The Artifact Evidence |
The Lolladoff Plate - Real? It seems that Egypt is not the only place that has been visited by Aliens in ancient times. This plate called 'The Lolladoff plate' is a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. It clearly shows a disk shaped UFO (top of pic, hard to see from the angle of the plate however). There is also a figure on the disc looking remarkably similar to a Grey. Notice the spiral galaxy shape as well, with the alien inside it and the ufo at the begging of it. Galaxies come in spiral shape and through out India, Egypt and Peru and other ancient sites the spiral shape is very often seen. This galaxy spiral is probably there to tell us that they flew here from another galaxy, or the spiral shape could signify energy or eternity, other meanings attributed to the spiral by Egyptians and other ancient cultures with inexplicable advanced methods in astronomy and spirituality. SOURCE: Mondovista |
.. The order of images on the spiral is significant if indeed this is a genuine artifact... First a reptile, then sea creatures, then a Gray, then a spacecraft and finally a mammal... No work yet found on the runes or characters on the disk. |
The Dropas:
In the David Gamon's book which tells the story invented by him of an expedition of Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans in Tibet in the land of the Dropas, a plate of Professor Lolladoff is mentioned. According to the invented story, little time after the end of World War II, Polish professor Lolladoff showed one of the Dropa discs to an English scientist, Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans. Lolladoff claimed to have bought the disc in Mussorie in Northern India, and that the disc came from strange people called Dzopas which use such discs at the time of religious ceremonies. It is this plate that motivates Robin-Evans' Tibet expedition. Here is the image of the infamous plate: (see above) I was told by David Gamon the details on this matter. On my question, he informed me that he probably made a rough sketch of the plate for one of his friends who had a forgery talent and who made a black and white painting of the plate and photographed it just enoought out of focus so that it appears real. David is not very sure anymore to have made the rough sketch, it was almost 30 years ago, but he remembers well the friend who made the painting of the plate. As for the name "Lolladoff", David Gamon sought an anagram for "loads of ball" for the name of this invented character, but that did not function. "Lolladoff" is the name which then came to him at the head. SOURCE: |
The Dropas ..
THE ROBIN-EVANS 1947 EXPEDITION: Shortly after World War II the polish professor Lolladoff showed one of the Dropas "stone disks" to the English scientist Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans. Lolladoff claimed to have bought the disk in Mussorie in Northern India and that it is supposed to be from a mysterious people called the "Dzopa" who had used it for religious rituals. In 1947 Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans made for the "mysterious land of the Dzopa", traveling through Lhassa (Tibet) where he was granted an audience with the 14th Dalai Lama. On the way to the very inaccessible region to the northeast of the Himalaja, the English scientist was abandoned by his Tibetan carriers as they were terribly afraid of Baian-Kara-Ula, and only with tremendous effort did he manage to reach his destination. After having won the faith of the people, Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans was assigned a language-teacher in order to introduce him to the basics of the Dropa language and so he learned their history from Lurgan-La, their religious guardian. Lurgan-La taught him that they originally came from a planet in the Sirius system. They lead about 12000 years ago an exploration mission to earth. Their ship crashed and those survivors among them were then unable to leave earth again. Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans died in 1974, his report was published only in 1978. IN REALITY: The totality of the story of the
Karyl Robin-Evans expedition and all the characters
are made up. SOURCE: |
The Dropas:
