The Enigmas on Mars 08
Mars Global Surveyor
MOC narrow-angle image M04-01289
Crater on bright unit in northern Sinus Meridiani

Open Pit Mine or Martian Crater?

The image above looks more like an open pit mine than any natural crater... even more so than Copernicus discussed in the Living Moon Series. The scaled image  width is 2.92km. Seeing as half the "crater" is showing, measurement gives us an approximate diameter of 4 kilometers...or 2.4 miles. This makes it almost as big as the Kennecot Copper Mine open pit in Utah.

Looking at it closer yields several anomalies right off the bat. These will be explored later when time becomes available...

Here are the key points of interest...

Top Ridge showing many simetrical shapes and an ordered structure. Look at the white lines in front of and between the clusters. They appear to be well traveled roadways
Same Ridge level at the bottom of the image...
Same Ridge level unusual object...
Top level of "crater", bottom roght of picture...

Complex with roadways... in a location where such a complex would be located...


Ramp Comparison Images
This ramp is at the bottom of the Kennecot Copper Mine in Utah... the dark area at the bottom is water. Notice the fork at the right and the "box" below the ramp.
This ramp is at the bottom of the Mars Crater...Notice the fork at the right and the "box" below the ramp. Notice also the curved shape of the dark area below the ramp and compare this to the one above.

Comparison Images to Demonstrate Image Identification
The images below are labeled and ARE NOT open to interpretation. They are what the label says they are. They are presented here to show what mining equipment looks like from a distant perspective. 
Ore Train heading into tunnel in side of "step" of the open pit mine

Machinery at the bottom of the pit...The fine vertical lines are power poles...

Rock Drill on opposite wall of pit...
Rock Drill on a closer tier...
Giant Mining Truck on lower ramp of open pit....
Giant Mining Truck on lower ramp of open pit....
Comparison Images to Demonstrate Image Identification
Kennecott Copper Mine, the world's largest man-made excavation and first open-pit, is located 28 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. 2 ½-miles across, and ¾-mile deep, the mine is so big, it can be seen from space shuttles in outer space.

Evidence of Giant Mining Machine
Tread Tracks cut Swath thru Martian Desert
Original image Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
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