The Enigmas on Earth
Nazca Plains, Peru and Pine Gap Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 49' 17.67", +133° 49' 58.79"

The Spiral on the Nazca Plains in Peru

Image Credit: NASA/Ikonos

Size deterimination
Pine Gap Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 49' 17.67", +133° 49' 58.79"

Location #1 - Google Earth 2007

Spirals and Lines at the intersection of Hatt Rd (entrance to Pine Gap) and Stuart Hwy, Western Australia. Click on the image to zoom in for the full details. The Spirals are in the sandy area, the lines to the right of the highway.

Spirals Close View

Size deterimination

It has been suggested that these are irrigation circles... yet most irrigation circles are concentric rings from the wheels and sprayers. Also there is no sign of farming in this area, being the entrance to Pine Gap military extablishment

It has been suggested that these are erosion protection marks, yet the area is flat, and the circles are overlapping, random sizes and very precicely drawn

So... I decided it was time to write some emails...

Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 6:47 AM


I recently spotted some very interesting over lapping spirals at the intersection of Hatt Rd. and Stuart Highway south of Alice Springs. They appear to be ancient petroglyph's (or geoglyphs), perhaps Aboriginal Art? I have been attempting to find out about them but it seems their proximity to Pine Gap seems to make that difficult.

The location is here: -23° 49' 17.71", +133° 49' 58.83"

Any information you mighty have on this would be greatly appreciated

Thank you for your time

PS Here is the image...

Ron Schmidt
Las Vegas Nevada

Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 10:40 AM

Dear Mr Bednarik

We have received the following enquiry from Ron Schmidt. I hope that you do not mind me forwarding it to you but it has been suggested that you may be better placed to assist him than Geoscience Australia, or that you may be able to refer him to somebody else who can.


Felicity Siro
Collection Services Librarian
The N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library
Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia


From: Siro Felicity On Behalf Of Library Reference
Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 11:37 AM
To: Education; Media; Earth Monitoring
Cc: Library Reference
Subject: FW: Geoglyphs near Alice Springs [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I see this enquiry has gone to many places. Anyone taken it up? I hope so because I do not know the answer!

Felicity Siro
Library Reference

Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 12:11 AM

Dear Ron (and Felicity),

Most certainly your spirals are not petroglyphs, they occur in sandy soil. Judging from the width of the highway, they are more than 50 m in diameter.

I have seen hundreds of geoglyphs in various continents, especially South America, but none of such perfect geometry. Australian geoglyphs occur as "stone arrangements" and their typical forms are well known.

What you have here is either someone having had some fun (this has happened before further south, where some chap created a giant human figure with a grader), or alternatively, and more likely, this is incidental to some utilitarian activity, such as an irrigation machine.

It is certainly of no interest to us, but thank you for raising it.

Robert G. Bednarik
Editor, Int. Fed. of Rock Art Organisations (IFRAO)

Sent: Monday, 31 August 2009 10:13 PM


I am not able to help you further with your inquiry except to say that the Northern Territory Geological Survey may be able to point you in the right direction for more information.

Kind regards


Shona Blewett
Education Centre Manager
Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT, 2601
Corner Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive, Symonston, ACT, 2609

Subject: Re: Geoglyphs near Alice Springs [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Sent: Monday, 31 August 2009 9:47 PM
From: Danny Galbraith
To: [various recipients]


There are a number of the spirals in the Alice Springs area.
I am not sure who or what created them.
Degrees minutes, seconds

S23 46 19 - E133 52 34
S23 46 09 - E133 52 51
S23 46 39 - E133 52 38



Danny Galbraith
Geodesy Project Officer
Geoscience Australia Earth Monitoring Group
S   35  20’ 35” - E 149  09’ 30”

Pine Gap Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 49' 17.67", +133° 49' 58.79"
Location #1 - Google Earth Update 2009
This is a more recent Google Earth image. The previous one was taken in 2007 and there appears little change in the circles.