Is it possible that aliens landed in China a long time ago following their spaceship's crash, and settled there? Scientists and archaeologists studied tombs, remains, strange objects, ethnologists spoke to their descent, a linguist translated their writings, but... as incredible as it sounds, no recent investigation has been made since the sixties. The story just served as a plot for an X-Files episode. INTRODUCTION: One of the strangest stories dealing with ancient visitors began in 1938 when archaeologist Chi Pu Tei discovered regularly aligned rows of graves in the Baian Kara Ula mountains near the Sino-Tibetan border. Beneath cave drawings of beings wearing helmets along with depictions of the stars, sun and moon, small frail skeletons with unusually large skulls were found. Chi Pu Tei theorized that the skeletons belonged to an extinct species of mountain ape and that the drawings were left in the caves by human tribes. Since the graves were in systematic rows, his theory was laughed at and forgotten until 1962, when stone plates found among the graves were translated by Professor Tsum Um Nui of the Academy of Prehistoric Research in Beijing. The translation told an eerie story of a group of beings that crash-landed on the third planet of this star system about twelve thousand years ago. Unable to repair their craft, this group attempted to make friends with the mountain tribes but were hunted down and killed due to their non-human features. Since this account was not compatible with the Western world-view, it too was dismissed. THE STORY SO FAR: In 1938 high in the mountains of Bayan Kara Ula, on the borders of China and Tibet a team of archaeologists were conducting a very detailed routine survey of a series of interlocking caves. Their interests had been excited by the discovery of lines of neatly arranged graves which contained the skeletons of what must have been a race of human beings. They appeared to have spindly bodies and large overdeveloped heads. At first it had been thought that the caves had been the home of a hitherto unknown species of ape. But as the species seemed to bury its dead they eliminated an ape race. While studying the skeletons one of the members of the team stumbled on a large round stone disc half buried in the dust on the floor of the cave. The disc looked like an Stone Age record. There was a hole in the center of and a fine spiral groove that is a continuous spiraling line of closely written characters. No one understood the meanings of the message. The disc was labeled and filed away among other finds in the area. For 20 years many experts in Beijing tried to translate the disc. Finally Dr. Tsum Um Nui broke the code and started to decipher the "speaking grooves". The Beijing academy of Pre-History forbade him to publish his findings. In 1965, 716 more grooved stone discs were uncovered in the same caves. They told the story of a "space probe" by the inhabitants of another planet who came to the Bayan Kara Ula mountain range. They had crash landed. Their peaceful intentions had been misinterpreted. Many of them had been hunted down and killed by members of the Han tribe, who lived in the neighboring caves. They referred to themselves as the Dropas. They said they came down from the clouds in their space craft. It crashed landed in remote and inaccessible mountains. There was no way to build a new ship. Legend in the area spoke of small gaunt yellow faced men who came from the clouds long ago. The men had huge bulging heads and puny bodies. They were so ugly they were hunted down and killed. This description is similar to the bodies found in the caves. On the walls of the caves archaeologists found crude pictures of the rising Sun, the Moon, unidentifiable stars and the earth all joined together by lines of pea-sized dots. The cave drawings have been dated around 12,000 years ago. The cave area is still inhabited by 2 semi-troglodyte tribes known as the Hans and the Dropas. These tribes are odd looking in appearance. They are frail and stunted in growth averaging only about 5 feet in height. They are neither typically Chinese nor Tibetan. In Russia several of the rock were tested. The discs were found to contain large amounts of cobalt and other metallic substances. When placed on a special turntable they vibrated or hummed in an unusual rhythm as thought an electric charge was passing through them. It is as if they formed some part of an electrical circuit. THE EARLIEST SOURCES:
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The Dropa Stone Disks ....
The missing fragments match exactly the drawing above, the section does not clearly match ..
Some researcher say the first mention of the Dropa story in the German vegetarian magazine "Das Vegetarische Universum" for July 1962. Other people looked in their collection of the magazine said they found no mention of it. Other say the 1962 article in "Das Vegetarische Universum" for July 1962 was reprinted in the same magazine in 1964, but again, people who have the collection say it is not. Yet one researcher offered a translation of a 1961 article from "Das Vegetarische Universum". Another early reference, and probably one of the two earliest appearances of the Drop story is an article in the German UFO bulletin "UFO Nachrichten" (UFO information) #95, page 3, of July 1964, supposedly of exactly the same content as "Das Vegetarische Universum" of 1962. Here is the header of the front page of that magazine and the Dropa article of page 3.
