Kepler Supernova Remnant From Thunderbolts.com, "Four hundred years ago, before the invention of the telescope, astronomers were amazed by the appearance of a new star. It soon dimmed to invisibility, but they noted its location in the sky. Later astronomers, with the aid of telescopes, found at the location of the new star a nebulous cloud of glowing gas (image above). The developing theory of nuclear-powered stars led them to believe the cloud was a spherical shell of gas blown away by an exploding star. With the discovery that such glowing clouds and their central stars were composed entirely of plasma, a few astronomers realized that electrical forces had to be taken into account. The invention of more powerful telescopes (yellow is the visible light image) and of telescopes that could "see" in x-ray (green and blue images) and infrared (red image) light confirmed the electrical nature of these clouds. An isolated star that explodes would be expected to produce a spherical cloud of gas. Instead, the cloud is plasma, and it reveals plasma's characteristic feature of organizing itself into a network of electric current filaments (notice especially the yellow and green areas). Furthermore, the cloud is not spherical but shows a distinct bipolar shape, somewhat reminiscent of the form of a brain seen from above. This axis through the nebula and the central star is the path of the Birkeland current that supplies the power to energize the system. And that energy is expended in more than the visible light that reveals the filaments: Around the periphery of the cloud, on the surface of the plasma sheath that mediates the internal electrical field with the field outside, can be seen bright spots of x-ray emission (blue). This is where currents in the sheath flow between high voltage differentials and, as in a dentist's x-ray machine, accelerate the current-carrying particles to x-ray energies. We see these x-ray spots primarily at the edge of the sheath because that is where we are looking into the currents, where the x-rays are beamed in our direction. Instead of being the result of a mechanical explosion, the nebula is the result of a sudden increase in the current that powers the central star, a stellar electrical surge. The sheath (which surrounds every star and is normally invisible) has been pushed into the "glow" discharge state; the increased current is pulling matter from the star and from the surrounding space into the filaments that compose that current; and all of it is being heated electrically. Such a surge would have had a sudden onset and an exponential decline--just like a lightning bolt. The new star that 17th Century astronomers saw flaring up in their sky was a stellar thunderbolt. What we see is the declining aftermath." end.And Now— the rest of the story: By William C. House
The supernova lasted until 1606. In the beginning it was as bright as Mars but then surpassed even Jupiter. Assuming that the astrologers mentioned above were right about the 800 and 1,600 year cycles, was Emperor Rudolph II equal to Christ or even a Charlemagne? He was definately an interesting character. He turned Prague into a center of esoteric and occult knowledge. All sorts flocked there from Kepler to John Dee. But after all is said and done, he was not a great luminary but just someone who collected art and esoteric mysteries and helped advance the knowledge of such things. Based on the fact that Jesus Christ
was born at one of these aspects (Remember the Bethlehem Star?), I suspect
that these astrological configurations are some highly significant spiritual
harbingers. The astrologers picked the only notable character they knew
for the first 800 year aspect after Christ. Charlemagne accomplished much
for Europe but he was hardly on par with the Piscean Master. There is one
in the East who lived 800 years after Christ who was equal to the task
of bringing a great Light to the earth. This is what H. P. Blavatsky had
to say about him:
Blavatsky speaks of Guru Rinpoche
or Padmasambhava (730 - 805, biography).
She is correct in assigning him spiritual duties that encompass a planet.
Someday the world will recognize this but we're not there yet. No one reaches
Heaven except through Christ (Jesus holds the office of Christ and for
any who expect to ascend back to heaven, they must go through their own
Christ Self where they will meet Jesus.) and no one becomes a Guru without
Padmasambhava. So, in 1604, was there one other adept ready to change the
world 800 years after Padmasambhava? Paracelsus believed there was.
