As everyone knows, an amusing but large media flap regarding
remote viewing is presently occurring (the 29th one by my
count). The flap majorly focuses on a situation involving
intelligence community interests in psychoenergetics research
that began over twenty-five years ago. Most of the research
took place under the excellent auspices of Stanford Research
Institute (SRI) now renamed SRI International, the second
largest "think tank" in the U.S.
present media flap is distorting the original basis for the
early interest in the search for psychoenergetics applications.
of this, the former director of the project has suggested
that complete information now be made available for public
access via the Web regarding a series of early psychoenergetic
former director (always my master, I always his slave) has
asked me to begin the public access by entering into the Net
the full story of the several experiments.
will be the first of nine other entries to follow.
1973, mainstream science, academe and media were unequivocally
opposed to any kind of parapsychology or psychoenergetics
research. It thus came as something of a cultural shock when
the nation's second largest "think tank" undertook
that kind of research. The resulting first flap was enormous,
largely because of SRI's high scientific standing and its
military and intelligence community affiliations.
Jupiter Probe was one of a number of early experiments designed
to try to discover the dimensions and extent of human remote
sensing faculties. It was felt that radical experiments should
be undertaken in the attempt to establish the dimensions of
those faculties.
SRI project's extremely illustrious sponsors (you know who)
concurred. "Several" radical experiments were then
designed, and their protocols were examined in advance by
a board of noted scientists and overseers.
such radical experiment, the "Jupiter Probe," took
place in 1973 at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under the
excellent auspices of Dr. H.E. Puthoff and Mr. Russell Targ
(both esteemed physicists) and other competent scientists
of the Radio Physics Laboratory.
particular experiment has occasionally undergone ridicule
published in the skeptical media and elsewhere. The following
story will reveal that no skeptic has ever read through the
details of the experiment.
are two important elements of which skeptics try to deprive
public understanding:
the Jupiter Probe was only an exploratory experiment,
"not" meant as a "claim" of anything;
and knowledge of its illustrious sponsorship and scientific
the radical topic of the experiment, remote sensing of the
distant planet, brought undue luminosity in a world where
marginal Zener card guessing was the standard parapsychology
fare. The very idea of the radical topic unnerved not only
conventional academic concepts, but conventional parapsychology
concepts as well.
of the experiment
try to ascertain if long-distance remote sensing could extend
to a very far distance;
record the time it took before impressions began to be given,
and (3) to compare the impressions with published scientific
of the experiment
far-distant target and the expectation of scientific feedback.
planet Jupiter.
data and analyses drawn from information telemetered back
to Earthbase from NASA spacecraft and which information would
be published in scientific media: the Pioneer 10 and 11 "flybys"
of 1973 and 1974, and the later Voyager 1 and 2 probes of
of experiment (#46 in a series)
27, 1973. The first Jupiter bound NASA spacecraft, Pioneer
10, was already enroute to the planet, but yet too far distant
to send data back to Earthbase, principally at Jet Propulsion
Laboratories (JPL).
data yield of the experiment One
standard 8&1/2" x 11" page containing three
and 1/6th pages of verbal data recorded and transcribed.
the raw data
raw data needed to be independently guarded so that it could
not be said it was altered after the fact. Thirty copies were
prepared of the raw data, including statements regarding the
purposes and design of the experiment.
copies were held by the Project's sponsors. Ten copies of
the raw data were offered to scientists noted for their integrity,
including two interested astrophysicists then at Jet Propulsion
Laboratories. All accepted their copies.
copy each was offered to a noted American astronomer and to
a famous science popularizer. Both of these copies were rejected
and returned, one with a signed letter of ridicule which resides
in my archives.
requests to two noted skeptics to safeguard the raw data were
remainder of the copies were distributed among scientists
at SRI and at other places in the Silicon Valley area. One
or two of those copies were covertly sold to a San Francisco
reporter, and thereafter widely published.
prepared copies were also xeroxed by others and more widely
distributed. I have acquired some of these for my archives,
and which contain humorous notations on the margins.
yield of the raw data
feedback was obtainable, the raw data was broken down by SRI
analysts into major data categories, as will be shown ahead.
