Las Vegas Shooting |
Las Vegas Shooting John Lear Jan 08 2018 posted on Facebook More Fake News from that Certifiable Fake Moron John Lear who, deep in the final stages of Dementia, is talking and writing about things he has no business talking and writing about. John we love you guy but 'shut the f--- up.' The FBIA (Federal Bureau of Ignorant A----es.) confessed today that the October 1 alleged disaster in Las Vegas was just a huge choreographed scam. None of the alleged 58 people were killed and very few of the alleged 500 people hurt were actually hurt. The entire scam was to protect the FBIA from terminal embarrassment from having been caught in an illegal arms deal supplying arms to ISIS terrorists within U.S. Borders that backfired. Stephen Paddock, an undercover FBIA agent who participated in multiple illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area and in a gun running entrapment scheme similar to Fast and Furious thought he was engaging in another routine arms transfer. But ISIS who some say is just a CIA manned and sponsored fake terrorist operation learned about the entrapment scheme and Paddocks true identity. Paddock was killed to keep the FBIA's involvement secret. Local police and media were threatened by FBIA agents to stick to the 'one shooter, Oswald type event' for reasons of 'National Security'. The 'Oswald' type event was the single shooter story meant to keep the true story of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy a secret. The true story of the JFK murder is written in 'Final Judgment' by Michael Collins Piper and details the murder by Mossad under the direction of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion because of Kennedy's attempt to force international inspection of Dimona, Israels nuclear bomb factory. FBIA's attempt to make Stephen Paddock responsible for the deaths of 58 and injury of 500 began to fall apart the first day of the investigation when not a drop of blood was found in the festival area. Nor were any bullet holes found in the stage construction. During the following days no hospital execs could be found whose hospitals had treated victims. Nor could any death certificates be found signed by the Clark County coroner. News media filmed and/or broadcast Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Lombardo obviously under extreme pressure by an FBIA agent standing next to him announced they had concluded there had been only one shooter. This was obviously a lie concocted by the FBIA to keep themselves from being implicated in the arms entrapment scheme which backfired. One of the stories released was that the entire scam was a cover to obscure the exfiltration of Crown Prince Salman from the top floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. FAA radar tapes shown on Alex Jones showed 8 helicopters flying in and around and hovering in the back of the hotel, with 3 of those helicopters hovering in position for 30 minutes. One of those helicopters had a transponder code that identified it as a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 which caused one observer to note that it was the first time he had seen a Boeing 737 hover. What we have probably witnessed was the attempted character/organization assassination between the ongoing CIA/FBI internal war. Each organization trying to make the other look bad. The FBIA however made the fatal mistake of killing their own employee, Stephen Paddock and attempting to shift the entire blame on him. Fatal because every other employee knows they can expect the same treatment and is running for cover. If it were true that ISIS was in fact CIA in drag we have the CIA and FBIA selling each other illegal arms and attempting entrapment of each other. This would fit in with the illegal, dishonest and outright fraudulent attempts of the DEA, FDA and CDC attempting to make Kratom a Schedule 1 Dangerous Drug at the behest of Big Pharma who stands to lose billions. Big Pharma is continuing to suppress a cancer cure used in Canada and other cancer cures here in the U.S. As John Lear sinks further into Dementia he wants you to know that all of his articles are pure nonsense and asks you not to believe a word of it. |
Las Vegas Shooting John Lear Jan 17 2018 7:34 pm posted Totally Fabricated FBIA Special Agent Interview Jan. 16
In an interview that John Lear has assured us has been totally fabricated a female Special Agent of the FBIA has told us that the entire Las Vegas FBIA staff has been told to deny any knowledge of Stephen Paddock and if presented with evidence we are to say it has been fabricated. If a reporter says that they now know that all of the weapons found in Paddocks room were part of the weapons that were to be sold to the ISIS in an attempted weapons transfer scam gone awry we are deny the story and evidence outright. We are told that if the situation becomes untenable we are to just walk away without responding. The female Special Agent says that in the past several years she has seen numerous incidents of dishonesty and outright fabrication of evidence by her superiors and has led to her considering possible resignation. “I joined the FBI to help get the bad guys. It turns out we are the bad guys”, she was quoted as saying in the totally fabricated interview. |