"It was in 1572 that nature took up the challenge of Aristotle, who had claimed more than a thousand years earlier that the heavens were immutable, but the stars were fixed, that nothing could ever change in the skies. In the 14th year of Elizabeth's happy reign, the heavens proved him wrong. A marvelous new star [a comet] flashed out of the constellation Cassiopeia. The star was as short-lived as it was a brilliant. Within a year and a half, it was gone, leaving behind a world startled by this awesome portent. Tyco Brahe, a Danish astronomer, was the first to record its appearance. He reported it as a being brighter than Venus, so bright that it could be clearly seen even in the fullest light of day. Some said it was a comet; others, a star. Some said it had the same luminous appearance as the star that guided the Magi, the Bethlehem Star, which had appeared so mysteriously 1500 years before. Whatever it was called, it was a strange sight in the heavens during the months that it could be clearly seen. After 16 months the Guest Star disappeared, never to shine again, leaving even the astronomers musing over its appearance in the "unchangeable" heavens. The portent of the star of 1572 was not easily understood. But one man had claimed to know all about it—the famous Swiss mystic Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus. He died 20 years before Francis [Bacon] was born, but he had been comfidently prophesying the coming of the comet for many years. When it comes, he predicted, it will be "a harbinger" of a great renovation of society—"the coming revolution," he called it. The comet would announce a presence of "a marvelous being... who as yet lives not, and who shall reveal many things." This being would be a master of all arts, bearing three divine gifts to change the face of the world.Was Sir Francis Bacon worthy of a comet and a supernova heralding his mission? Was he the heir apparent of the 800 year cycle in the lineage of Jesus Christ and Padamasambhava? Most emphatically, Yes! Sir Francis Bacon's accomplishments: 1.) the writer of Shakespearean plays, 2.) put science on a firm foundation, 3.) tried to elevate the culture and learning of all mankind, 4.) the moving force behind esoteric societies i.e. Freemasons and Rosicrucians and 5.) helped to colonize North America with these new esoteric and brotherhood ideals. Here is Manly P. Hall from the Secret Teachings of All Ages on Bacon: "Father of modern science, remodeler of modern law, editor of the modern Bible, patron of modern democracy, and one of the founders of modern Freemasonry, Sir Francis Bacon was a man of many aims and purposes. He was a Rosicrucian, some have intimated the Rosicrucian. ... Scores of volumes have been written to establish Sir Francis Bacon as the real author of the plays and sonnets popularly ascribed to William Shakspere. ... The Bacon-Shakspere controversy, as its most able advocates realize, involves the most profound aspects of science, religion, and ethics; he who solves the mystery may yet find therein the key to the supposedly lost wisdom of antiquity." p.542Doesn't this extraordinary résumé qualify him for the exalted appellation from Paracelsus, "a harbinger" of a great renovation of society—"the coming revolution," "a marvelous being... who as yet lives not, and who shall reveal many things." But was Bacon's endeavors enough to deserve such praise? Was Paracelsus' intuitive knowledge of these events also describing an ongoing unfoldment of some great divine plan?
What changes did the supernova of 1604 bring to Bacon's life? Witnesses have said the supernova was very bright. As with any powerful astrological aspect, the effects are often seen before they appear or go exact. There was one impediment to Bacon's mission. It was his own mother, Queen Elizabeth. She was the reason he wrote the Shakespeare plays in secret. Within those plays he tells his true story, including his birth, using ciphers. One year before the supernova arrives to physical sight but beginning to exert an influence, the Queen dies. That year, 1603, King James ascends the throne signaling the change of fortune for Bacon. He is Knighted in 1603. The year the comet appears in 1604 he begins The Advancement of Learning which is then published in 1605. The changes start accelerating in 1607 when he becomes Solicitor. In 1608 he begins Novum Organum. The books, accolades and titles continue on, year after year until he leaves the scene in 1626. As I have written elsewhere, (The Hidden Significance of Enoch ...) many have made their ascension. Jesus ascended. The second avatar in the 800 year cylcle ascended, afterall, he was a Buddha. Here is Padmasambhava's foremost disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal', describing the event: " ... Padmasambhava mounted a beam of sunlight and in the flicker of a moment flew away into the sky. From the southwestern direction, he turned his face to look back and sent forth a light ray of immeasurable loving kindness that established the disciples in the state of nonreturn*. Accompanied by a cloudlike assembly of the outer and inner dakinis making musical offerings, he then went to the southwestern continent of Chamara**. " From The Lotus-Born, The Life Story of Padmasambhava by Yeshe Tsogyal. pp. 207, 208.Did the next avatar after Padmasambhava ascend also? I believe so and so do many others. Here are his own words describing the end of his life as Sir Francis Bacon given in a dictation in May of 1955: "Born to the throne of England, but denied its authority, my soul did weep in sorrow and frustration. Stirring within my consciousness was a "seed idea," born of the Father of Light, but not yet nourished and developed to the point where it might be efficaciously utilized by mankind. Yet, such is the confusion of the outer consciousness, that often by effort of human will such ideas are aborted or stillborn before their time. This wisdom of abiding in the will of the father (who will see that the fruit of his seeds matures at the right