Sitchin Strikes Again |
Title of Film...
"NASA's Search for Planet X" YouTube Version...
Opening Scene...
Yup its the NASA headquarters Sign in Washington DC...
So its pretty obvious so far that the intent is to show us we are about
to get some revelation from NASA...
Now in the next scene we see the front door of the
NAVAL OBSERVATORY, also in Washington DC
So with the video title and the walk by of the NASA sign, we are led to believe Sitchin is going to talk to a NASA Scientist about his Planet X... But his scientist is actually at the Naval Observatory...
Now that is quite a stroll, actually 4.3 miles away, and 19 minutes by
Sitchin now talks to Dr Robert S. Harrington... who works for the NAVY not NASA...
Sitchin asks Dr Robert S. Harrington to spend a few
minutes talking about the "nature of the new discoveries..."
When the Dr. answers... "I would be happy to but... (cut in film) ...and your absolutely right....." There is obvious editing here at 17-18 seconds into the film and we here the emphasis on "your absolutely right". Again right about WHAT we can't say because of the cut and no direct question before that. Now while Dr. Harrington talks about the likely hood
of another planet beyond Pluto, we cut to Sitchin with a smug smile doing
the bobble head routine...
So what this video tells us is that Sitchin went to
a lot of trouble to try to create "official backing' for his Planet
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