Sylphs or Pareidolia? |
or are they Sylphs? People go outside (rarely these days ![]() Pareidolia!!! Now Pareidolia is defined as; Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus (an image or a sound) which is perceived as significant. A
Perfect Case is the Face on Mars
![]() Great! I am glad we got that out of the way... so we can move on ![]() |
HOWEVER while this may be true,
there are cases, MANY cases where what you think you
see is actually there... because everyone who looks at
it sees the same thing. So at that point we can ask
"Is there more to it?" "And if so... who or what is
causing it?" We have all seen this at work in the moon and Mars anomaly threads. Some will see patterns in pixels, others see nothing but blurry rocks. The percentage who clearly see the artifact or the curiosity, will all agree that it LOOKS like such and such... then debate whether or not it is Those that see "nothing but blurry rock" may have a block. That block may be outside powers keeping them from seeing, it may be bad eyes or a lousy monitor, or it may be Prosopagnosia, the opposite of Pareidolia, or Face Blindness. Prosopagnosia (Greek: "prosopon" = "face", "agnosia" = "not knowing"), also called face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g., object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g., decision making) remain intact. The purpose of this section is about the POSSIBILITY that certain things we see are not just random cases of pareidolia but are real phenomena. Perhaps THIS is why the ancients so so many Spirits in Nature. For the forum:First a few Definitions... |
Sylph Sylph (also called sylphid)
is a mythological spirit of the air. The term
originates in the 16th century works of Paracelsus,
who describes sylphs as invisible beings of the air,
his elementals of air.
Since the term sylph itself originates with Paracelsus, there is relatively little pre-Paracelsian legend and mythology that can be confidently associated with it, but a significant number of subsequent literary and occult works have been inspired by the idea. Robert Alfred Vaughan noted that "the wild but poetical fantasies" of Paracelsus had probably exercised a larger influence over his age and the subsequent one than is generally supposed, particularly on the Rosicrucians, but that through the 18th century they had become reduced to "machinery for the playwright" and "opera figurantes with wings of gauze and spangles." Wikipedia Yes the Rosicrucians are involved ![]() Elemental An elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus. There are four elemental categories: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders. These correspond to the Classical elements of antiquity: earth, water, air and fire. Aether (quintessence) was not assigned an elemental. Terms employed for beings associated with alchemical elements vary by source and gloss. Wikipedia Undine
Rising From the Waters (Consider the
Lady of the Lake in Arthur's history)
They are also called Faeries and Nature Spirits... Nymph A nymph (Greek: νύμφη, nymphē) in Greek mythology and in Latin mythology is a minor female nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform. Different from other goddesses, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted and chaste wives and daughters of the Greek polis. They are beloved by many and dwell in mountainous regions and forests by lakes and streams. Although they would never die of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortal children if mated to a god, they themselves were not necessarily immortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms. Charybdis and Scylla were once nymphs. Nymphs are also found in lots of popular culture such as fantasy video games. Other nymphs, always in the shape of young maidens, were part of the retinue of a god, such as Dionysus, Hermes, or Pan, or a goddess, generally the huntress Artemis. Nymphs were the frequent target of satyrs. Ent Ents are a race of beings in
J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world Middle-earth who
closely resemble trees. They are similar to the
talking trees in folklore around the world. Their
name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for giant.