time) comes with suffering, with illumination and with grace. So I learned that the world brotherhood was not to be the outcome of a dynasty of human kings but of a spiritual bond of selflessness, impersonal service and shared vision at a later day. ...And so, after faking his death, Lord Bacon made his way to a secrect retreat in Transylvania to make his ascension. Or as Manly P. Hall puts it: "While, as before stated, the principles of the Hiramic legend are of the greatest antiquity, it is not impossible that its present form may be based upon incidents in the life of Lord Bacon, who passed through the philosophic death and was raised in Germany." (op. cit., p.241). But wait, just as the Ascended Master Elijah ('Elias come again') was allowed to return one more time as John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus, so he was alllowed an extraordinary dispensation to return one more time in an Ascended Light Body to help the "Other souls, strong and true" mentioned above, to finish the work he had started as Bacon. They were in place ready for his help in the 1700's. They were in his beloved Freemason and Rosicrucian Orders; they were heads of State: Louis XV (not to be confused with Louis XVI) of France, Frederick of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia; they were genteel members of the aristocracy: Madame de Pompadour, Prince Karl of Hesse and Madame d'Adhémar and they were in the Colonies: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Lafayette and many others. "For almost 100 years after the ascension of my physical body, I prepared to be invested with the power and authority as the Chohan on the Seventh Ray. I prepared to be invested with cosmic authority as the directing consciousness of the new cycle of time. You will see all progress is in graded radiation, graded application and preparation of consciousness.This may seem like a fantastic tale, except for the fact that many knew the Count and were a witness to his amazing abilities and demeanor. The extraordinary writer and philosopher Voltaire knew the Count. He had this to say about him, "a man who knows everything and never dies." Many were astonished at his lack of aging for over one hundred years. Here is a description of his first appearence at the Court of Louis VX:
I love this stuff. Can you feel
the tingling in your spine or on the back of your neck of the Presence
of the Master? If not, call to him as you read on. The Count of Saint-Germain
by Cooper-Oakley is absolutely the best source for information on the Count.
Much has been lost: "Napoleon III, puzzled and interested by what he had
heard about the mysterious life of the Comte de Saint-Germain, instructed
one of his librarians to search for and collect all that could be found
about him in archives and documents of the latter part of the eighteenth
century. This was done, and a great number of papers, forming an enormous
dossier, was deposited in the library of the prefecture of police. Unfortunately,
the Franco-Prussian War and the Commune supervened, and the part of the
building in which the dossier was kept was burnt." source.
And there's this: "Although an effort has been made to eliminate St. Germain's
name from modern Masonic literature, careful research into Masonic archives
will prove that he occupied a prominent position in eighteenth century
Masonry." source.
The following is from the opening page of Saint Germain on Alchemy
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet:
"He was skilled in healing and the use of medicinal herbs. Some have speculated that it was Saint Germain's use of herbs combined with his simple eating habits that prolonged his life. Prince Karl of Hesse wrote, "He thoroughly understood herbs and plants, and had invented the medicines of which he constantly made use, and which prolonged his life andhealth." |
Alas, his time had run out. He's hopes for Europe were dashed, Franz Gräffer was one of the last to see him: "Saint Germain then freshly passed into a solemn mood. For a few seconds he became rigid as a statute, his eyes, which were always expressive beyond words, became dull and colorless. Presently, however, his whole being became re-animated. He made a movement with his hand as if in signal of his departure, then said: 'I am leaving (ich scheide); do not visit me. Once again you will see me. Tomorrow night I am off; I am much needed in Constantinople; then in England, there to prepare two inventions which you will have in the next century—trains and steamboats. These will be needed in Germany. The seasons will gradually change—first the spring, then the summer. It is the gradual cessation of time itself, as the announcement of the end of the cycle. I see it all; astrologers and meteorologists know nothing, believe me; one needs to have studied in the Pyramids as I have studied. Towards the end of the century I shall disappear out of Europe, and betake myself to the region of the Himalayas. I will rest; I must rest. Exactly in eighty-five years will people again set eyes on me. Farewell, I love you.' After these solemnly uttered words, the Count repeated the sign with his hand. The two adepts, overpowered with the force of such unprecedented impressions, left the room in a condition of complete stupefaction. In the same moment there fell a sudden heavy shower, accompanied by a peel of thunder. Instinctively they returned to the laboratory for shelter. They open the door. St. Germain is no more there. ..." The Count of Saint Germain,by Isabel Cooper-Oakley; pp. 144, 145.I am a little saddened re-living this scene of St. Germain's disappointment. There may be nothing worse in the Universe than the disappointment of a Great Adept. Perhaps there is something worse: being the instrument for the disappointment of a Master. A side note, I remember seeing one of those history type programs a few months ago on the invention of the train in England. I always thought it was invented in America. I can see why they beat us, he helped them. No mention was made of