After feedback became possible, no reason was discerned to
alter the categories. The categories comprise "all"
of the raw data, and nothing was later deleted or added.
scientific and technological feedback sources began becoming
available in September, 1973, four months after the experiment
took place. Additional feedback sources continued to accumulate
by stages up through 1980.
feedback sources of scientific and technical references were
ultimately utilized as feedback sources:
- Aviation
Week & Space Technology
- Newsweek
- Science
Science News
- Scientific
- Time
U.S. News & World Report
decision to construct a formal report
raw data indicate that the viewer had identified a Ring around
Jupiter, a sketch of which appears in the raw data (presented
ahead) and is also verbally identified.
scientific wisdom held that Jupiter did not possess any Rings.
This particular datum was one reason the experiment was laughed
out of town by many.
existence of the Ring was discovered and confirmed in early
1979, six years after the Jupiter Probe had taken place.
Puthoff, the SRI project's director, was first notified of
the discovery by telephone from one of the JPL astrophysicists
analyzing the NASA data -- and who was also one of the original
guardians of the raw data. The existence of the Ring "came
as a complete surprise to scientists."
the Ring correlated so well with the remote viewing data,
a decision was taken by SRI staff to organize all of the raw
data, compare it to scientific confirmation sources, and construct
a formal report.
report was prepared by the genius of Ms. Beverly Humphrey,
a research associate and statistical analyst of the SRI Radio
Physics Laboratory, on behalf of H. E. Puthoff and his associate,
R. Targ. The formal report was entitled "Swann's Remote
Viewing Probe of Jupiter."
raw data comprised only four pages. But the confirmatory data
appeared throughout the published scientific and technical
articles and papers. It was decided that all of these should
be included in their entirety to ensure that no scientific
passage was inadvertently used out of context. The feedback
data therefore amounted to about 300 pages.
technical references utilized as of 1980 were meant to be
representative of then current Jovian research and did not
constitute a totally exhaustive scientific periodical collection.
Because of this, no "Executive Summary" of the experiment
and its results was undertaken.
present document now represents an "informal" summary.
of the formal report
original 300-page copies of the formal report were produced.
Two copies were immediately stolen from the otherwise secured
offices of SRI. It was presumed that this theft was engineered
by covert foreign nationals -- somewhat irrationally since
copies of the report were being freely offered.
retained two copies for my archives, Dr. Puthoff retained
one, and one was entered into the Stanford Research Institute
copy was unofficially accepted by a ranking NASA official
on the understanding that he would deny accepting it if identified.
copy was offered to the leading Skeptical Organization in
our fair country. The offer was declined.
don't know what happened to the remaining copies. Additional
xeroxed copies were offered to a number of scientists. Some
accepted, but others now declined to take possession of them
upon the grounds that no one wanted to possess a document
which suggested that a remote viewer had identified Jupiter's
Ring before science had.
formal report of the Jupiter Probe, containing its massive
confirmatory data, then descended into obscurity. No one who
thereafter mocked the experiment has ever read it or has wanted
to read it.
pre-feedbak reports of the experiment
review of the Jupiter Probe was included in "Mind Reach"
published in 1977 by H.E. Puthoff and Russell Targ (Delacorte
Press/Eleanor Friede) with an Introduction by eminent Dr.
Margaret Mead.
in-print 1977 rendering identifies all major categories of
the raw data -- including the mention of the Ring, two years
before it was scientifically discovered in 1979.
before feedback became possible, the entirety of the Jupiter
raw data, or parts thereof, were published in over a hundred
media sources world-wide.
participants in the Jupiter probe experiment
viewers simultaneously took part in the Jupiter Probe, myself
(in California) and Mr. Harold Sherman (in
Sherman was a noted psychic who had earlier (in the late 1930s)
taken part in long-distance viewing between New York City
and the Arctic. Those exceedingly successful experiments were
undertaken in conjunction with the noted Arctic explorer,
Sir Hubert Wilkins ("See": "Thoughts Through
Space" by Sir Hubert Wilkins and Harold M. Sherman, Creative
Age Press, New York, 1942).