The Ents appear in The Lord of the Rings as ancient shepherds of the forest and allies of the free peoples of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring. The Ent who figures most prominently in the book is Treebeard, who (credibly) claims to be the oldest creature in Middle-earth. At the time The Lord of the Rings takes place, there are no young Ents (Entings) because the Entwives (female Ents) were lost. The Ents are akin to Huorns, whom Treebeard describes as a transitional form of trees which become animated or, conversely, as Ents who grow more "treelike" over time. Inspired by Tolkien and similar traditions, animated or anthropomorphic tree creatures appear in a variety of media and works of fantasy. Wikipedia ![]() Watcher Watcher (Aramaic); Theodotian trans: ir; from the root of Heb. `er, "awake, watchful"; "Watchers", "those who are awake"; Chaldean, "guard", "watcher") is a term used in connection with biblical angels. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (2nd century BC), where reference is made to their holiness. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (1st and 2nd centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones. Wikipedia The Watchers come in many forms. Religions call them Angels or Guardian Angels. Some are not good. The Time Lords, the Guardians of Time ... these too are watchers... usually show in hooded capes so you cannot see a face. The Grimm Reaper would be one. These terms will all be used in this thread. Do try to show restrain with random off topic posts. I will be adding more definitions as I update the pages. Forum Thread |
![]() Ondina, the Portuguese version, although relatively rare, is used as a female name in Portugal. A 16th century Portuguese poet, Luis de Camões, in his most well-known work, Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads), asked the Tágides, the Tagus nymphs, for inspiration. Tágides,
the Tagus Nymphs
![]() Are mythological beings that
inhabited the river Tagus, first were mentioned in
a poem by André de Resende and later immortalized
by Camões in his masterpiece – Os Lusiadas.
In the heart of Lisbon there´s a fountain called Luminosa /Luminous where some of these creatures were carved in stone some standing, some on their knees coming out of the water holding their sea shells that announced the sea..til today we say that if we listen closely we can hear the ocean inside one. In a modern approach made of wood, can be seen in front of the Atlantic Pavilion in the Walk of the Tagus Nymphs coming out of a shallow lake. SOURCE |
Pareidolia!!! or are they Sylphs? « Reply #44 on: June 16, 2015, Author Sinny » The other day I took a seat and started watching the clouds, If you do a weather check on the central UK you've get a feel for the conditions. Humid, blue sky's with ominous black rain clouds occasionally popping by. Anyway, I was watching this large thick dark cloud, and a lighter large grey cloud passing beneath it in the opposite direction... Within seconds I began to see all sorts of faces and images emerge, and rapidly at that too. It was like a 20 minute animation. All the images were dark also.. Dunno if it's significant, but \I've never experienced pareidolia like that before. I was high.. But in my defense I'm high 20/24 hours a day, ~ Sinny |
![]() Quote from: Sinny on June 16, 2015, 05:17:29 AM Dunno if it's significant, but \I've never experienced pareidolia like that before. High can just open your mind as long as your not too high :P Though I don't support use of drugs for fun and games EVERY storm as it forms has a
face or several faces... EVERY one But you
have to look at the right time... they do not appear
for long... WHY is this? It is easy to say
"pareidolia" but in ancient times the tribes KNEW
they were spirits. I have collected the best
ones for years... in clouds, in rocks and in
trees... They are there of that there is no
They have been named SYLPHS, ELEMENTALS or NATURE SPIRITS... They can be summoned by those who know and accept them as real. Perhaps it is merely the power of our own mind, pehaps not... but the more you look, the more aware you become, the clearly they will appear (and then people call YOU crazy ![]() Now I have collected and studied them for years. I have also pursued the Dragons, Elves and Faeries... those too are NATURE SPIRITS... I always knew I was on the right track... had a gut feeling... even the Rosicrucian philosophy helped... But not until last night did I come across THIS In Theosophy Now that ONE LITTLE PIECE of writing to me personally ties up and connects so many loose ends... John Lear speaks of beings on all the planets in the solar sytem (perhaps in other dimensions) T Lobsang Rampa spoke of the entities that exist between the physical plane and the astral plane, elementals. imps, tricksters (Faeries are know to be tricksters if you are not careful. This is why the Catholic churches would put out food for the Fae) An active third eye, a working pineal gland is the key to seeing them. Different time periods, different names but they are always there the elementals. Oddly enough I just got linked up to a Red Witch who does a series of lessons to see Faeries. I guess it REALLY IS time for me to return to the Elves |
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