St. Germain on the TV program. A pity. Understandable however, since he was always doing things behind the scenes, giving others credit. The goals and interests of Bacon were ever-present in the Count and undeniable. Wanting to lift the burdens upon mankind he continued to prod scientific inventions along. Not only did he help invent the train, but also mass-production methods and he helped create all sorts of new clothing that allowed the common man to dress almost as well as the upper classes. The pyramid reference above is yet another parallel with Jesus. When Joseph and Mary fled with a very young Jesus to Egypt, it is entirely possible, and many have suggested it, that he studied with the heirophants at Luxor and in the pyramids. The author, Isabel Cooper-Oakley pegged that quote above at about 1790. The Count said he would return in 85 years after taking a rest in the Himalayas. That would be 1875. Guess what organization of the Himalayan Brotherhood started in 1875? Correct, The Theosophical Society, primarily started by the Master M. and K.H. but with Saint Germain's and D.K's help. The Count would go on to personally sponsor other activiities of the Great White Brotherhood. "During the Theosophical Era, beloved Brothers Morya and Kuthumi invested their energies instead and I builded those energies so that when I came forth again and my energy again began to flow, my more personal association with mankind would begin again in a renewed and powerful activity. [Starting with the I AM activity. Editor]We live at a momentous time. All eras and cycles are converging right now. The 25,800 year Kali Yuga (1, 2, 3) ends now. The 14,000 and 2,000 year cycles are here for change and we are now half-way through the 800 year old cycle. The Avatar of that Supernova in 1604 is still counting on "Other souls, strong and true, [who] promised to weave their life energies into completing the pattern of my free star!" It will be another 400 years till the next "fiery trigon and great conjunction", possibly Maitreya's Star. Until then, Saint Germain is still counting on us to complete his mission. Just as events hung in the balance in late 18th century Europe for the Count, so it is in America today. Only this time, the denial permeates all of American society and culture not just the powers that be. The Count is not without his resources in this day and age. He hopes history does not repeat itself and that we heed the warnings, especially the one received by his ablest disciple, Washington, when he heard those dire words for the third time: 'Son of the Republic, look and learn, ...' and then saw the vision of his beloved Americal under the gravest of threats. And later, Washington himself returned during the time of the Civil War to give General McClellan a vital message. It ended on this note: "... for ere another century shall have gone by, the oppressors of the whole earth, hating and envying her exaltation, shall join themselves together and raise up their hands against her. But if she still be found worthy of her high calling they shall surely be discomfited, and then will be ended her third and last great struggle for existence. Thenceforth shall the Republic go on, increasing in power and goodness, until her borders shall end only in the remotest corners of the earth, and the whole earth shall beneath her shadowing wing become a Universal Republic. Let her in her prosperity, however, remember the Lord her God, let her trust be always in Him, and she shall never be confounded."Change at the highest levels of government was the order of the day in France to head off catastrophe. Back then it was possible to change a government from the top down. Because of its unwieldy size and the consciouness of the people, that would be very difficult in America today. As Toynbee said, a civilization that wishes to survive, needs to transcend its focus on the material and begin the process of etherealizing culture. A quantum spiritual change in America is the need at this late hour.
Take a moment, go within, and look at these two. What does your heart tell you?
* nonreturn: This probably means he assisted them in breaking the wheel of rebirth in that life or a future one.
** Chamara: One of the eight subcontinent's surrounding Mount Sumeru as well as the support for the terrestrial pure land of Guru Rinpoche, known as the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain. from The Lotus-Born, p. 240.
Comte de St. Germain by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, Online at Sacred TextsOther Related Articles at Reverse Spins:Count of St Germain at Wikipedia
Great Theosophists--The Count de St. Germain
Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Haussetat Project Gutenberg
The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross By Arthur Edward Waite; Chapter XVII, Saint-Germain and Cagliostro
Buddhism as Progressive Revelation
More on the intimate connection
between Saint Germain and Padmasambhava and the importance of the Violet
Shakespeare Code" Book Review
New book that makes a strong
case for Sir Francis Bacon as the author of the Shakespeare plays and the
son of Queen Elizabeth.The
Speech of the Unknown:
An electrifying speech given
by an unknown man (The Count of Saint Germain), galvanizing the reluctant
signers of the Declaration of Independence into action.
Mysterious Rosicrucian Who was the Father of the American Republic
The story behind the Speech
of the Unknown.
Legend of the Wissahickon
The Monks of the Wissahickon
and their Rosicrucian origins.
Mystical George Washington
Many pages describing Washington's
connection to the Presence above.
Spiritual Destiny
From Life and Teachings of the
Masters of the Far East
Comte de Saint Germain
From Agni Yoga
By Godfre and Saint Germain from the "I AM Activity":
True Visualization is God's Sight Acting in the Mind of Man
David Lloyd Drinks from the Crystal Cup on Mt. Shasta
back to: Varieties of Spiritual Thought, The Tibet Page, History Page
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