this significant book regarding long-distance sensing came
out during the emergencies of World War II and didn't achieve
the attention it deserved.
reason for inviting Mr. Sherman to participate was to see
if two viewers, separated by over 2,000 miles, would report
the same or different data. With certain exceptions, the two
sets of data corresponded nicely. Mr. Sherman's contributions
were not included in the 1980 formal report because he was
not a consultant of SRI and the costs of analyzing his data
could not be justified.
below are presented "all" of Swann's raw data.
following" the raw data, the different major categories
will be found associated to scientific and feedback sources.
You may wish at this point to turn directly to the feedback
sets which follow the raw data.
raw data
not indicated in the record, the experiment began promptly
at 6:00 p.m. PST. The first response occurred at 6:03:25 -
perhaps meaning that it took that long "to get to Jupiter,"
or that long for images to form. The first data-rich response
was not made until just after 6:04:13 - a four minute delay.
will also note that an average delay of 2 minutes occurs between
the verbalized data sets. The reason for those delays has
not been understood.
| Jupiter probe
27, 1973)
big sharp noises for the next 1/2 hour please.
(3 seconds fast) There's a planet with stripes.
I hope it's Jupiter. I think that it must have an extremely
large hydrogen mantle. If a space probe made contact with
that, it would be maybe 80,000 - 120,000 miles out from the
planet surface.
So I'm approaching it on the tangent where I can see it's
a half moon, in other words half lit half dark. If I move
around to the lit side it's distinctly yellow toward the right.
(Hal - Which direction you had to move?)
Very high in the atmosphere there are crystals, they glitter,
maybe the stripes are like bands of crystals, maybe like rings
of Saturn, though not far out like that, very close within
the atmosphere. ["Note": see sketch of ring in the
raw data drawing ahead.] (Unintelligible sentence.) I bet
you they'll reflect radio probes. Is that possible if you
had a cloud of crystals that were assaulted by different radio
waves? (Hal - That's right.)
Now I'll go down through. It feels really good there (laugh).
I said that before, didn't I? Inside those cloud layers, those
crystal layers, they look beautiful from the outside, from
the inside they look like rolling gas clouds - eerie yellow
light, rainbows.
I get the impression, thought I don't see, that it's liquid.
6:10:55 Then I came through the cloud cover, the surface it
looks like sand dunes. They're made of very large grade crystals
so they slide. Tremendous winds sort of like maybe the prevailing
winds of earth, but very close to the surface of Jupiter.
From that view the horizon looks orangish or rose-colored
but overhead it's kind of greenish-yellow.
If I look to the right there is an enormous mountain range.
If I'm giving a description of where I've gone and am, it
would be approximately where Alaska is if the sun were directly
overhead which it is. The sun looks like it has a green corona,
seems smaller to me. (Hal - What color is the sun?) White.
I feel that there's liquid somewhere. Those mountains are
very huge but they still don't poke up through the crystal
cloud cover. You know I had a dream once something like this
where the cloud cover was a great arc, sweeps over the entire
heaven. Those grains which make that sand orange are quite
large. They have a polished surface and they look something
like amber or like obsidian but they're yellowish and not
as heavy. The wind blows them, they slide along.
If I turn, the whole thing seems enormously flat. I mean if
I get the feeling that if a man stood on those sands I think
he would sink into them (laugh); maybe that's where that liquid
feeling comes from.
I see something that looks like a tornado. Is there a thermal
inversion here? I bet there is. I bet you that the surface
of Jupiter will give a very high infrared count (?), reading
(?) (Hal - reading) (inaudible sentence). The heat is held
I seem to be stuck, not moving. I'll move more towards the
equator. I get the impression that that must be a band of
crystals similar to the outer ones, kind of bluish. They seem
to be sort of in orbit, permanent orbit down through another
layer farther down which are like our clouds but moving fast.
There's another area: liquid like water. Looks like it's got
icebergs in it but they're not icebergs.
