The Enigmas on the Moon |
Apollo 11 AS11-41-6156 .
Every now and then we get lucky and the censors actually miss something... The image above is another one the censors missed. Its easy to see why... at a glance this looks like nothing but craters and moon dust, though a lot of terrain looks like neat rectangular rows. But upon closer inspection, there is one of the best anomalies I have seen tucked away neatly into a crater. This image came to me from an anonymous member from ATS in good standing with the Pegasus Research Group via email. Below the area of interest is circled. You can download the original high resolution image by clicking on the photo above. The original full size image is available here at the
Lunar Surface Journal
"View of area west of Crater 308 from lunar orbit." - Source |
I'm beginning to seriously wonder what things might be going on on the Lunar surface. If we all remember, I was one of the staunchest protestors to this idea some 110 pages ago. Now, I'm not so sure... After having seen the AS11-41-6156 image posted several pages before, I saved it to look at in more depth. It was only about 5 minutes ago that I spotted something sticking out at me. Now, I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not, and I'm not going to go back and reread these 115 pages to find out, heh. If it has, then I apologize. This "thing", for lack of a better word, is sitting beside the big crater just left of center in the image referenced above. If you zoom in enough, you'll see what appears to be a squareish outcropping, with what appears to be a shadow being cast below it. Now, I'm not sure that this isn't just a "trick of light and shadow", to use the phrase coined by NASA back in '76. Now that by itself isn't usually enough to merit my bothering to notice it. What really got me interested was what appeared to be a straight post sticking up out of the center of it... Support beam of some kind perhaps? I know this is just shear
speculation, as all the past pages have been, but there's mounting evidence
to something amazing going on there, and when this hits mainstream media
sources, it will be a great day for all of UFOlogy, as well as many historians
"Here along the left edge there appears to be a structure or giant vehicle." Found by Groingrinder, a member of ATS |
Crater 308 Apollo 11 AS11-44-6611 .
Another source says:
A Third source says:
So we have three NASA sources, with three drastically different measurements. If they have that much trouble getting a simple fact straight, makes you wonder what else they are wrong about. Below is a close-up of the area surrounding the crater that should have the "Compound" in it. Though e cannot see into the crater, the surrounding area shows many rectangular anomalies and road like lines.
Apollo 11 AS11-44-6609 .
at Above Top Secret Discussion Forum |
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