Extract from the book
By Jan van Hilsing (pseudonym)
From page 167:
In 1917 the occultist BARON RUDOLF VON SEBOTTENDORF, the
Gurdjeff disciple KARL HAUSHOFER, the ace pilot LOTHAR WAIZ, PRELATE GERNOT
of the secret "Societas Templi Marcioni" (The Inheritors of the Knights
Templar) and MARIA ORSIC, a transcendental medium from Zagreb met in Vienna.
They all had extensively studied the "Golden Dawn", its teachings, rituals
and especially its knowledge about Asian secret lodges. Sebottendorf and
Haushofer were experienced travellers of India and Tibet and much influenced
by the teachings and myths of those places. During the First World War
Karl Haushofer had made contacts with one of the most influential secret
societies ofAsia, the Tibetan Yellow Hats" (dGe-lugs-pa). This sect was
formed in 1409 by the Buddhist reformer Tsong-kha-pa. Haushofer was initiated
and swore to commit suicide should his mission fail. The contacts
between Haushofer and the yellow Hats" led in the Twenties to the formation
of Tibetan colonies in Germany.
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The four young people hope that during these meetings in Vienna they would learn something about the secret revelatory texts of the Knights Templar and also about the secret fraternity DIE HERREN VOM SCHWARZEN STEIN ("The Lords of the Black Stone"). Prelate Gernot was of the "Inheritors of the Knights Templar", which to my knowledge are the only true Templar society. They are the descendants of the Templars of 1307 who passed on their secrets from father to son - until today. Prelate Gernot apparently told them about the advent of a new age - the change-over from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
They discussed that our solar year - according to the twelve revolutions of the moon - was divided into twelve months and thus the revolution of our sun around the great central sun (the Black Sun of ancient myths) was also divided into twelve parts. Together with the precession of the cone-shaped proper movement of the Earth due to the inclination of the axis this determines the length of the world age. Such a "cosmic month" is then 2,155 years, the "cosmic year" 25,860 years long. According to the Templars the next change is not just an ordinary change of the age, but also the end of a cosmic year and the start of an absolutely new one.
By completing the 25,860 years the Earth is changing from the age with the weakest (Pisces) to the age with the strongest radiation (Aquarius). Indo-Aryan definition call this the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of sin. All age changes have led to political, religious, social and also geological upheavals of great impact. The time of change-over form the old to the new age is called in Mesopotamian teachings the three "double steps of Marduk", of 168 years duration, at the mid-point of which the ILU ray, the Divine Ray, is expected to reach the Earth.
The Templars did careful calculations and concluded that February 4,1962 was the date the ray would reach Earth. This gave the mid-point of the 168 years change-over phase and the years 1934 and 1990 as other important dates.
The main part of the discussions dealt with the background of a section of the New Testament, Matthew 21:43. For there Jesus addressed the JEWS:
"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
The complete original text that is kept in the archives of the "Societas Ternph Marcioni" says it even more clearly. But the point is: In that text Jesus actually names the "people", He talks to Teutons serving in the Roman legion and he tells them that it is THEIR people that he had chosen. That was what Sebottendorf and his friends wanted to know for sure: That the Teutonic, i.e. the German, people was commissioned to form the realm of light upon Earth - in the "Land of the Midnight Mountain" (Germany). The place where the ray would meet the Earth was given as the Untersberg near Salzburg.
At the end of September 1917 Sebottendorf met with members of the "Lords of the Black Stone" at the Untersberg to receive the power of the "Black-Purple Stone" after which the secret society was named.
The "Lords of the Black Stone" who formed out of the Marcionite Templar societies in 1221 and were led by Hubertus Koch had set as their aim the fight against evil and the building of Christ's realm of light. This dark power they were to fight had revealed himself in the so-called Old Testament through Moses and other mediums as God, starting with the words by YHWH = JAHVEH - Jehovah to Abraham: "I am God Almighty!"
(Dette var en av de Lyransk/pleiadiske autorative ledere som hadde utviklede åndelige krefter, og som ble kjent som Ishwish’er - som betyr gud eller visdomskonger. De omtales også altså med betegnelsen JHWH, og sporene etter disse finnes i den jødiske bibel. Bare i den hebraiske delen av Bibelen, forekommer dette ordet nesten 7000 ganger! Deres åndskraft tillot dem å leve i årtusener, og de hersket over talløse sivilisasjoner - men dengang med brutal makt. Menneskene på Jorden var enda i høy grad instinktledet, og måtte som "flokkdyr" ledes av sterke ledere. R.Ø.anm.)
