The Working Celtic Cross
A conversation with an Ancient Egyptian Spirit
Aken Nan Yah

Matt Campbell wrote:

aken_nan_yah wrote:

it is the symbol of ba temb ta

Matt Campbell wrote:

Em hotep nefer weret

<Hello plural ancient Egyptian>

 I cannot positively identify what you have written here, but its roots look for all the world ancient Egyptian. There was a migration of Egyptian into Greece, Africa, and I think into Sanskrit in the Far East as well. Coptic Christians from Egypt could have influenced the English  isles via migrations like Joseph of Armathea, and ultimately later Celtic culture. Or not, until I go back in time to Alexandria to find out for sure.

One thing is certain; we can agree that these ancient cultures had a deep influence on our present world. I am forever amazed by the base 60 system of our clocks and the 3:4 ratio of my computer screen.


aken_nan_yah wrote:

Rahubaat ila ent

Ent atha fi aum_mir_re_ka(america)

atha ent tamarean shil har

aneya tamarean

aneya wabaat shil asaru


ba temb ta mean universal soular illumination my english is not good me and my friends were trying on forum intersting, you know i am ancient egiptian

Matt Campbell wrote:

aken_nan_yah claims it is "universal solar illumination" which makes sense to me, as finding ones way is like having the path  illuminated esp. by the Sun...

Also there is more that aken_nan_yah wrote that is to be interpreted, I think this means the phonetic forms (26 consonants, 50? biconsonants, 100? triconsonants), determinatives, and logograms. Altogether there is about 6000 hieroglyphs, mostly added as the need arose. On the surface  it seems very daunting. I am hoping aken_nan_yah can help us.

aken_nan_yah wrote:


That is Predynastic egyption language  that I was speaking  this is the language of the neteru

ba in predynastic  imeans soul which relates to soular being  in the Univers which is self you are soular meaning you are connected to the soular system in the cosmose  ,so your soul coats it self with planetary substance to protect itself when  in  so you are ruled by that planet eg mercury baby born in sept ,the celestial cross  establishes  and connects man with the celestial cosmose physically ans spiritually physically through the craft of ma'at_a_ma'at_ics and measurement so 
we can understand an see or location in the celestial elements and use this aligment to our advantage, and align or temple   with its energys ,,our buildings and bodies,so you note the pyramids in egypt alined with those on mars  and the mars pyramids aligned with the orians  thus depicting a path.or journey of the stargate travellers a map today a water down version is called the rosy cross ritual: rosy being the phonetic name of the egyption diety who was the guardian of the way  and science of the cross those disciple followed the way of rosy's cross  were the real rosicrsions)

the Afertia(pharohs) believed these beings would come back with there powerful science and technology according to the prophices of the ancient priest,  so the preserved there bodies using a specific procedure do that when theese being return  the could use there advance science and geneticall regenerate them this is why the mummyfication procedure was so important because it s rituals keep the different spirit part s in amenti  so that they could be returned to the body when  the time was right . ,the gold  and precious mentals in the tomb  was to  be payment for the regeneration process  to the neter in  secret  instuctions these mumification process was the instruction of the more like crryonic suspension in a way ,when archeologist digg up a mummy they have distory the hope and dreams of this Afertia having eternal life  which is physical immortality

aken_nan_yah wrote:

--also in predynastic  eg language a set of word my have  one meaning which could not be analized by breaking them down into into seperate per and suf like is done by arceologist today.many of the original writing were replaced

aken_nan_yah wrote:

The rosycrusions use the celestial cross for protection via invisibility and to leed them into soul illumination thus conferming ba Temb Ta

aken_nan_yah wrote:

DNA is a mysterious tool you can use it to clone the entire 

the egyption belived in life after deth which you can interpret two ways life as in living which is living after death (after life)
Difine the word I do knot now with dead  much about the native american s I cantalk about what I know there have also been pictures found in some kings tomb in  ancient nubia with the nibiru drawn in it ,the nibiru was not a plant it was a planitary ship its abig difference  a space ship shaped like a planet

I told you what you need to know now I can go back to sleep


aken_nan_yah wrote:

The Afertia were trying to preserve there DNA  for the life after there death which was physical immortality just like people appling for cryonic suspension this i am sure of this is the reall gold behind mumification its is so complex.

