The Enigmas on the Moon
Anomalies in Copernicus Crater
Section Two
Lunar Mine - Another Viewpoint
Posted by SkepticOverlord, on September 18, 2006 at 22:00 GMT
Granted, the violence and kinetic energy of a massive meteor impact
can certainly melt rock and cause all manner of formations.
On the other hand, there are some compelling features that have unique
If this is a surface mining site, I think it's ancient.
Posted by SkepticOverlord, on September 19, 2006 at 14:28 GMT
To illustrate the point, I've added what should be a reasonable representation
of a yellow steam shovel (they're not so little) to the photo at what should
be scale.
The copernicus walls are 11,400 feet at their tallest point... if we assume
worst case, I cropped the image to cover the cliff only, and scaled it
to 456 pixels, or one pixel for every 25 feet. (The scale is likely off
due to the perspective of the photo, but it's close enough for what we're
doing here.)
Now if we assign a very generous height of 75 feet to our shovel,
it will look something like this:
Author SkepticOverlord; a member of from,
Strip Mine in John Lear's Moon Photos?? |
The Evidence of the Cranes
"Crane 1"
This one is taken from Image #1 in Area "F". It has the appearance
of emitting steam or smoke from the back. |
"Crane 2"
This one is in Image #2 left of "Seal Rock". It has a shadow of itself
including the boom. Area "G" |
"The Crane 3A"
This one is in Image #2 on the top left edge of the picture. It has
very sharply defined features. This one is the best evidence of machinery
so far. First discovered by Zarniwoop
a member at ATS |
"The Crane 3B"
GRID 5-I-6a
This one is the SAME crane seen from above on Image #5. See below
for highlight and locator map. |
"The Crane on Earth"
This one is on Earth and is shown here for comparison. This Earth steam
shovel is over 70 feet tall. |
"Control Valve"
This odd structure is found in Image #1 bottom left corner. It shows
a pyramid shaped object with legs and a round top on a tower. There are
what appear to be pipes in the background. Click image to enlarge. |
"Seal Rock"
This is in Image #2, Area "G", used here as a landmark to find the
second "Crane" or shovel |
The Evidence of the Cranes
The Smoking Gun
Copernicus #2
Copernicus #5
This is the location of the Crane in Copernicus
This is the location of the same Crane in #5
The Anomalies in Area "B" on Copernicus #2
This section provides the best evidence on this Image for gases
venting from angular objects. Object "J" looks like a flat topped tank
or bunker, while "I" has step like features
First discovered by Zarniwoop
a member at ATS |
The "Mining Camps"
This area in Area "B" has the look of a flattened section with odd
shapes on it. You can make out what appear to be tracks. Perhaps this is
a mining camp of some sort? |
There is a second one in Image #1 Area "G". Again the same square
pattern viewed at an angle, but fewer objects in this one. |
These next three are actually located outside the crater on the south
side. They clearly appear to be landscaped and as these are closer to the
camera, you can actually make out rectangular structures. This one has
a large single structure in the center. |
This one on close inspection shows a sphere on poles and several
peaked roof tops. The general impression is a workers camp, while the previous
one looks like a factory or similar structure. There is another smaller
section off to the left that has a larger structure |
This one has several large rectangular structures and at least one
clearly defines peaked roof. |
"The Monument"
GRID 5L-11a
This object is truly amazing when see from above in #5 with sharp
angles and shadows. This is one of several areas showing a structure with
sharp angles and straight lines and has a remarkable resemblance to Mayan
pyramids. |
"The Monument"
This is the same object in #2. There appears to be some airbrushing
in this area, especially the two long pure black straight shadows next
to this object |
The Anomalies in Area "B" on Copernicus #5
Area "B" on Copernicus #5 Anomaly Locator |
"Venting Area"
GRID 5L-10a
This area corresponds to the venting area in Image #2. Though difficult
to see you can trace out the top of object "J" , the step like object "I"
and two tank shapes. The order and spacing is consistent with the area
on #2 |
"Odd Spires"
GRID 5L-11b
Very odd shaped towers with shadows. These spires are in the general
area of "Object H" in the above images |
Hidden "Saucer" on the Moon
"UFO Rock"
Copernicus # 2
On the scale of things in these photos, the above image is most likely
a peculiar trick of light and shadow. However the clearly visible bands
and classic "Saucer" shape do make it an interesting anomaly to include
in this collection. Its size also means that it stands out in the image
so the sooner it is identified, the easier it is to eliminate it in a search
for the truly significant anomalies, which are actually small.
It is interesting though that such an enigma appears on a photo used
in a search for ET evidence on the moon. There is also one we have called
"Shuttle Rock". You can see it here
on page three.
The Anomalies in Area "D" on Copernicus #2
"Odd Spheres"
This line of spherical objects is very peculiar and look out of place
when you zoom out. They are on the face wall of the cliff |
The Anomalies in Area "D" on Copernicus #5
"Tunnel Ridge seen from Above"
GRID 5-M-8
This is the aerial view of the ledge seen in the last set. This
area was first located by Ram
an ATS Member, but I missed its significance. |
Reducing the contrast produces these results. You can see many symmetrical
shapes, tanks and the tunnel location becomes apparent. Below is the same
image with inserts from #2 matching up the location |
The Enigma of the Spheres
Sphere {center} Copernicus # 1
Note: This image also appears in #2
as the images overlap
I realize it's a box we're supposed to be looking for... but this
is the floating sphere that caught my eye in the Copernicus 1 image
Author: Worldwatcher;
a member of
More Spheres with Shadows
Copernicus # 2 Left of "Box"
Copernicus # 1 Top Center
Copernicus # 2 Upper Left
Copernicus # 4
Copernicus # 1
Possible Crater
Copernicus # 1
Lines connecting the dots
Copernicus # 1
Copernicus # 1
This Sphere was first posted by Xabora
an ATS Member
The Enigma of the Shadows
Much has been said about the play of light on the eyes that make
shadows appear as something else. Just like people can see strange objects
in clouds, so it is with rock faces and shadows. However the shadows included
here are the ones that are obvious, and have been captured on film. And
odd shadows generally require something to MAKE that shadow. The challenge
offered here is to locate the source of these strange shadows...
The "Cross"
Copernicus #5
GRID 5-K-4
Copernicus #1
The first one is the "Cross" which has been used by many as a landmark
to compare Copernicus #5 and Copernicus # 1. Copernicus # 5 is an aerial
view of #1 to #4. But no one has yet wondered about the source of the "Cross"
shadow that is so easily identifiable in both pictures.
Update: As of Sept. 28, 2006 two ideas have been submitted...
"Its a meteor strike path that cut this path..."
"Its a landing strip..."
Note; need to find the quotes...
This one has a long thin shadow with no apparent object to cast
it. The whole area looks interesting. Left center of Copernicus #1
GRID F-6 to G-6
Copernicus # 5
Slot Machine
"Ball on Pyramid"
Copernicus # 5 Upper Right
Copernicus #2
Copernicus #5
GRID 5N-12
Both these shadows are the same enigma. They are on the right hand side
of the second "step" from the bottom. There are other anomalies associates
with them that will be covered later. But we can see nothing that makes
these unique shadows.
Just for Fun
A Gray at a Vending Machine?
Copernicus # 5 {Rotated}
Just for Fun From Copernicus # 5
"The Butler"
Finds like this make one really wonder if NASA
editors are pulling one over on us. After all this Image #5 is supposed
to be touched up...
But I really wonder what THIS object is...
This enigma is in Area "H" and will be looked
at there. |
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