In Hebrew: "Ani ha El Shaddai", translated: I am El Shaddai - the "out-cast Archangel (Shaddai El) - Sheitan or Satan" (see the original translation of Genesis 17:1, e.g. in: The Bible, New International Version).
Sebottendorf clearly recognized: The Shaddai, the God of the Old Testament, is the destroyer, the antagonist of God. His followers therefore sought to destroy the Earth, Nature and humanity. And the followers were the believers in Mosaic Law, the Hebrews. (Remember the tenets of the Talmud!)
In the Gospel of John, 8:39-45, Jesus states this directly. There he addresses the Jews:
Abraham is our father,' they (the Jews) answered.
'If you were Abraham's children,' said Jesus, 'then you would do the things Abraham did. As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. You are doing the things your own father does.'
'We are not illegitimate children,' they protested. 'The only Father we have is God Himself'
Jesus said to them, 'If God were your Father, you
would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on
my own; but He sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you
are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and
you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the
beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When
he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father
of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!"
(this is right according to the information on this stuff brought
forth thorough the pleiadian
contact-team - who informed Meier that the ancestors of
"the jews" was procreated through the pleiadian scientist Semjasa - who
was one of the subleaders of the powergreed leader ARUS - and therefor
this group was given preferential treatment and guarded - also the reason
why the "jews" are more intelligent than the average earth-man)
Today still many people naively ask: But why then did Hitler go against the Jews? I hope that the last few lines have shown you. In the eyes of the THULE-GESELLSCHAFT, from which later emerged the DAP (German Workers' Party), the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party), the SS (Schutzstaffel), the Jewish people who had been charged by the Old Testament god JAHVEH to "raise havoc on Earth" were the reason why the world was always caught up in war and discord.
The Thule people knew about the Jewish banking systems, i.e. Rothschild and allies, and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and felt it was their task to fight the Jewish people, but especially their banking and lodge system, in accordance with the Revelation of Sahaja, and to erect the realm of light upon Earth.
Author's Comment:
As you can see, these people were just as incapable to remedy the cause as their Lord Jesus had told them how - to change the world with love for creation, for oneself and for the neighbour (and that neighbour can also be of another race or religion). But they had relinquished self-responsibility and gave it to a guilty one, a SATAN. Their hatred made them so blind that they never realized that they used the same weapons as the purportedly satanic god Jahveh they wanted to fight. They should have known though that one cannot achieve peace by war.
A circle formed around BARON RUDOLF VON SEBOTTENDORF that via the "Teutonic Order" in 1918 in Bad Aibling became the "THULE-GESELLSCHAFT". The themes they tried to link to politics were scientific magic, astrology, occultism and Templar knowledge as well as "Golden Dawn" practices like Tantra, Yoga and Eastern meditation.
The Thule-Gesellschaft believed, following the Revelation of Isais, in a Coming Saviour (German: Heiland = the Holy One), the "Third Sargon" who would bring to Germany glory and a new Aryan culture. Dietrich Bronder ("Before Hitler Came") and E. R. Carmin ("Guru Hitler") named the leading members as follows:
1. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Grand Master of the Order
2. Guido von List, Master of the Order
3. Jo~rg Lanz von Liebenfels, Master of the Order
4. Adolf Hitler, "Führer", German Chancellor, SS Superior
5. Rudolf Hess, Vice Führer, and SS Obergruppenfii~hrer
6. Hermann Gøring, Reichsmarschall and SS Obergruppenführer
7. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS and Reichsminister
8. Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsminister and NS-Reichsleiter
