and Desire, with Love and Devotion

Yet it is a secret place. The art I have use to represent the souls of those in my heart comes from many awesome artists. The words I have written, though specific to each of my friends, apply to all as they are my thoughts.

Also in here you will find words of love that friends of mine have shared with me and with each other, and though not all here may be as it appears, love and beauty abound within my castle

Enter now, but softly! Come to visit but disturb us not, and for those that have found a place in my heart, this is my tribute to you. Your private room within my soul!

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All images used to illustrate our poetry are copy written by the artists
and are used here to share their glorious works with the world.

Webpages  © 2001-2005 by Samantha