Ufos in der Vorzeit? Die
Hieroglyphen von Baian-Kara-Ula
Wir werten es als gutes Zeichen, dass auch Zeitschriften andere Fachgebiete wie z.B. "Das Vegetar. Universum" nachstehenden Artikel seinen Lesern zur Kenntnis brachte. D. Red. (DINA), Tokyo In Grenzgebiet zwischen Tibet und China liegt das Höhlengebiet des Baian-Kara-Ula Hochgebirges. Hier sind schon vor 25 Jahren die merkwürdigen Schrifttafel - und Hieroglyphenfunde gemacht geworden. Mit unauffindbaren und völlig unbekannten Geräten sägten vor mehreren tausend Jahren Menschen, von deren Aussehen die chinesischen härtestem Granitgestein schallplattenförmige Teller. Die bisher in den Höhlen des Baian-Kara-Ula aufgefundenen 716 Gesteinsteller weisen auch genau wie Schallplatten in der Mitte ein Loch auf. Von dort bewegt sich eine Doppelrille in Spiralenform zum Aussenrand. Dabei handelt sich natürlich nicht um Tonrillen, sondern um die eigenartigste Schrift, die jemals in China und wohl auf der ganzen Welt gefunden wurde. Es dauerte über zwei Jahrzehnte bis Archäologen und Wissenschaftler alter Schriften und Hieroglyphen die Schriftrillen entziffern konnten. Der Inhalt ist so verblüffend, das die Akademie für Vorgeschichte in Peking der Bericht des Gelehrten Prof. Tsum Um-Nui anfangs gar nicht veröffentlichen wollte. Dann tat sie es doch. Mit vier Kollegen kam Archäologe Tsum Um-Nui überein: "Die rillenschifft kündet von Luftfahrzeugen, die es den Schriftplatten nach vor 12 000 Jahren gegeben haben muss." Wörtlich heisst es an einer Stelle: "Die Dropa kamen mit ihren Luftgleitern aus der Wolken herab. Zehnmal bis zum Aufgang der Sonne versteckten sie die Zeichen und sahen, dass die Dropa diesmal in friedlicher Absicht kamen..." Funde der Dropa - und Kham - Rasse sind in den Höhen des Hochgebirges schon früher gemacht worden. Archäologen können diese nur bis zu 1.30 Meter grossen, also sehr kleinen Menschen heute noch nicht völkerkundlich unterbringen. Es besteht keine Parallele zu den Chinesen, Mongolen oder Tibetanern. Man kann natürlich vermuten, dass sich schon vor Jahrtausenden ein Schriftkundiger der Kham einen Scherz erlaubt hat oder dass es Aberglaube war, als er von "Luftfarhzeugen" berichtete. Was sollte dann aber die Aussage anderer Rillenhieroglyphen der Kham bedeuten, die, will man jede Sensation ausklammern, schlicht einen Klagegesang darüber darstellen, dass die eigene "Luftflotte" bei der Landung in dem schwer zugänglichen Gebirge zerstört wurde und es keine Mittel und Wege gab, eine neue zu bauen. Die Hieroglyphen von Baian-Kara-Ula scheinen der chinesische Archäologie so mysteriös, dass die nur mit Vorsicht wissenschaftlich davon Gebrauch macht. Man hat Gesteinspartikel von dem Schrifttellern geschabt und zur Analyze mit einer Kohlenstoffuhr nach Moskau geschickt. Dabei würde eine sensationelle Entdeckung gemacht: Die Rillenplatten sind stark Kobalt - und metallhaltig. Beim Test einer ganzen Platte mit einem Oszillographen zeigte sich ein überraschender Schwingungsrhythmus, so, als wären die Platten mit der Rillenschrift einst "geladen" gewesen oder hätten irgendwie als elektrische Leiter gedient. Niemand kann sagen, was hinter diesen Rillenschriftplatten aus der Zeit vor 12 000 Jahren steckt. Mutmassungen wären zu gewagt und nicht objektiv genug. Man erinnert sich aber der alten chinesische Sage von dem kleinen dünnen, gelben Menschen, die "aus den Wolken" kamen und wegen ihrer Hässlichkeit - ungewöhnlich grosse und breite Köpfe auf spindeldürren Körper - von allen gemieden und von den "Männern mit den schnellen Pferden" (Mongolen?) getötet wurden. Tatsächlich fanden sich in den Höhlen Grab - und Skelettüberreste aus der Zeit vor 12 000 Jahren. Tatsächlich wiesen die als Dropa - und Kham - Rasse bezeichneten Funde Masse eines schmächtigen Körperbaus und gewaltigen Schädels auf. In ersten chinesische Archäologie-Gutachten ist von einer "ausgestorbenen Gebirgsaffenart" die Rede. Aber hat je Jemand von geordneten "Affengraben" gehört und "Schriftplatten", die Vorzeitaffen angefertigt hätten?! Im Jahre 1940 ist der Archäologe Tschi Pu-tei für diese Theorie in ganz Asien verhöhnt worden. Tschi Pu-tei verteidigte sich aber, indem er erklärte, die Skelettfunde seien seiner Überzeugung nach Affen gewesen, dir Rillenschriftplatten wären von späteren "Kulturen" in den Höhlen abgelegt worden. Das alles ist etwas wirr. Aber es ändert nichts an dem Hieroglyphen-Rätsel von Baian-Kara-Ula, das dadurch nur noch komplizierter wird, dass die Höhlenwände Ritzbilder der Schriftplatten aufweisen, mehrfach die aufgehende Sonne zeigen, den Mond und die Sterne und dazwischen, ganze Schwärme erbsengrosser Punkte, die sich in eleganten Schwung dem Gebirge und der Erdoberfläche nähern. Reinhardt Wegemann SOURCE: |
Ufos in prehistoric times? The Baian-Kara-Ula hieroglyphs