Las Vegas Shooting John Lear Jan 17 2018 4:17 pmposted on Facebook More Fake News from the misinformed and dementia crazed mind of John Lear The FBIA's Journal of Disinformation called the Las Vegas Review Journal continues to force feed the public that Stephen Paddock undercover FBIA agent involved in illegal weapons dealing with ISIS was the 'lone gunman' in the alleged massacre October 1 at the Festival. Last Sunday their FBIA approved headline was. “Paddock Covered Tracks Fully”. They should have said “Magician Paddock” because I think most of those alleged tracks were covered after he was murdered by his employer the FBIA. Although there is not a single piece of evidence that shows Paddock to have shot dead 58 people and wounded 500 others before shooting himself twice in the top of his head, the FBIA Review Journal continues to fabricate stories and evidence in the alleged massacre. Although many believe nobody was killed or injured in the alleged massacre the FBIA forced Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Lombardo to publicly state the Paddock was a lone gunman despite incontrovertible evidence shown by Mike Adams of the Health Ranger that there had to be at least 2 shooters. This is the same method the FBIA used to frame Oswald in the murder of JFK. In fact Oswald was in the Texas School Book depository having a soft drink when th shooting occurred. The FBIA has a history of covering up evidence in mass injury and death incidents such as the Murrah Building explosion in Oklahoma City, hiding and/or destroying evidence in the 911 false flag terror disaster, Sandy Hook, and now trying to pin their covert employee Stephen Paddock with 58 deaths and 500 injured although of all the videos taken not one shows any muzzle flashes coming from Paddocks 32 story window in the Mandalay Bay. Todays issue of the FBIA Journal of misinformation called the Las Vegas Review Journal headlined 'Oct. 1 charges possible' and hopefully meant that the entire FBIA Las Vegas office of Special Agents are going to be jailed on 'no bail' charges of planning and executing the Oct. 1 massacre and murdering their own employee Stephen Paddock. |
John Lear January 20 at 11:08am Posted In the
LVMPD report on pages 15 to 22 is a list of the FBIA fabricated deaths.
Not a single listing includes where the bullet hole was, what direction
it came from, the angle that it penetrated the body or where the bullet
existed. In other words the entire list is a fabrication made by the
FBIA and sworn to by the Clark County Office of the Coroner Medical
In other words the FBIA couldn't get the Clark County Coroner to fabricate the death certificates himself so they used the “Clark County Office of the Coroner 'Medical Examiner'” to sign off on the fabricated death certificates. And where is Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg? Page 23 of the LVMPD Report has a footnote #12. It states “Source material consisted of information from local area hospitals (names not given), notes taken by Crime Scene Analysts who responded to the local hospitals (name of hospitals not provided) to document the injured, voluntary statements from actual victims (actual victims are presumably different from 'fake' victims). Also included was a separate listing of victims provided by the FBI. Why a separate listing? Because nobody might have seen an actual dead body and the FBIA had the official list of “Dead Crises Actors” to match the fake death certificates signed by, no not John Fudenberg! But by the “Office of the Clark County Medical Examiner”. Get it? The next few pages of the LVMPD Report are the details of the fabrication of Stephen Paddock as the shooter by his employer the FBIA. I will report on that nonsense. Randall Koller: the big question is are Steven Paddock and Gene Rosen the same man? and did they kill him for being a drunken buffoon with loose lips talking about Sandy Hook? or is he still alive? ![]() Clark County Coroner's Office Fails to Autopsy Las Vegas Shooting Victims - VIDEO |
John Lear January 20 at 7:10am Posted Just
one example of the complete stupidity of the LVMPD report on page 13
(of 81) it has Paddock firing 194 rounds between 2207 and 2208. The
report does not mention how he managed to accomplish that feat or which
guns he used and or how many magazines he used. This report has all of
the earmarks of an FBIA attempted coverup to make it look like Paddock
was the 'lone gunman'. I don't believe that Paddock fired a single
round. More later as I carefully read this report.