Matt Campbell wrote:

I hope you have good dreams when you sleep. That is where I spend my  life in paradise, close to the sky above the sky and all those flying  personalities animated with magical light and unsurpassed beauty. All the stars minister to me, their message is always the same, "abide in  the light and you shall be made whole". When I tell people of my dreams  they always marvel and say I should write a book. To me it is natural  and normal, a continuous progression of evolution into the rarefied  ethers of a vast spiritual realm.

In truth there is no death, only change from one state to another. Our  lives are like a black cat running in the night on a black paved road  with white stripes. When the cat is on a stripe you can see it, but then  when it is between them you cannot see it, because as the cat's journey  is analogous to our lives, we pass through Ku and do not tarry.

There is much discussion of late about Nibiru, we think it is a portal, others think it is a planet, still you know it as a planetary ship. Planetary ships are not new, they were featured in a classic science  fiction work called Cities in Flight, theories abound about the Moon  being one, still the Moons of Mars could very well be ships culled from  the Asteroid Belt, and there is Iaepetus. It makes the best sense, if in  the course of deep space voyage much has to be taken, then take everything.


aken_nan_yah wrote:

no the theories about the nibiru some people say it rotates around this sun then no one can really account for its continued rotation around or sun some creat theories  but matamatically the pattern they are usinf would defy some aspect of logic  some have it moving from othersun or solar syaytem into this one which means in terms of a plant it is not confined to on e solar system  etc its some thing they should look into

Matt Campbell  wrote:

An added note:

Upon closer inspection the actual date of the last crossing appears to  be between December 1st and November 30th 1993 and entered the ecliptic  August 5th, 1642. Now I think we have it. The later date is about 15  months off the record of admission into the Edinburgh lodge on May 20th, 1641 of one named Robert Moray. A Masonic pamphlet printed in 1676 says:

 "To give notice, that the Modern Green-ribbon'd Caball, together with  the Ancient Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross; the Hermetick Adepti and the  company of Accepted Masons intend all to dine together on the 31 of  November next...."

With advice to wear spectacles, 'For otherwise 'tis thought the said  Societies will (as hitherto) make their Appearance Invisible'.

And true to the tradition, the next crossing of what passes pitifully today for Nibiru was for all practical estimates on November 31st, 1993,  317 years later. A fitting number which reduces to 11, and this on  9/11/2006 by your host alliseleven. Count the letters and marvel.

An invisible order ruled by an invisible planet populated with invisible  residents that fly invisible spacecraft. Be sure to wear your spectacles  as it is very hard to see.


> > Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
> > He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
> > He got hair down to his knee
> > Got to be a joker he just do what he please
> > 
> > He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
> > He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola
> > He say "I know you, you know me"
> > One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
> > Come together right now over me
> > 
> > He bag production he got walrus gumboot
> > He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
> > He got feet down below his knee
> > Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
> > Come together right now over me
> > 
> > He roller-coaster he got early warning
> > He got muddy water he one mojo filter
> > He say "One and one and one is three"
> > Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
> > Come together right now over me
> > 
> > Matt

aken_nan_yah wrote:

many people talk also talk about the zero point incident 2012 but the incident wont happen in 2012 because that  incident is based on gregorian time they say that the nibiru will cause this but the truth is that the nibiru will not be here 2012 or before just like those people waiting on it 2003 I told them it was not comming ,they were waiting some sold all there belongings

aken_nan_yah wrote:

what they did to the masons (MY sons) was not write out of 360 degrees of knowledge they only gave them 33 degrees

Matt Campbell wrote:

Ron, are you behind this? The probability that an "ancient Egyptian"  spirit would show up discussing Rosicrucian material after you share with me that you have been on the 1ANUNNAKI forum is very high when  Ron is factored in...hmm...

Ron Schmidt wrote:

LOL They say confession is good for the soul... he seemed like an interesting fellow with things worth hearing so I did invite him to stop by.

Matt Campbell wrote:

So, yet another insight, the circle represents the wholeness of knowledge.


Ron Schmidt wrote:

That explains a lot...That's why they have kinda "hit a wall"
They have no where else to go...
Good thing Rosicrucians don't stop at 33 

aken_nan_yah wrote:

remember  base on ancient sumerian  and other teachings the human been is a 360 degree being3+6+0=9 nine is the highest number there no higher number 12 is 1+2=3; 13 is  1+3=4 nine completes the work of the grand archetect who has finally shaped the cub into perfection using the appropriate tools. Many mason who have come to his realization have become depressed 
remember the circle was created from the cub and from the circles the Flower is formed
actually there is one of you...

aken_nan_yah wrote:

I think memphis mizram is 97 degrees and there one greekoroman secret sect that use the 360 degree concept etc

aken_nan_yah wrote:

The masons were the "sons" of the master builder (my sons)it was the word used to discribe the Knowledge that was given to the forgeiners by Khu fu

Matt Campbell  wrote:

So if I pick any number, 284, which reduces to 5, the number before  reduces to 4 and the number after reduces to 6. This thrills me, it does  not depress me.