We rate it as good indication, that magazines in other fields of activity like e.g.. "the Vegetar. Universe" also publish articles to inform its readers. D. Red. (DINA), Tokyo In the border area between Tibet and China, lies the caves area of the Baian-Kara-Ula high mountains. There, the strange writing boards - and hieroglyphs were found 25 years ago already. Several thousand years ago, with untraceable and completely unknown devices, men carved the hardest Chinese granite rock in the shape of plates like music vinyl record. The 716 rock plates found so far in the caves of Baian-Kara-Ula look exactly like music records with a hole in the center. From there, a double groove in spiral form unwinds itself to the outer edge. Of course it does not contain music, but the strangest writing that was ever found in China and probably in the whole world. It took archaeologists and scientists more than two decades to decipher the grooves' ancient hieroglyphics writing. Its meaning was so astonishing that the Academy for Prehistory in Beijing initially did not want to publish at all the report by scholar Professor Tsum Um-Nui. But ultimately they did. Archaeologist Tsum around-Nui agreed with four colleagues: "The grooves tell of flying machines that according to the plates existed 12,000 years ago." The disks literally said: "the Dropa came down with their air gliders from the clouds. Ten times until the sun set, they hid the indications, and saw that the Dropa came this time in peaceful intention..." The Dropa - and Kham - races were already found previously in the heights of the high mountains. Archaeologists cannot cope with these men of only 1,30 meters height, thus very small humans that still today are not categorized. There is no parallel to the Chinese, Mongol or Tibetans. It can of course be assume that already thousands of years ago, a prankster of the Khams took the liberty of playing a joke, or that it was only a belief, when it reported of "aerial vehicles". What should other Kham groove hieroglyphs statements mean, if every sensation is to be discarded, they simply represent a singing complaint over the fact that their own "air fleet" was destroyed with the landing in the difficulty accessible mountains and that they had no means to build a new one. The hieroglyphics of Baian Kara Ula seemed so mysterious to the Chinese Archaeology that they only make use of it with scientific caution. Particles of the stone writings plates were scraped and sent to Moscow for Analysis with a carbon clock. A sensational discovery was made: the groove plates are strongly cobalt - and metalliferous. In the test of a whole plate with an oscillograph, a surprising oscillation rhythm showed up as if the plates with the groove writings were once "charged" or would have been like some electrical conductor some was or another. Nobody can tell what is hiding behind these groove writing plates from 12,000 years ago. Presumptions would be too daring and not objective enough. One remembers however the old Chinese legend of small thin, yellow humans, that came "from the clouds" and because of their ugliness - unusually large and broad heads on spindle-dry body - were avoided by all and killed by the "men with the fast horses" (Mongols?). Indeed, skeleton remnants from 12,000 years ago were found in graves in the caves. Notably small figures with enormous heads as actually exhibited by the Dropa - and Kham - races. In the first Chinese archaeology evaluations we are told of "a species of mountain apes that became extinct". But has anyone ver heard of "apes graves" and "apes writing plates", in the prehistoric times?! In 1940, archaeologist Tschi Pu-tei as ridiculed for this theory in the entire Asia. Tschi Pu-tei defended itself however, by explaining that he is convinced that the skeletons are apes, while the groove writing plates were put in the caves by later "cultures". All this is somewhat confused. But it does not change anything in the hieroglyphic mystery of Baian-Kara-Ula, which becomes even more complex by the fact that the cave walls exhibit carved images of the writing plates, the rising sun, the moon and the stars and between them, whole swarms of pea-large points, which approach in elegant movement the mountains and the earth's surface. Reinhardt Wegemann SOURCE: |
The Dropas - New Information
