Enigmas on Earth
Spirits of the Clouds
A Study of Submitted Images
Image Submitted by Diverdown from AstroVera
Original Image
Credit: © Diverdown
This image is full of interesting cloud spirits and most are very easy to spot. Some are seen at other levels. Lets start with this resolution.
Level One - The Fluffy Clouds
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
The Fluffy Dog
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
...Dragon with Big Teeth
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Small Dragon
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Small Dragon
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Small Dragon
Level Two - The Wispy Clouds
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
The Strange Skull
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Small Dragon
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Strange Face
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Strange Face
Level Three - Another Perspective
Study the Image above from a distance for a while
Do you see the large Dragon?
How about now?
Do you see the large Dragon?
Focus on the two eyes. Ignore the fluffy dog and the other small dragons on the next level
He is looking right at YOU
How about now?
Original Image
Credit: © Diverdown
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Annoyed Dragon
Level Two Original Crop
Level Two Gamma Enhanced
Level Two Grayscaled
Level Three Sylphs
Multi Level Faces
"Big Tooth"
Level Two Faces
"BGlaring Eyes"
Level Three Faces
Original Crop
Gamma Enhanced
Level One Face
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