The Enigmas on Mars 25 |
MOC narrow angle image M11-01782 Sample south polar terrain ..
Internos's Collection |
Discussion Thread on this topic at Originally posted by internos; A member of ATS Post ID307118 As suggested by some other members,
I've decided to open a thread about this find: I
don't know if these pics have already been posted
Sources: I'm not claiming that there are spaceships there, i'm just curious... |
First Impressions from Page One
Posters that say "It looks like a Shuttle"
Tikal "...i'm
convinced it's a NASA space shuttle crash site.
" Thill "Might
be crazy here but to me they look either like a
rocket launcher station (those v2 rockets kind
of type) or a big gun ...
Skeptic "...the photos are the result of
windblown debris." |
Originally posted by Tikal a member
of ATS Post
ID3582794 [reply to post by Lexion Post ID 3581357 No prob,
An exact fit? |
Originally posted by internos
Here, in the ancillary data for MOC narrow-angle image M11-01782.... they say: 2,83 Km = 1,76 miles... So here's a cropped part of the pic
with a ruler at the top, in order to try to
determine its approx size. Pegasus Addition: |
MOC narrow angle image M11-01782 "AQUILA CARGO SHIP" Added by Pegasus ..
Malin Space Systems: M1101782 The area where this anomaly is located is in the South Polar region, so what you are seeing is a field of ice... most likely mainly CO2 Ice.... The black streaks are the geysers mentioned in my last post... zoom in on them and compare them to the collection available here... Geysers on Mars In the top right corner we see white geysers, a much more rare occurrence. The 'anomaly' appears to be resting in a hole in the ice. (see below) |
Many in the thread have immediately responded that it 'looks like the Space Shuttle'. It does indeed look a lot like the shuttle to be sure... One poster commented that they didn't think the Shuttle could leave Earth orbit... However there is another one... one that is not public knowledge... below is a drawing of it... This one is specially outfitted to carry a special cargo vessel between LEO, the moon and Mars... |
Below is a side by side comparison of the two.... |
Before the Skeptics rain down on this... look at these two documents... Document One: This is a report of a work in progress... It is called Aquila. This vehicle can deliver over 50 tons to low Earth orbit from the Kennedy Space Center, using a combination of Space Shuttle and Delta IV Heavy components.... At L-1, three of these once used stages are fitted with landing gear and other elements needed to produce a highly capable Lunar Vehicle and it is refueled from propellants delivered from Earth to place the base and to provide a single visit of a six person crew to aid the robotic operations necessary to produce a fully functional base. Work continues on the “pay-off” phase; that is, further missions making use of the propellants obtained from the shallow “gravity well” of the Moon. A Mars mission departing from L-1
with mass of 686 tons can be placed on the trans
Mars SOURCE: LPI 6013.PDF The Aquila is built by Star Craft
boosters... All related info is here... AQUILA
Document Two: US PATENT 5,092,545 Method of Delivering Lunar Generated Fluid to Earth Orbit Using an External Tank Publication number: US5092545
ABSTRACT A method and apparatus are provided for delivering lunar generated fluid to Earth orbit from lunar orbit. Transport takes place in an external tank of a shuttle which has been suitably outfitted in Earth orbit for reusable travel between Earth orbit and a lunar orbit. The outfitting of the external tank includes the adding of an engine, an electrical system, a communication system, a guidance system, an aerobraking device, and a plurality of interconnected fluid storage tanks to the hydrogen and oxygen tanks of the external tank. The external tank is then propelled to lunar orbit the first time using Earth based propellant. In lunar orbit, the storage tanks are filled with the lunar generated fluid with the remainder tank volumes filled with lunar generated liquid oxygen and hydrogen which serve as propellants for returning the tank to Earth orbit where the fluid is off-loaded. The remaining lunar generated oxygen and hydrogen is then sufficient to return the external tank to lunar orbit so that a subsequent cycle of fluid delivery is repeated. A space station in a higher Earth orbit is preferably used to outfit the external tank, and a lunar node in lunar orbit is used to store and transfer the fluid and liquid oxygen and hydrogen to the external tank. The lunar generated fluid is preferably 3He.
Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow-angle image M11-01979 |
Originally posted by mikesingh a
member of ATS Post
Internos, what happened to that other anomaly you sent me? Hope you got my overlay. Why don't you post it here? It's pretty interesting too! Let's see what the others have to say! Cheers! |
Originally posted by internos a
member of ATS Post
Mike, thank you for the
Source: |
[Originally posted by mikesingh a
member at ATS Post
Cheers! |
Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow-angle image M04-02091 |
[Originally posted by Lunica a member
of ATS Post
I think you did a fine job here Mike. To bad we totally cannot say what it is. I have looked into some more of this type of MOC images, and never saw something like this. Also not something with straight lines in it. Therefore this find is significant I have got an example where its
perfectly clear what we seeing!
Source: |
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