9. Hans Franck, Dr. Dr. h. c., NS-Reichsleiter and Governor General of Poland
10. Julius Streicher, SA-Obergruppenführer and Gauleiter of Franken
11. Karl Haushofer, Prof. Dr., Major General ret.
12. Gottfried Feder, Prof. Dr., Secretary of State ret.
13. Dietrich Eckart, Editor in Chief of the "Vølkischer Beobachter"
14. Bernhard Stempfle, father confessor and confidant of Hitler
15. Theo Morell, personal physician of Hitler
16. Franz Gurtner, president of the police, Munich
17. Rudolf Steiner, founder of the antroposophic teaching
18. W. 0. Schumann, Prof. Dr. at the Technical University Munich
19. Trebisch-Lincoln, occultist and traveller to the Himalayas
20. Countess Westrap
and many others
Later the Thule-Gesellschaft split in two, the esoterics (Greek: esoteros = the inner), among which counted Rudolf Steiner, and the exoterics (Greek: exoteros = the outer), who later were led by Hitler. The Thule-Gesellschaft in its inner core was peaceful in nature, besides knowing about the Illuminati and El Shaddai. It was Hitler who became more radical. When Hitler had taken over the NSDAP, he prohibited the Thule and the Vril Gesellschaften after they had helped him to his position. Towards the end of the war he contacted them again, especially the Vril-Gesellschaft, because of their advanced technology and their special contacts.
Some of the most important teachings influencing the Thule-Gesellschaft was the Aryo-Germanic construction of religion (Wihinei) by the philosopher Guido von List, the Glacial Cosmology by Hans Hørbiger and a leaning towards the anti-Old Testament early Christianity of the Marcionites. The innermost circle at any rate had vowed to fight World Judaism and Freemasonry and its lodges.
Some authors claim that there was also a completely different ideology of the Thule-Gesellschaft. I would like to share this with you, even if it can't be one hundred percent ascertained. The reader may judge.
An short history of "THULE"
"ULTIMA THULE" apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuna and Atlantis. The Scandinavians have a tale of "Ultima Thule", the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell.
Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is assumed that the Hyperboreans came from the solar system Aldebaran which is the main star in the constellation Taurus, and that they were about four metres tall, white, blond and blue eyed. They knew no war and were vegetarians (so was Hitler). According to alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew "Vril-ya", flying machines that today we call UFOs.
These flying disks were capable of levitation, extreme speeds and the manoeuvres known from today's UFOs due to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force, Orgon..., but also from the academic "vri-IL" = as the highest deity = god-like), i.e. they take the energy from the Earth's magnetic field (free energy) like the "tachyon converter" of Captain Hans Coler.
When HYPERBOREA began to sink, the Hyperboreans are said to have burrowed (grave/borre) with huge machines - gigantic tunnels into the Earth's crust and settled under the Himalaya region. The subterranean realm is called AGHARTA and its capital SHAMBALLAH. The Persians call this land "Aryana", the land of origin of the Aryans.
Here we should mention that Karl Haushofer claimed that Thule was actually Atlantis and - contrary to all other researchers of Tibet and India - he said that the surviving Thule-Atlanteans were separated into two groups, a good one and an evil one. Those who called themselves after their oracle Agharti - were the good and settled in the Himalaya region, the evil ones were the Shamballah - who wanted to subjugate humanity and they went West. He maintained that the fight between the people of Agharta and Shamballah had been going on for thousands of years and that in the Third Reich, the Thule Gesellschaft as Agartha's representative -continued it against the representatives of Shamballah, the Freemasons and the Zionists. This perhaps was his mission.
The head of this subterranean region he said was Rigden Iyepo, the king of the world, with his representative upon the Earth's surface, the Dalai Lama. Haushofer was convinced that the land below the Himalayas was the birthplace of the Aryan race, which he claimed to have confirmed during his Tibet and India travels.
The symbol of Thule was the swastika counter clockwise. Tibetan lamas and the Dalai Lama personally testified that people from Agartha were still living today. The subterranean land that is anchored in almost all Eastern traditions has spread over the millennia under all of the Earth's surface with huge centres under the Sahara desert, the Matto Grosso and the Santa Catarina mountains in Brazil, Yucatan in Mexico, Mount Shasta in California, England, Egypt, Czechoslovakia...
It seems that Hitler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean world Agartha and to get in contact with the descendants of the Aryan "God people" from Aldebaran-Hyperborea. In the myths and traditions of the subterranean world it is often said that the world's surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war (Third World War) which would though be ended by earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching of the poles and the deaths therefrom of two thirds of humanity.
