Moon Rising
Brian Allan 2002
'The moon is the Rosetta Stone of the planets.'
by Robert Jastrow, first chairman, NASA Lunar Exploration Committee
Although I am fully aware that currently there are strong arguments suggesting that the manned Apollo moon landings never took place as described, for the sake of clarity I will ignore them and proceed on the assumption that moon landings are an incontrovertible fact. Based on this premise, as we shall see there are some strong possibilities that not only has the moon been inhabited for some considerable time, but it is being prepared for a purpose that beggars belief.
Bad Moon Rising
Since the Earth was formed, it has always had company, a smaller, mute sibling that patiently circles the planet bearing witness to all that has befallen its larger relation. We tend to accept the presence of this huge satellite as a given, never thinking that there may be other forces at work here, therefore it may be timely to consider other ideas regarding the purpose and function this apparently dead world…the moon. It is by convention that we believe man visited the moon for the first time in 1969: of the three astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, while Collins the command module pilot remained in orbit, his two companions, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, both former fighter pilots, actually landed in a tiny 'LEM' or Lunar Excursion Module and walked on the airless, dusty surface of the moon.
We are told that the last manned mission to land on the moon was in 1972 and since then, due mainly to spiralling costs, we have never repeated this feat despite current technology being infinitely better. For example, it has been stated that modern, hand held games consoles like the Nintendo 'Game Boy' possess more computing power than the first manned space missions. Although the memory of these historic missions has faded into the background now, there are aspects that still gnaw at us. Despite repeated and probably necessary denials from NASA, an increasing body of evidence has grown suggesting that there was evidence of habitation already present on the moon and the astronauts witnessed it.
All through the Apollo missions, there have been suspicions of an ongoing cover up of varying degrees whether relating to alleged UFO sightings made by the astronauts whilst in transit or to reports of structures on the moon. A former official of the ground based NASA monitoring team, Otto Bender, reported that certain transmissions made by Armstrong and Aldrin were allegedly subject to NASA censorship and as result, never heard by the general public. The following information is sourced from individuals who were in possession of their own VHF receiving equipment and therefore able to monitor NASA communications. This type of monitoring, due to vastly more secure digital and encrypted communication systems, would be considerably more difficult (if not impossible) to repeat nowadays.
According to these sources, monitoring staff quickly cut off the conversations between the astronauts and NASA. Bender stated, "This conversation presumably took place when the two moon walkers, Armstrong and Aldrin were some on the surface, some distance from the LEM Armstrong clutched Aldrins' arm and exclaimed, "What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know". This was followed by the following exchange,
MISSION CONTROL: "What's there…(garble)…Mission
Control calling Apollo 11…"
APOLLO 11: "These babies
are huge sir…enormous… oh God, you wouldn't believe it…I'm telling you
there are other spacecraft out there…lined up on the far side of the crater
edge…they're on the moon watching us…" A statement attributed to a leading
space research scientist, Dr. Garry Henderson says: "All our astronauts
have seen these objects, but have been ordered not to discuss their findings
with anyone".
Unsurprisingly, NASA has never confirmed this account, but perhaps significantly Buzz Aldrin shortly after their return complained that; "The agency is using us as Goddam travelling salesmen". Aldrin, following bouts of heavy drinking, was eventually hospitalised suffering from 'emotional depression'. One interpretation of his comments insinuates that the expression 'travelling salesman' was a reference to NASA selling their version of the truth and denying the existence of an extraterrestrial presence. Another and probably more rational explanation, holds that NASA, in order to justify their ever increasing budget was presenting the astronauts to the worlds press and media at every and any opportunity.
Was the moonwalk merely an elaborate and hugely expensive exercise in public relations aimed at justifying their [NASA's] allocation of government funds? The experience of travelling to Earth's nearest neighbour the moon appears to have had a powerful effect on several astronauts, for example James Irwin, the sixth man to walk on the moon's surface. Irwin, in May 1972 resigned from the NASA space programme to become a Baptist missionary commenting, "The flight made me a more deeply religious person and more keenly aware of the fragile nature of the planet".