At last some new information and investigation on this exceptional affair. SOURCE FOR THIS ARTICLE: This is an extract of an article published by Fate Magazine, August 1998, written by Stig Agermose, entitled "The Chinese Roswell", and shortly published on the web at the URL that has disappeared since. If you search the Fate Magazine web site now, you will not find anything about the Dropas anymore. The main page about this case is here. THE ARTICLE: During 35 years, a history circulated in connection with an alleged crashed UFO 12000 years ago in distant a mountain sector in China. When I intended time to speak about this history for the first, I thought that it was science fiction. But new developments made me change my mind. It began in 1937, with an expedition led by the archaeologist Chi Pu-Tei, through the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, in the province of Qinghai. The group discovered some caves in which strange skeletons were buried. All the skeletons had abnormally large heads and small, slim and fragile bodies. There was no writing on the tombs, but the explorers discovered 716 stone discs on which strange hieroglyphs were visible. From the hole in the center of each disc, a groove spiraled from the inner to the external edge. The explorers did not have any idea of the meaning of these hieroglyphs. Each disc weighed 900 grams and had 30 centimeters in diameter. It is only at the beginning of the Sixties that Tsum Um Nui, a professor at the Academy of Science of Peking succeeded in translating some parts of the inscriptions on the stone discs. But before being able to finish his report, the scientist had a problem. The Academy banished the publication of its work. It is not surprising when one knows the unusual conclusions found by Tsum Um Nui and his four assistants. They were convinced that the hieroglyphs on the stone discs spoke about the crash of an extraterrestrial vessel in the mountains 12000 years ago! After a long argument, the professor obtained the permission to publish his report. He introduced his readers into the history of extraterrestrial beings called the Dropa, which had crash-landed in the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula after a long space flight. A great number of these beings died, and the survivors could not repair their vessel, explained Tsum Um Nui. Of course, the scientific Establishment considered the story as nonsense, and Tsum Um Nui was accused of insanity. But the skeptics were unaware an old tradition in the province of Qinghai which was about beings small, thin, and horrible, with a large and heavy head and extremely weak arms and legs. They descended from the sky a very a long time ago. The inhabitants had been frightened by the strange aspect of those invaders coming from the clouds. Shortly after the publishing of his report, Tsum Um Nui emigrated in Japan. Depressed by the reactions of the other scientists, he died little after having completely finished the writing of a manuscript on the mystery of the stone discs. My book "Satellites of the Gods" was published in Japan in 1996, and I hope that Japanese readers will be able to provide new information on Tsum Um Nui and his destiny. Where was he buried? Which bookshop contains his report on the translation of the hieroglyphs? THE PROOF IS GONE: Nobody knows what was done with the 716 discs. Their existence was traced until 1974, when the Australian engineer Ernest Wegerer showed himself up to the Banpo Museum at Xi'an to study two of the discs. They corresponded to descriptions of Tsum Um Nui's 1962 report. Wegerer asked the museum's managers for more detailed information on the objects. Strangely, he was given lots of accurate explanation about all the other objects in the museum, but all that he learned about the stone discs was that they were some "cult objects of no importance". This was their description on their display in the museum. Nevertheless, the Australian was authorized to handle one of the discs and took the only known photographs of those. Wegerer estimates that they weighed 900 grams and measured 30 cm in diameter. They all had the strange hieroglyphs and the hole in the medium. The spiral cannot be seen on the photographs, partly because it had disaggregated and also because Wegerer used a Polaroid camera with an integrated flash. It is more or less at this point of the research that Peter Krassa, the co-author of "Satellites of the Gods" and I have tried to continue to study the mystery of the century. It was not easy. China suffered from its Cultural Revolution, from 1966 to 1976. Many people lost their life, and of innumerable invaluable objects were victims of these disorders. During this time, much of hand-worked objects from the provinces were taken away to Banpo. In March 1994, professor Wang Zhijun, director of the Banpo museum, received Krassa and I for a discussion on the stone discs. From the beginning, he did not seem to accept to give any information, and soon he told that the management of the museum assigned him to other tasks a few days before we visit the museum. I had the feeling that Wang Zhijun was very anxious during our investigation. When we asked him for the current location of the discs, it answered: "the stone discs which you mention do not exist, but being foreign elements to the pottery collection of this museum, they were moved." Isn't such a contradiction in such a short sentence amazing? SOURCE: |
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