Randall Koller: you live there, do you know with 100% certainty it even happened? every video I've seen leads me to believe otherwise John Lear: I know that 58 people were not killed. and I know that 500 people were not injured. I know that the FBIA is trying to pin the alleged shooting on their undercover employee Stephen Paddock. I know that the FBIA is killing people to keep he secret of what the real issue is. I believe that the FBIA is involved in the transfer of weapons to ISIS and Hamas. But I don't know how it all fits together YET. Randall Koller: you still got a pair, no doubt about that Jack Brando: John what I don't get is that there is a picture of paddock dead on the floor with a gunshot wound to his head because he "killed himself" but if you look at his chest he also has a gunshot wound . now how does that happen ? and also there is a picture of him dead on the floor with what looks like small brown bag on his hand. there is no way that he did this plus not one pic or video from the hotel? I can't go to the ice machine without being on 10 different cctv cameras. this is a massive cover up . but the big question is why was this done in the first place? John Lear: I don't know for sure, Jack, but right now it looks like the FBIA was dealing with and transferring guns to the ISIS and Hamas. For what reason I have no idea YET. But I will find out. It must have been very important for the FBIA to have murdered thei...See More Jack Brando: John Lear keep up the great work john and hopefully the truth will come out soon. J.R. Noell: It has been a while since I saw the pic of him on the floor, but you can tell he didn't shot himself just by the position of his body and the gun. Without showing his body what you see his the blood from a shot that was inflicted into his mouth. Both of his arms are down by his side and he is lying on his back. The gun is above his head. I don't see how it could have gotten that far away from his head unless the police kicked it over there. Faked sucide in my opinion. Both hands are down by his side. ![]() John Lear: Thank you J.R. Your information is extremely valuable. MORE TO ADD |
John Lear January 20 at 6:02am Posted Here is the 100+ page LVMPD Preliminary Investigative Report for the 1 October/ (alleged) Mass Casualty Shooting. I would appreciate any comments you may have. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but I am certain they are going to try and make Stephen Paddock look like the lone shooter. It is my opinion that Paddock did not fire one bullet, and there were at least 3 shooters. LVMPD Preliminary Investigation Report 1 October Mass Casualty Shooting Please feel free to copy and distribute. John Joseph Burhop: I think the handwritten note is one of the most suspect elements here. I think the handwriting should be carefully analyzed. Why would a shooter need to calculate maximum kill efficiency when firing from a 32nd story window into a crowd of 22,000 people? That sounds pretty far-fetched to me. The handwritten note also provides supposed "Smoking Gun" evidence to corroborate how so many people were killed so that anyone unconvinced that he could kill so many people from so far away would have that convenient note with the calculations to explain the unbelievable high number of casualties Robert Brock: Nobody I know would even consider using a bump stock with any type of scope. And every AR15 had one attached. Makes no sense from a “hit the target” perspective. Quote “Documenting the living victims in this case has been a work in progress since October 1st. Source material poured into the LVMPD’s Force Investigation Team (FIT) office post October 1st and is still being received.” So will that list be made available??? |
John Lear January 21 at 10:53am Posted The following is from the Fake News Department of the demented and deranged mind of dementia crazed John Lear. The reader is asked not to believe anything John writes because it is all just nonsense. STEPHEN PADDOCK WAS FRAMED BY THE FBI AND THE LVMPD HE DID NOT SHOOT ANYBODY AND WAS MURDERED TO KEEP A SECRET In the LVMPD report on pages 15 to 22 is a list of the FBIA fabricated deaths. Not a single listing includes where the bullet hole was, what direction it came from, the angle that it penetrated the body or where the bullet existed. In other words the entire list is a fabrication made by the FBIA and sworn to by the Clark County Office of the Coroner Medical Examiner. In other