Another drop out was Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar (Ed) Mitchell who also resigned in 1979 to study parapsychology, founding the 'New Age' research centre known as 'The Institute of Noetic Sciences' near San Francisco in America. Mitchell describes his impressions of the Earth when viewed from the Moon, "I went into a very deep pathos, a kind of anguish. The incredibly beautiful planet that is Earth, a place no bigger than my thumb was my home… a blue and white jewel against a black velvet sky…was being killed off". Interestingly, the British newspaper the Daily Express also credits him with the following cryptic statement; " In order to survive, society has three ways to go, and the third is the most viable but most difficult alternative". This comment is assumed to refer to a series of notorious, clandestine proposals culminating in what is now referred to as 'Alternative Three.' This is odd comment; 'Alternative Three' refers to an alleged project designed to overcome overpopulation on the Earth by colonising the planet Mars.
Bob Grodin, another Apollo moon walker, when interviewed by Sceptre Television prior to airing a TV programme entitled 'Alternative Three' on June 20 1977 said, "Do you think they need all that crap down in Florida just to put two guys up there on a…on a bicycle? The hell they do. You know why they need us? So they got a good PR story for all that hardware they've been firing into space, we're nothing man, nothing!"
Later in 1977 on the 11th of July, the Los Angeles Times published an interview with Dr. Gerard O'Neill a Princeton University Professor, Dr. O'Neill also served as a professor of Aerospace at MIT, (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Significantly, Dr. O'Neill was also receiving research grants of almost $500,000 per year from NASA, (that amounts to more than $5,000,000 in today's terms). In the interview, Dr. O'Neill's comments on world population in 1979 seemed ridiculous. He stated " The world's population, currently about 4 billion will, by the year 2000, stand at around 6.5 billion". He pointed out that in percentage terms, 30% of the population is in developed nations and continued, "Because of the projected population growth in undeveloped countries this will drop to around 22% by the end of the 20th century.
The world will be a hungrier and poorer place". He also commented on the now well-documented effects of pollution and greenhouse gasses which resulted in the notorious 'greenhouse effect'. From our position over thirty years in the future we can reflect on just how accurate these comments and observations were; Dr. O'Neill's solution to the problem? 'Island 3.' He stated, "There's no doubt about the technology, it's already in place, that's been confirmed by NASA, it's all ready to go". There can be little doubt that O'Neill's remarks give credence to the preciously mentioned 'Alternative Three'.
What then did Armstrong and Aldrin actually see on the surface of the moon and what allegedly has been observed by Earth based astronomers? Before addressing these two questions, we should examine some little known anomalies relating to the moon itself.
1) The moon is much older than at first thought, while the Earth is reckoned to be at least 4.6 billion years old, moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old and the moon dust on which they lay at least 1 billion years older. Until now it was assumed that the moon was created by excess material thrown off during the Earth's formation. However, presented with this fresh geological information gleaned from the moon rocks, we now find some extremely interesting questions regarding both the true origins of the moon and the age of planet Earth. It also queries how the moon became trapped in the Earths gravitational pull.
2)The composition of the rocks and the surrounding dust is markedly different, which indicates that the accepted theory stating that the dust was formed from degradation of the rocks themselves is wrong and the rocks originated elsewhere.
3) Some of the moon rocks were magnetic which is odd since the moon itself has no discernible magnetic field.
4)The presence of Moon 'Mascons.' Mascons are large, circular, dense masses lying forty to fifty miles below the centres of the moon's maria (seas). They could be interpreted as artificial since it is not coincidental or accidental that each maria has a mascon centred like a bulls eye beneath it.
5)It is a matter of record that the seismic monitors left on the moon by successive teams of astronauts have recorded meteoric impacts upon the lunar surface that caused the moon 'Ring like a bell.' This was particularly true, when on completion of its mission, an unmanned lunar surveyor was allowed to crash on to the lunar surface to provide an impact of known weight.
6)The moons surface is much harder than expected, when the astronauts' experienced extreme difficulty drilling into the surface of a maria, it was discovered that the surface was composed of 'illeminite' a mineral containing large quantities of titanium. The metal titanium is used by the aero industry in the construction of high flying, high performance aircraft like the Lockheed SR 71 Blackbird. Also found in the lunar rocks were quantities of Uranium236 and Neptunium 237, neither substance is found naturally on Earth.
These are a few of many odd and anomalous findings made by NASA…at least they are the findings they have seen fit to release into the public domain.
Project Horizon
Returning to what was allegedly witnessed by astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin; by implication they saw some sort of spacecraft, several in fact sitting immobile, 'parked' at the edge of a crater. If this is correct, then were the craft of terrestrial origin or otherwise? For an answer to this, we should look to the years preceding the 1969 moon landing, back before the remarks famously made by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 regarding placing men on the moon and 'Returning them safely to the Earth.' Back in fact to a US Army report dated 9th June 1979 entitled 'Project Horizon', sub-heading, 'A US Army Study for the Establishment of a Lunar Outpost.' In other words, two projects running in parallel, one funded directly and overtly by the US government and the other funded indirectly and covertly by the same US government, but channelling the vast sums of money required into army research projects via military 'black' budgets.
