![]() The Anunnaki and the Abyss
Introduction It's a dangerous business going
out your front door.
Abyss=Abzu ....Many scholars have translated the word "Abyss" to mean, a deep body of water. Likewise, assyriologists assume the sumerian "Abzu" is a mythological deep body of fresh water, an underground water source. However, considering the ways in which both the Abyss and Abzu are described in ancient texts and depicted on cylinder seals, it's highly unlikely that any such translation is completely revealing or entirely accurate. In this book, I will describe how and why such translations are incorrect and provide a feasible set of alternative viewpoints for your consideration. ....According
to biblical texts, there's a hidden door to the "Abyss" and "Bottomless
Pit" in the vicinity of the Euphrates river, a star gate of sorts. It has
been there, buried under the ruins of the ancient mesopatamian city of
Eridu, for thousands of years. [1]
It's my contention, that this Abyss mentioned in the bible, is also referred
to in sumerian texts as the "Abzu," and is associated with a sumerian god
known as "Enki-Ea."
....The Abzu or Engur, is further described as a doorway from which Enki-Ea arrived on the Earth and over which he built the Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu, to faciliate its usage. Yes, you heard me right: usage. But to what end would he be using it? Certainly not for fresh water when the Euphrates was close at hand and abundantly fresh. If this "Abzu" was also the doorway from his "land" to the Earth, in what fashion would he be using it then? How did it function and just where exactly is his "land?" [2] ....Stranger still, in the biblical texts, the Abyss (Abzu) is "opened" with a key and locked with a key. If this Abyss were a literal body of water, how would one go about unlocking and locking it with a key? Is it all a metaphor for some unseen spiritual dimension with a spiritual, not literal, key? I think not and in this book, I will attempt to prove just such a point. Anunnaki=Angels. ....In addition to sharing my discoveries regarding the Abyss/Abzu, I will also be providing alternative explanations as to the identity of the ancient sumerian gods, known as the Anunnaki. There is much confusion amongst scholars, researchers and laymen, as regards the identity of the Anunnaki. Some refer to them as extra-terrestrials, which technically, is correct. However, there is another layer to that definition which many either don't see, refuse to see or simply ignore. Some refer to them as demons, which is incorrect, a point I will discuss briefly, later in the book. Some refer to them as the biblical nephilim, also an incorrect analogy. Some refer to them as the "gods" of the ancients, and although technically correct, I intend to prove this was a case of mistaken identity on the part of the ancient peoples, rather than the reality of the situation. And some believe the ancients were worshipping the stars, and had simply deified them in their art and literature. Although there is sufficient evidence to suggest the ancients did indeed worship the stars and planets, there exists a logical explanation for why they did so that does not require calling them delusional, or simply dealing in metaphors for the stars in every text and artform. Generally-speaking, the sumerian texts were historical not fictional metaphors. ....As a natural outcropping of the discovery of the true identity of the Anunnaki, the Abyss and Abzu become clearly identified and vice-a-versa. In other words, the Anunnaki and the Abyss go hand in hand and further define one another. This is an essential point and one that requires careful consideration if you wish to correctly understand the entirety of the events of ancient Sumer, Akkadia, Babylon and biblical prophecy. (Disclaimer: I, by no means, understand the entirety of prophecy or history. However, the subject of the Anunnaki and the Abyss/Abzu, is one I have found highly significant. It hasn't been given sufficient research by the mainstream theological, archaeological and historical communities, in my opinion). ....So, without further ado, my short ebook on the topic of "The Anunnaki and the Abyss!" I hope you find it engaging and revealing. Footnotes 1 Revelation