Tremendous wind. It's colder here, maybe it's because there's
not a thermal inversion there.
I'm back. OK. (Hal - very interesting.)
atmosphere of Jupiter is very thick. I mean ... (Ingo draws)
... Explanation of drawing: This is what appears to be a hydrogen
mantle about 100,000 miles off the surface. Those here are
bands of crystals, kind of elements. They're pretty close
to the surface. And beneath those are layers of clouds or
what seem to be prevailing winds. Beneath that is the surface
which I saw was, well, it looked like shifting sands made
out of some sort of slippery granulated stuff. And off in
the distance, I guess, to the East was a very high mountain
chain 30,000 feet or so, quite large mountains. I feel these
crystals will probably bounce radio waves. They're that type.
that's all.
page of raw data drawings now follows.)
will now present each of the categories by reiterating the
raw data statements and give samples from confirmatory sources
-although numerous other sources are provided for each category
in the formal document.
"Hydrogen mantle":
I think that it must have an extremely large hydrogen mantle.
If a space probe made contact with that, it would be maybe
80,000-120,000 miles out from the planet's surface."
American" (September, 1973, p. 121): "Above the
hypothetical core is a thick stratum in which hydrogen is
by far the most abundant element; this stratum makes up almost
all the mass and volume of the planet. The hydrogen is separated
into two layers; in both it is liquid, but it is in different
physical states.
inner layer extends from the core to a distance of approximately
45,000 kilometers from the center, where the pressure is estimated
to be about three million earth atmospheres ... In this layer
the hydrogen is in the liquid metallic state, a form of the
element that has not yet been observed in the laboratory because
it exists only at extremely high pressures. ... The outer
layer extends to about 70,000 kilometers and consists mainly
of liquid hydrogen in its molecular form.
the layer of molecular hydrogen, and extending another 1,000
kilometers to the cloud tops is the gaseous hydrogen atmosphere."
(Vol. 183, January 25, 1974, p. 317): "Jupiter appears
to have an extensive hydrogen torus surrounding it in the
orbital plane of Io."
"Storms, wind":
Swann": "Tremendous winds sort of like maybe the
prevailing winds of earth but very close to the surface. I
see something that looks like a tornado."
American" (March, 1976, p. 50): "On Jupiter the
zones and the Great Red Spot are high-pressure regions (anti�cyclonic)
and the belts are low-pressure (cyclonic). ... In that respect
they resemble tropical cyclones (rotating hurricanes) and
mature extratropical cyclones on the earth."
(March 12, 1979, p. 87): "Yet it was Jupiter's stormy
weather that caused the greatest excitement. Voyager's electronic
eyes spotted dozens of storms across Jupiter's banded face.
Most of them measure about 6,000 miles wide, far larger than
their earthly counterparts. ... University of Arizona astronomer
Bradford A. Smith was both awed and puzzled by these storms."
"High infrared reading":
"I bet you that the surface of Jupiter will give a very
high infrared count (?), reading (?). The heat is held down."
Vol. 183, Jan. 25, 1974, p. 303: "The Pioneer 10 infrared
radiometer has established that the excess radiation is 2
to 2.5 times the solar input and that there is no temperature
change at the cloud top levels across the evening terminator
of the planet.
News", Vol 105, Apr. 13, 1974, p. 236: "The surprise
is that the heating should begin at such lofty altitudes,
particularly with no indications either from earthly observations
or from the infrared mapping device aboard. 'It's a huge discrepancy,'
admits Kilore. 'I can't explain it.' The closest thing to
a theory is that perhaps a haze or dust layer, while confusing
watchers on earth, created a greater greenhouse effect than
anyone had expected, trapping and building the sun's incoming
energy to unanticipated heights."
"Temperature inversion":
"Is there a thermal inversion here? I bet there is.
Vol. 188, May 2, 1975, p. 475: "In particular, the appearance
of the inversion at about 260 K is strikingly similar to the
Pioneer 10 entry profile, although the Pioneer 11 measurement
was obtained on the dark limb of Jupiter. Thus, the inversion
cannot be ascribed to heating by particulate absorption of
solar radiation, unless rapid circulation at the polar latitude
is sufficient to maintain this effect across the terminator."