Among those charged with creating the technology for the project was none other than the legendary Werner von Braun, one of many former German scientists and technicians involved in the Nazi V1 and V2 missile projects. He was spirited out of Germany to the United States at the end of the Second World War under the auspices of 'Project Paperclip' when the USSR and the USA drained Germany's pool of scientific expertise for use in their own covert projects. One of the prime targets for the team headed by von Braun was the design and construction of the 'LERV' or the Lunar-Earth Return Vehicle.
There is no doubt that although much of the development and technology was common to both the civilian and military groups, it is equally certain that the civilian side of the joint project was totally unaware of the other, hidden agenda. Another part of the hidden schedule involved the construction of a space station in equatorial Earth orbit to facilitate assembly and fuelling of the Trans-lunar stages. The intended vehicles were the same, the Saturn I and the Saturn II, which was an outgrowth of the original Saturn I project. It was expected that the Saturn II would be operational between 1962-64 and would use improved engines on the booster and oxygen/hydrogen engines of the upper stages.
According to the Project Horizon report, by the end of 1964, a total of 72 Saturn vehicles should have been launched of which 40 were expected to contribute towards accomplishing Horizon. It was assumed that cargo deliveries to the moon would begin in January 1965 and the first manned mission using two men would follow three months later in April 1965. This would be followed by, quote, 'The build up and construction phase will be continued without interruption until the outpost is ready for beneficial occupancy and is manned by a task force of 12 men in November 1966.' The total cost of this eight and one half year programme was estimated at six billion dollars and was justified on several grounds.
The main reason, given the ongoing 'cold war,' was one of military advantage and prestige; the other was on a cost basis of 6 billion dollars which represented around $700 million per year over the time span, or less then 2% if the then annual defence budget. We are now faced with a stark choice, either we accept the possibility of such a strategy or we dismiss it as sheer fabrication. On balance, given the 'gung ho, can do,' mind-set with the ranks of the military and the general paranoia of the era, tips the project towards the probable. We must never lose sight of the fact that military technology is normally around twenty years ahead of similar civilian development, so much of the infrastructure was probably either already in place, or easily adapted to from other functions.
It is here that we can draw conclusions between what is stated in the Project Horizon Report and what has been photographed using Earth based telescopes. According to the report, apart from the spacecraft, the report shows feasible designs for living quarters intended for people living on the lunar surface. They were designed on the same principle as thermos flasks; i.e. a twin hulled cylinder incorporating an airlock with special insulation between the inner and outer hulls. The entire module would be buried in a natural crevice on the lunar surface. Within the confines of the Lobachevsky Crater, terrestrial observatories have photographed an object that is clearly not a natural artefact. It appears to be a shiny, cylindrical object that fits the parameters laid out in the report.
The late Col. Philip Corso, a former US Army Intelligence officer also makes these observations in his excellent book, 'The Day After Roswell,' which documents a range of technological developments, which claims Corso, were all back-engineered from the alleged crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The veracity and credentials of Corso, who was also a member of the White House National Security Council under President Dwight D. Eisenhower and then headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department, reporting to General Arthur Trudeau, is impeccable. Does this therefore mean that there are accommodation modules designed to support human life on the moon? No, it does not, but it does tend to give serious food for thought.
Following on from hard lessons learned in the ideological battleground of the cold war and given the need for America to combat what it perceived as a threat to its sovereignty, the desire of the USA to gain an advantage both militarily and in national prestige over the then USSR was a prerequisite. In this overheated, hothouse atmosphere, it is likely that seeds from the Project Horizon report fell on fertile soil. The technology was present, although in a less sophisticated form than now it would serve.
The US military already had ongoing ballistic missile research projects that could be adapted to suit the needs of manned space flight, the design of living accommodation based on submarine technology was relatively easy. Money was available in abundance and given the political climate, the will was there, because of which it is likely that safety took second place to expediency. Finally, there was no shortage of brave, skilled crews, so the project was feasible, but did it ever really happen? Given the systematic secrecy practised by all governments there may never be a final answer to this. Based on the information available, all that can be said with any certainty is that it was possible, but until we actually return to the moon, it will have to remain just that; a possibility.
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