This is a Google street view of the area showing no signs of farming and that the area is very flat. Provided by ArMap in this post at ATS - "Whatever those spirals may be, that area is completely flat, as you can see [above]. " - ArMaP

Spirals as of Sept 2009

Close up

Close up

Close up

Close up
Alice Springs Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 46' 19.00", +133° 52' 34.00"

Location #2 - Google Earth 2009 

Spirals Area #2 - Old Ghan Train in lower right corner, (see below)

Close up

Close up

Close up

Old Ghan Locomotive by UncsDuncs
Alice Springs Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 46' 39.00", +133° 52' 38.00"

Location #3 - Google Earth 2009 

Spirals Area #3

Several older spirals and odd equally spaced rectangles

Close up

Close up

Close up

Older faded ones
Alice Springs Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 46' 9.00", +133° 52' 51.00"

Location #4 - Google Earth 2009 

Spirals Area #4

Spirals Area #4

Rectangular Grid Work in adjacent area  -23° 46' 9.13", +133° 52' 33.77"

Sand dune stabilization in arid region
Credit: Central Arid Zone Research Institute

Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Arid Zone Research Institute
-23° 45' 59.59", +133° 52' 50.32"

Spirals Area #4

Spirals Area #2-4 near Arid Zone Research Institute
Alice Springs Spirals
Northern Territory, Australia
-23° 46' 14.94", +133° 53' 25.80"

Location #5 - Google Earth 2009 

Spirals Area #4

Spirals Area #4
More Lines at Kirtland AFB
34° 58' 58.26", -106° 31' 42.30"

Concentric Circles

Concentric Circles
+34° 58' 32.64", -106° 31' 38.28"
Yakima Training Center (Washington, US)
+46° 38' 49.70", -120° 18' 40.45"

Concentric Overlaping Double Rings

 Just to the East of the Yakima Training Center (Washington, US) ECHELON Station, I spotted this forest fire. But I am more interested in what these circles in the forest are.

Related Links:

UPDATE May 30, 2008
Cabeceras de Izcagua
La Palma, Canary Islands
Star watch - Archaeologists discover a “cosmic clock”

Overcrowded in their lower reaches they might be, but the Canary Islands still possess some solitary mountain wildernesses, places little visited thanks to their rugged inaccessibility, and which have hardly changed since they were frequented by the pre-colonial aboriginal islanders.

And traces of their presence are still turning up, often in the form of petroglyphs, enigmatic scratched marks on rocks and boulders which held some special significance about which we can only guess today.

The latest find is, say archaeologists, one of the most exciting. They are calling it a cosmic clock, a description guaranteed to get the imagination of any sci-fi fans racing.

But there are no flashing lights and strange dials. The reality, a piece of stone 44 centimetres high and 34 wide, would certainly disappoint them, but the experts are hailing the Summer Stone as a major discovery.

Found on the rarified heights of Cabeceras de Izcagua in La Palma, at an altitude of 2,140metres, on a site inhabited by the Awaras (as the original inhabitants of that island were called), it is thought that the stone was instrumental in calculations to mark the equinoxes. The stone has symbols of the sun facing north-east scratched upon it.
The system used depended upon the alignment of three piles of stones with a facing mountain, from behind which the spring and autumn equinoctial sun rose – and still does.

Strangely enough that mountain is still associated with sky-watching. The Roque de Los Muchachos is the site of a world famous observatory which houses one of the world’s largest telescopes.

An odd case of back to the future.   AW

Copyright 2005 - Tenerife News - Canary Wharf S.L.

UPDATE June 13, 2008 
Nine Mile Canyon, Utah Petroglyphs
Spiral and Serpent Petroglyph
© B. Bryant All rights reserved.

Once again we see the spiral represented in another ancient culture. This one even has a serpent exiting the 'wormhole' and a set of dots on one side. This is a theme seen all over the planet.

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