"Cloud color and configuration":
"From that view the horizon looks orangish or rose-colored,
but overhead it's kind of greenish-yellow. You know I had
a dream once something like this where the cloud cover was
a great arc, sweeps over the entire heaven".
News", Vol 115, March 10, 1979, p. 148: "Still,
striking reds, oranges, yellows, brown and even blue make
Jupiter's convoluted patterns seem all the more fantastic.
... A major goal of Voyager is to find out the nature and
chemistry of the coloring agents. ... Phosphene and other
candidates have been suggested, but they have been far from
"Water and ice crystals":
"I get the impression, thought I don't see, that it is
liquid. I get the impression that that must be a band of crystals
similar to the outer ones, kind of bluish. They seem to be
sort of in orbit, permanent orbit down through another layer
farther down which are like our clouds but moving fast. There's
another area: liquid like water. Looks like it's got icebergs
in it but they're not icebergs."
News" (Vol. 106, September 21, 1974, p. 186): "Farther
down may be frozen water crystals and possibly even liquid
water, the Pioneer researchers suggest, although water has
never been observed there."
(February 15, 1975, p. 102): "Water vapor in the atmosphere
of Jupiter -- 'The first oxygen-bearing molecule identified
in the outer planets' -- has been discovered by a team of
astronomers from the University of Arizona."
1. "Auroras":
Inside those cloud layers, those crystal layers, they look
beautiful from the outside [i.e., spaceside], but from the
inside they look like rolling gas clouds -- eerie yellow light,
(March 12, 1979, p. 87): Voyager also discovered a dazzling,
doughnut-shaped cloud of electrically charged particles that
formed displays similar to the earth's northern lights."
News" (Vol. 118, July 21, 1979: "One major product
of the field is the region of brilliant auroras discovered
around the planet by Voyager 1 and further studied by its
successor [Voyager 2]."
"The Ring":
"Very high in the atmosphere there are crystals, they
glitter, maybe the stripes are like bands of crystals, maybe
"like rings" [emphasis added] on Saturn, "thought
not far out" [emphasis added] like that, very close within
the atmosphere. I bet you they'll reflect radio probes. Is
that possible if you had a cloud of crystals that were assaulted
by different radio waves?"
sketch of Ring in raw data.)
(March 19, 1979, p. 86):"Coming within 278,000 km (172,400
miles) of the swirling Jovian cloud tops, the robot survived
intense radiation, peered deep into the planet's storm�tossed
cloud cover, provided startling views of the larger Jovian
moons "and, most surprising of all, revealed the presence
of a thin, flat ring around the great planet" [emphasis
added]. Said University of Arizona Astronomer Bradford Smith:
'We're standing here with our mouths open, reluctant to tear
ourselves away'."
"Liquid composition":
I feel that there's liquid somewhere. If I turn, the whole
thing seems enormously flat. I mean if I get the feeling that
if a man stood on those sands I think he would sink into them
(laugh); maybe that's where the liquid feeling comes from.
Week & Space Technology" (November 19, 1973, p. 53):
"A reason is that Jupiter may be all atmosphere. Lack
of radar reflectivity points to a gel-like rather than solid
News" (Vol. 110, July 17, 1976, p. 44): "In fact,
liquidity seems to be the most salient overall characteristic
of Jupiter. ... The outer layer [the "mantle"] is
gaseous hydrogen mostly. As the pressure increases the hydrogen
gradually passes into a liquid state. ... The liquid molecular
hydrogen changes to liquid metallic hydrogen at 25,000 kilometers
"Mountain range":
"If I look to the right here there is an a enormous mountain
range. Those mountains are very huge but they still don't
poke up through the crystal cloud cover. And off in the distance,
I guess, to the East, was a very high mountain chain 30,000
feet or so, quite large mountains."