words the FBIA couldn't get the Clark County Coroner to fabricate the death certificates himself so they used the “Clark County Office of the Coroner 'Medical Examiner'” to sign off on the fabricated death certificates. And where is Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg? Did he swear that he had signed all 58 death certificates? Page 23 of the LVMPD Report has a footnote #12. It states “Source material consisted of information from local area hospitals (names not given), notes taken by Crime Scene Analysts who responded to the local hospitals (name of hospitals not provided) to document the injured, voluntary statements from actual victims (actual victims are presumably different from 'fake' victims). Also included was a separate listing of victims provided by the FBI. Why a separate listing? Because nobody might have seen an actual dead body and the FBIA had the official list of “Dead Crises Actors” to match the fake death certificates signed by, no not John Fudenberg! But by the “Office of the Clark County Medical Examiner”. Get it? On page 24 it states that between September of 2016 and September of 2017 Paddock purchased 84 fireams with firearms related accessories. Now are we supposed to believe that paddock purchased 84 firearms and related accessories to shoot the Music Festival re- velers? I don't. The FBIA undercover employee bought those firearms at the behest of his employer to sell or trade to ISIS in some kind of a scam that went bad. The next few pages of the LVMPD Report are the details of the fabrication of Stephen Paddock as the shooter by his employer the FBIA. Reviewing LVMPD Report pages 24-30 of 81 pages other then to mention that the 'event had officers staffed from 1300-0100 hours with officers arriving and securing at various times, there is not one mention of a time. Not one. The Report takes 7 pages of single spaced text to review who went where and included details of the operation of the elevators and every single officers position there is not one single mention of time, not one. This makes it impossible to crosscheck who was where as the alleged gunfire was taking place. There is no mention of time as to when Paddocks body was discovered. The report mentions that a small frame revolver was 'on the ground above Paddocks head' and that he was laying 'on top of a rifle'. The report states that 'Apparent blood on the revolver and a pool of blood had formed around Paddocks head'. The report then states 'the officers believed Paddock had a self-inflicted gunshot wound but doesn't mention where the self-inflicted gunshot wound was located. The report fails to mention that Paddock had a chest wound as can be seen in crime scene photographs. On page 29 the LVMPD report states 'No gunfire had been heard from the suspect's room for about 40 minutes but fails to mention the time the '40 minutes' commenced or the time the '40 minutes' ended. This makes correlation of any related activity including the 'breaks in gunfire', or when Officers Cook and Clarkson were wounded.or when Officer Varsin and Hendrex 'heard gunfire' from 'below the 31st. Floor., or when LVMPD officers arrived on the 32nd floor' and proceeded up the 300 wing' and 'made entry into rooms', or when 'the sound of gunfire had ceased', or when the 'Strike Team made entrance into room 32-135. This is an incredible breach of formal investigation procedures however preliminary but obviously allows for an erroneous timeline to be constructed to obfuscate the true sequence of events. On page32 of the LVMPD Report Location and Description of the Bodies it states, 'A total of thirty one (31) bodies were located, documented and eventually recovered from inside of the venue and on the exterior perimeter. The report then states 'The time of death was determined to be 0545 hours for those recovered from the venue and exterior perimeter.' This is approximately 7:38 (seven hours and thirty eight minutes) after the shooting began at 2207. The report does not mention this discrepancy or why no timeline is included in the report. The report then states “Davis Funeral Home responded and transported the deceased to the CCOCME for a complete examination. The report fails to mention how Davis Funeral Home would transport 31 bodies or where the balance of the alleged 58 deceased were or where their bodies were transported and what those times of death were. There are so many holes in this report that it has obviously been partially or wholly written by the FBIA to obscure and obfuscate any meaningful investigation of the Oct. 1 alleged massacre. The FBIA official mouthpiece The Las Vegas Review Journal in its Sunday Edition reported nothing. The Bell Comic Books Heroes Archer and Meathead continued to call Paddock 'the shooter' as dictated to them by the FBIA, as there continues to be no evidence that Paddock was a shooter of the more than 3 shooters of the alleged massacre. |