After this "last war" the several races of the inner Earth would reunite with the survivors on the surface and the thousand-year GOLDEN AGE (age of Aquarius) would be rung in. Hitler wanted to build an outer "Agartha" or "Aryana" with the Aryan master race, and Germany should be its home. During the existence of the "Third Reich" two large expeditions were sent by the SS to the Himalayas to find those entrances. Further expeditions searched in the Andes, the Matto Grosso mountains in the North and the Santa Catarina mountains in the South of Brazil, in Czechoslovakia and parts of England.
Some authors claim that the Thule people believed that - quite independently of the subterranean tunnel and city system - the Earth was HOLLOW, with two great openings at the poles. Natural laws were quoted, "As above, so below". Since blood, body or egg cells, a comet or an atom all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a "corona radiata", an envelope, and the actual "life" is taking place in the core, one has deduced that the Earth was built after the same principles. Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the "life", the minerals and crystals, were in the interior. (also the tibetan rampa described some trips into tunnels ending into the interior of earth - but those was sealed from inside).
Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow - apparently agreeing with the views of the Tibetan Lamas including the Dalai Lama - and had a nucleus, the central sun (also called the "Schwarze Sonne", the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in the macrocosm.
They maintain that the actual life of our planet takes place in the interior - the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface - and that this was also the reason why we wouldn't find any life upon other planets of our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass. The polar explorer Olaf Jansen and others said that the water in the interior was fresh, which could explain why the ice of the Arctic and the Antarctic is made of freshwater, not salt water. It is interesting to note that this view of the make-up of the world is shared and supported by the polar explorers Cook, Peary, Amundsen, Nansen and Kane and, last but not least, Admiral E. Byrd. All had the same, strange experiences contradicting existing scientific theory:
All confirmed that after 76 gr latitude the winds became warmer, that birds flew north over the ice, that animals like foxes also went north, that they found coloured and grey snow which when thawed left coloured pollen or volcanic ash. The question arises: where do flower pollen or volcanic ash near the North Pole come from, as not a single volcano is marked on any of the accessible maps? Further some of the explorers found themselves in freshwater seas, and all say that at a time during their travels they had seen two suns. Mammoths were found whose flesh was still fresh and whose stomachs contained fresh grass.
If you are further interested in the hollow Earth and the experiences of the different explorers, some titles are listed under "Further Reading" at the back of this book.
The "Hollow Earth" theory has so far remained just a theory to the public, although some authors and explorers claim to have visited there and even - like Admiral E. Byrd - had taken numerous pictures. It cannot be denied that all the Arctic explorers had had extraordinary experiences that so far cannot be explained, which points to something strange happening there. But the theory that the Earth had a molten core has equally remained just a theory. The fact remains though that the subterranean man-made tunnel and cave systems do exist. They can be found in almost any country of the world and by the largely still existing light source (a greenish glow that gets brighter the deeper one enters the tunnels), by the smooth walls and the unknown machinery that was found in the Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Arizona, are witness to a technically advance culture that existed millions of years before. Relevant literature is listed at the back.
The myths of a "Hollow Earth" were enough for the Thule people to go on to start a serious study of the phenomenon. Therefore there was at least one expedition to the Antarctic during World War Two. (Details follow).
To show that the story of the Aryan Hyperboreans was not entirely invented I would like to mention two examples: When the Spaniards under Pizarro came to South America in 1532, the natives called them "vicarochas" (white lords). According to their legends there was a master race of very tall white people who centuries before had descended in "flying disks" from heaven. They had long ruled in some of the towns and when they disappeared had promised to return. When the fair skinned Spaniards arrived, the natives thought them to be the vicarochas coming back and therefore in the beginning willingly gave them their gold.
Similar occurrences took place when the first white travellers arrived in Tibet and other Himalayan regions. They were scrutinized (gransket) in astonishment by the Tibetans and asked why they came from below (the foot of the mountains) rather than from above as they usually did.
It is a pity that most Germans have never heard about these things, since the ideology of Nazi Germany was based on the El Shaddai theme and the resulting persecution of Jews, the Revelation of Isais, the knowledge of the Templars and possibly on the tales just told. All their actions including the Second World War were based thereupon. There are two possibilities to deal with this:
1 You think all the leaders of the "Third Reich" were mentally disturbed and drug addicts and you simply ignore all of this or
2. You try to find out whether perhaps something of all this is true after all.
But to find literature about this subject you should not look in so-called "free" Germany, for the Allies had cleaned up very thoroughly after the war!!!