This mountain range thing, plus the Ring thing, damned the
Jupiter Probe from the start because prevailing scientific
opinion denied their possibility.)
will now take this opportunity to point out that ALL the skeptical
attacks on the Jupiter Probe experiment focus on holding the
mountain thing up to ridicule -- BUT THAT NONE OF THEM MENTION
"is" true that before the NASA crafts approached
Jupiter, prevailing scientific wisdom held that the planet
was "mostly gaseous" and/or "mostly liquid."
However, this "wisdom" began to change:)
(Vol. 183, January 25, 1974): "The magnetic field measurements
at Jupiter will also enable us to investigate more exactly
the core of the planet. Several models of the core have been
proposed which include either frozen or liquid metallic hydrogen
as well as a rocky core consisting of several tens of earth
pay attention here: "a rocky core consisting of "several
tens of earth masses""? SEVERAL TENS OF EARTH MASSES!
Well, if you enlarge earth's mass by ten or twenty or more
times, then a "30,000-foot mountain range" would
seem like a hill there.]]]
News" (Vol. 110, July 10, 1975): "One of the most
famous features of Jupiter's atmosphere is the great Red Spot.
Astronomers have engaged in endless speculation and argument
about its nature. Observers have suggested that it was a column
of the atmosphere hooked on the top of an extra-high mountain
American" (September, 1975, p. 121): The model allows
for a small rocky core ['small,' yet several times earth's
mass] at the center of the planet ... The core would be composed
mainly of iron and silicates, the materials that make up most
of the earth's bulk. Such a core is expected for cosmogonic
reasons: ... The core cannot be detected through gravitational
studies, however, so that its existence cannot be proved."
[I.e., cannot be detected because the crystals in the upper
atmosphere reflect all radio or other detection signals.]
American" (March, 1976, p. 53): "Because of the
Great Red Spot's long lifetime, its constancy in latitude
and its uniqueness, it seemed that it must be connected with
an underlying solid object or topographic feature that was
giving rise directly to the flow patterns at the visible surface
[cloud cover].
Taylor column is the cylinder of stagnant fluid that was believed
to join the solid object to the red cloud we see at the top
of the Jovian atmosphere. ... Finally, other zones seem to
have their own red spots, suggesting that the Great Red Spot
is not unique [i.e., in being attached to a high geological
by golly, high ones which poke up and distort the storm-cloud
flows. However, scientists continued to argue the "solid
core problem" until just recently.]]]
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impacts on Jupiter". Not long
ago, a series of twenty or so comets impacted Jupiter one
after another.
largest of them left "impact craters" so huge and
so high that their circular contours can easily be seen emerging
from the cloud cover which is several miles thick.
the impacts, the mountainous craters can still be seen when
that side of Jupiter is turned toward earth.
if there were not mountains on Jupiter back in 1973, there
are some there now -- huge and big, and well over 30,000 feet
high. It is quite clear now that Jupiter does have a solid
core some tens of masses the size of earth's own mass."
"Hydrogen mantle": Confirmed, September 1973, 1974,
"Storms, wind": Confirmed (as to dimensions and
unexpected intensity) 1976, 1970.
"Something like a tornado". Confirmed (as strong
rotating cyclones), 1976.
"High infrared reading". Confirmed, 1974.
"Temperature inversion": Confirmed, 1975.
"Cloud color and configuration": Confirmed, 1979.
"Dominant orange color": Confirmed, 1979.
"Water and ice crystals": Water possible there,
but ice crystallization of other elements Confirmed, 1974.
"Crystal bands reflect radio probes". Confirmed,
"Magnetic and electromagnetic Auroras ("Rainbows""):
Confirmed, 1979.
"The RING": Confirmed, 1979, not only as to its
existence, but as being "inside" the crystallized
atmospheric layers.
"Liquid composition": Confirmed, 1973, 1976, as
hydrogen in liquid form.
"Mountain range (mountains) and solid core": Probably
Confirmed, 1994. Confirmed existence of solid core several
tens of masses of earth's. Recent comet impacts reveal enormous
craters extending through thick cloud cover, one approximately
the size of 1/2 of the United States.
