Heinrich Khunrath
Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae
Hamburg: 1595
The Cosmic Rose
The Cosmic Rose
(Click image for full size)

From the University of Wisconsin/Madison Special Collections

The Cosmic Rose
(Click image for full size)

The Cosmic Rose

Heinrich Khunrath. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae. [Hamburg: s.n., 1595].

Surrounding the circular image of the cosmic rose is engraved text (cf. notes on the transcription): 

kadosh kadosh kadosh adonai yhvh [1] ts’va-ot
Qui erat; qui est; qui erit; 
pleni sunt caeli, plena est omnis terra, 
maiestate gloriae eius: 
haleluyah haleluyah haleluyah

I. Lauamini, mundi estote. 

II. yhvh unum, omnium effectorem; ceteras potestates, ministras habetote. 

III. Ad primum uota precesque ad inferiores hymni sunto. 

IV. Quod, si forte, petitio ad inferiores, processerit, nisi sub modo delegatae, a primo, administrationis, intentio non esto. 

Henricus Khunrath Lips. Theosophiae amator, et Mediciniae Doctor, Dei gratia, inuentor. Paullus vonder doort [Paulus vander Doort], Antverp. scalpsit Hamburgi. Anno a Christo nato 1595. Mense April.


[1] Tetragammon.

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Last updated 28 September 2000

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