Nibiru and Wormwood
I would like to thank God and the following people for their compassion, help, ideas, and genius: My sister, who has been my mentor for most of my life. Thanks, Patsy. My husband. A constant inspiration. What a man! David Flynn, an author with tons of alien and UFO-related information and a new book, to boot. The gentlemen at Alien Resistance. Org, a group of good guys, who head up a front to defend the populace from alien abduction. Michael S. Heiser, a scholar of ancient languages and author of many books relating to aliens and UFOs. Steve Quayle, an interesting author who has done his homework! Yahoo! Group: Sitchin, the folks at Sitchin's Yahoo! group, who give me lots of ideas to investigate (and disagree with). Patrick Heron, a congenial irish gent, who has an abundance of biblical knowledge and a great new book. Online Parallel Bible, Very cool Bible site that offers the various biblical translations for each verse of the Bible. Internet Sacred Texts Archive, an incredible resource for just about any ancient text you can name. Earth History, a wonderful sumerian text archive. And last, but certainly not least, P.I.D. Radio |