"Confirmed elements of the raw data's three drawings":
The large drawing of the general layers of Jupiter's several
kinds of atmospheric strata was generally correct. If interested,
please compare with diagrams of Jupiter's layers found in:
News" (Vol. 106, September 21, 1974, p. 187).
American" (September, 1975, p. 121).
(September, 1974, p. 83).
The second smaller drawing probably refers to the planet's
hydrogen torus, but was not indicated as such in the raw data.
Diagrams and discussion of the Ring can be found in:
Week & Space Technology" (June 16, 1979, pp. 16-17,
and p. 20.
(Vol. 206, November 23, 1979, pp. 926-927, and pp. 932-933.)
of the Ring and its placement within the crystal bands, obtained
by Voyager 2 can be found in
115, February 16, 1976, pp. 108-9;
115, March 10, 1979, p. 149;
115, July 14, 1979, p. 20.
scientific or technological feedback was achieved regarding:
"Then I came from the cloud cover, the surface it looks
like sand dunes. They're made of very large grade crystals
so they slide." "Those grains which made that sand
orange are quite large. They have a polished surface and they
look something like amber or like obsidian but they're yellowish
and not as heavy." "Beneath that is the surface
which I saw was, well, it looked like shifting sands made
out of some sort of slippery granulated stuff."
Reactions Regarding Experiment #46"
first reactions to the Jupiter Probe experiment were universally
negative, including those of the sponsors. The core of the
problem was that the raw data included mention of rings and
mountains. Prevailing scientific wisdom as of 1973 against
the possibility of Jovian rings and mountains and was quite
adamant at the time.
against the experiment began to change after the hydrogen
components and the crystalline layered structure of the Jovian
atmospheres were confirmed (late 1973 through 1974.)
it was seen that the viewer's sketch of the complex atmospheric
layers quite nicely matched subsequent scientific renderings,
this major data category was accepted as "roughly"
viewer's ring and mountains were now thought of imaginary
noise entered into a long-distance signal line which was minimally
any event, experiments were needed with more immediate feedback
possibilities, and an enormous number of these were designed
and undertaken. These produced more immediate results, and
which were used to expand understanding of remote viewing
it not been for the fact that stolen copies of the raw data
had been leaked to the media, the existence of Experiment
#46 might never have publicly surfaced. Neither SRI workers,
the sponsors, nor myself ever sought to offer the experiment
as "claims" of anything.
now in retrospect, it was fortunate that the thefts took place
because the entirety and parts of the raw data early appeared
in the media, including "The National Enquirer".
Thus, the raw data was publicly available as of 1974.
#46 lay obscure between 1974 and 1979. No continuing attempt
was made to feedback other of its categories, and the SRI
work progressed along more immediately fruitful lines.
1979 scientific discovery and confirmation of the Jovian Ring
came as one of the larger shocks and "surprises"
in astronomical history.
entirety of the Jupiter Probe raw data was now organized and
compared to scientific feedback -- after which all of the
data, except the mountains, could be seen as near-approximately
however, the formal report was generally rejected on the grounds
that no respectable scientist wanted to be identified as having
read it. Yet word got around.
the mountains remained unconfirmed. When skeptics elected
to amuse themselves regarding the Probe it was this single
item they focussed on.
for Help"
scientific data achieved since 1980 may either add to or detract
from the confirmatory data utilized for the 1980 report.
Net reader of this document may feel free to contribute additive
or detractive data. Such data, however, must be achieved from
identified scientific or technological sources and introduced
in their entirety with proper identifying references so that
others can independently check them out. A
help along these lines would be appreciated.
Jupiter Probe is an historical remote viewing artifact whose
documents must stand or fall on their own merits or demerits.
the history of the SRI project is based on "other"
in-depth experiments, whether the Jupiter Probe stands or
falls will have no bearing on that history.
presently have no resources to track down scientific and technical
articles on the topic of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts on Jupiter,
or regarding the craters visible as seen on a recent NOVA
TV program.
help out there?
Copyright 1996 by Ingo Swann.
Permission to redistribute granted, if done so in complete
and unaltered form.
Ingo Swann website: biomind
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