Antarctic Connections
Another HAARP-like Facility in Antarctica?

From a Letter to Russ Hamerly...

While exploring Google Earth I came across these unlabeled black structures in Antarctica. I looked closer and was intrigued to see the circular marks on the snow pack, measuring about 100 feet across. The structures are at 71 40 19.71 South, 2 49 38.50 West. Now I don't feel like I'm the only one who knows about them. I hope this is something.

I had a very close UFO sighting around 1959/60. The sighting left me 100% convinced that we are being observed and visited by something and someone unexplained.

What makes me suspicious about this location is that:
1. The "structures" are not labeled, when every other manmade detail in Antarctica seems to be labeled.
2. There are 100 feet diameter circular marks on the snow.
3.The large black box structures dwarf other habitations such as India's base.
4. The huge gaping black structures appear to have no bottom, making them look like caves.

I might be assuming too much but, curiosity is a thing of mine, sometimes good sometimes not. Thanks for your interest and prompt response.

Investigator's Notes: I verified that the box structures are near the location of the geographical coordinates supplied by the witness. I turned on all labels in Google Earth and the structures were not labeled. However, I don't believe that this necessarily means that they are not manmade. I don't see the 100 foot circular rings in the snow referenced by the witness. Suspicious objects and structures have been showing up on Google Earth images in the past few years. Some of these images seem to show unknown aerial vehicles. I don't know what these structures are or who they belong to. 

Thanks to Bill Puckett UFOS Northwest

Antartica Base -71° 40' 19.71", -2° 49' 38.50"
Pegasus Additional Research
Antarctica Unknown Facility

In the image above we have taken a large section of the area surrounding the 'black structures' and a lot of interesting things appear... click on the image above for the full size (13.4 megs) image and click HERE for the labeled version showing all the features we found..

Above is the first reported large black structure... the circles mentioned in the first report are clearly visible... but there are a lot of straight and parallel lines in the area indicating something buried... You can see one wide fuzzy straight line... if you look carefully along it you will find antennas (with shadows) all about equally spaces along it. This is best seen in the large labeled version. (Click on image above for full size without labels.)

In the image above there is a second even larger black structure below and left of the first one... There is another long row of antennas in this section, as well as a rectangular area of parallel lines, most likely an antenna array... (see below) (Click on image above for full size without labels.)

Antenna Array
More Antennas
Antenna Arrays

Further south of the black structures are still more antenna arrays... (see below) (Click on image above for full size without labels.)

Antenna Array
Antenna Array
Antennas Spaced along two rows

Going back to the large view... you will find single antennas equally spaces along two straight lines. Above is a section showing several of the antennas and their shadows. Not all are easily visible but enough are to get the spacing.  (Click on image above for full size .) When you zoom out you see two straight lines... They looked artificial so we looked closer. Below is the overview detailing the two antenna lines. (Click on image to see full size)
Antenna Arrays
More Structures

Further to the right we see a row of strange formations... these have indications of rectangular structures buried by snow. Why structures and not natural formations? Well that observation is based on a similar formation even further to the right (East) of the section we originally studied...

In this set the structures are clearly recognizable... its almost as if the previous set has been abandoned... or is simply not used. Snowmobile tracks all over this image show signs of recent activity. (Click on either image for full size without labels)
71°40'25'S 2°49'44'W

Update by Jack Arneson: Base Identified

SANAE IV is the South African National ent base, SANAE 4, is located at Vesleskarvet in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Summer teams can comprises maintenance personnel and scientists from various countries and can be up to 100 people. Overwintering teams are mainly scientists fAntarctic Expedition. The currrom South Africa and range from 9 to 16 members.

Located on a nunatak, or rocky outcrop, at Vesleskarvet (Norwegian for 'little barren mountain') on the Ahlmann Ridge, about 100 miles (170k) from the coast. The huts are built on poles since there is about 150-200 cm snow accumulation during an Antarctic winter. Temperatures of up to -50 Celsius occur during the winter and the sun is not seen for more than three months, which make conditions for working outside the main base very difficult.
Research in  Physical sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Oceanographic Sciences. Only the physical sciences program is conducted year-round at SANAE IV. The other programs are conducted during the short Summer period when the temperatures weather permits field work and the extent of the sea ice is at its minimum.


The HAARP Connection...

At the Antarctic base, SANAE IV, the field of research is varied. There are programmes which provide for upper air research (e.g. cosmic rays) and others again which cover the earth sciences (e.g. geology). A few of the antenna masts are visible in these images.

E-Base: Decommissioned 2004


Cargo Delivery

Currently South Africa uses Penguin Bukta to offload cargo that is destined for E-bae of SANAE IV. As the ice shelf is to high for the heavy lift crane on board the Agulhas a ramp has to be dozed for the crane to reach.

Here you can see the rows of structures first shown in the Google Earth images at the start of this page..


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