A circle cannot be squared if it comes from a square.

The Flower of Life therefore represents knowledge expanded.


aken_nan_yah wrote:

The concept being discussed here was termed supreme mathamatics by the ancientsthe circle was created from the cub by a hole different science of supreme mathamatics that has being long gone  it took me a while to understand it  be cause it took me on a trip outside of the regular degree.of thinking remember  the box in the head has 6 sides so so six is a starting point

this concept is were the ancient summerian sexigesimal system came from 6=a 12=b 18=c 24=d etc the sixes were sacred and were used for all kind of things even protection ,if you add up the word united states in sumerian numerology the way I showed  you get 666 some one coded the country to protect it and empower it   using the ancient sumarian system,666 was the trinity of god power.because 6+6+6 =18+1+8=9 complete ,the number is not evil unless you use it for that purpose.

so the ancient  had mathamatical conceptd that created the sun represented as a cirle from the cub  were spirit elements were equivalent to chemical  and other elements ,since within man there is a sun called solar and onother called plexus then there is also he cental sun in him

one day I have a scnner  i could illustrate if allowedyes the flower of life has infinite geometic pattern and possibilites  you should see D  melchizedek presentation ill send you the video. his presentation is a modern interpretation but is really good

Matt Campbell wrote:

I found that the process works for multiplication, but I have not yet discovered subtraction and division. For example, 134X248=382,  382=3+10=1+3=4, 134=4+4=8, 248=6+8=1+4=5, 8X5=13, 13=1+3=4 checks  with 382=4

Are you speaking of hexadecimal? 0123456789ABCDEF?

List of values omited here

 I am way past the "evil" in a number, as all numbers are one number.


aken_nan_yah wrote:

I dont really understand thpart of the question the nine numbers are the source of the vibration or regulatory vibration of the numbers  which are code ,as it relates to there purpose simplified

in terms of letter to numbers im taking about Base 6 the ancients used base 6 not base 10 they had  a computer system called hal. it was a supercomputer which cordinate  all over the planet alll activities  it was base on base six  this trys in with the sexagesimal system of the ancient sumerians base 10  was used to keep this  program of reality   going  a sort of matrix

I know the lady  the won that won the copy right  recently she is not an ordinary person ,to write that movie..When you  are dreaming  you dont kno your in a dream until you wake  that dream ort that progrram was reality until the program was switched

aken_nan_yah wrote:

these numbers 1-9  contains or is a summery of all the energies and materials  in the multi-verse. 

Matt Campbell  wrote:

A-HA! You are working in a base 60 numeral system! sexagesimal 
<>  is base 60! 

Now I will compute.


aken_nan_yah wrote:

yes  this is what im taking about the base (60 system was tought to  the summerians by the zodokits from which is the true origin of the word zodick ((the  12 signs of zodok) who is melchizodok,which was the title of the hiht priest of Ea (enki) some people say melchizedek because they donbt understand the word origin

yes it a long story but Ibm originated from the HAL computer concept ,they know about it   even though t the main from wqas move part of it remained behind  that were related to luli (the timer system of that computer.

 yes I was talking about the matrix move

Matt Campbell wrote:

More on sexagesimal

aken_nan_yah wrote:

well they already know about the sexagimal system no one is stopping them from using it . They question is why they avoided using it??Hal (lulu.

I have been recieving symbols from a different star system  i im tryint to decipher then so so far i know they are comming from sumeria between the 16 and 20th galaxciy and that these being  are hebru elohims related the ones that come in the AXUM ships(Hebrew)i have been away trying to decipher  some of them look like maths formulas eg hudge one(1) then beside them one symbol/..line then another symbol under  it .is not comming from suma star system nor orians nor sirians etc.
i just keep working on it

aken_nan_yah wrote:

 /-----snip!------/related the ones that come in the AXUM ships(Hebrew)

AXUM is an ancient city in Ethiopia (as well?)

[quote]  i have been away trying to decipher  some of them look like maths  formulas eg hudge one(1) then beside them one symbol/..line then another symbol under  it .is not comming from suma star system nor orians nor sirians etc.

How about Pegasus?

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