John Lear January 22 at 8:46am Posted A few words about the Crowdsource the truth: posted a video featuring Laura Loomer at the Clark County Coroners office. Her interesting report was spoiled by Jason Goodman who continually interrupted her, sticking his head into camera frame mumbling his two cents worth and then smiling as if he had contributed something useful to the report. Each time he did that I felt like kicking him in the butt and telling him to shut the F--- up. Jason, you need to keep your comments to yourself until such time as you are not interrupting Laura Loomer. Every time you interrupt the viewer loses track of what Laura is saying. In the video at the coroners office your (seemed like) 25 interruptions contributed nothing to Laura's report your SE grin notwithstanding. |
John Lear January 25, 2018 Posted John's
dementia prevented him from posting a timely disclaimer. As usual his
limited brain capacity has caused him to write pure nonsense and as
usual asks that nobody believe anything he writes. Please accept his
apology for this late disclaimer. Thank you.
The Las Vegas Review Journal known world-wide as the FBIA's Stooge Mouthpiece yesterday, January 24, 2018, in their Business section page 8B continues to call Stephen Paddock the 'shooter' writes “ Stephen Paddock opened fire from a strip hotel onto concertgoers killing 58 people.” Although there is not one shred of evidence that Paddok killed anybody nor is there a shred of evidence that the body in the room was even Stephen Paddock, the FBIA's chief disinformation publication continues their moronic diatribe. There is not one single video that shows any muzzle flash coming from alleged shooter Stephen Paddocks room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The Las Vegas Review Journal continues to write that Paddock had 23 firearms in his room neglecting to tell their readers that between September 19, 2016 and September 19, 2017 Paddock purchased 84 firearms and associated accessories. The reason this is important is that obviously Paddock was not a gun collector so why did he purchase 84 weapons and associated accessories? Because as an FBIA covert employee Paddock was involved in a FBIA sanctioned gun-running scam. But the Las Vegas Review Journal still promotes the FBIA's disinformation that Paddock was a 'lone gunman' when there is ample evidence that there was at least 2 shooters. This is the FBIA's same modus operendi they used to portray Oswald as the JFK's 'lone gunman'. To the Editorial staff of the Review Journal, “Nice reporting you morons.” |
Las Vegas Shooting John Lear Feb 07 2018 posted on Facebook More Fake News from the dementia infected brain of the Godfather of Conspiracy John Lear. The management disavows any knowledge of the following news release and implores people not to believe it. With he resignation of Steve Wynn as CEO of his company for sexual improprieties over a thirty year period, using his employees as his personal sex choices, the question is, Who is Next?' The next industry mogul to fall from grace will possibly be Sherman Adelson, owner of the Las Vegas Review Journal and presumably the person in charge of the RJ's wholesale capitulation to the FBIA and their dishonesty concerning the 'lone shooter' in the alleged 'massacre' Oct. 1st of last year. Now that there is a question of who the dead man in Steven Paddocks room was with the Clark County Coroner refusing to sign off on an autopsy of the alleged body pf Steven Paddock local sources are demanding that Adelson be held accountable for his newspapers dishonesty and refusal to print the facts that make it likely there was more than one shooter and that the alleged 'one shooter' was not Stephen Paddock.. Adelson who allegedly bought the Las Vegas Review Journal just so he could fire John Smith, a reporter who wrote critical although factual stories about Sherman Adelson., apparently had no newspaper experience or plans for the paper after firing Smith. But after firing Smith was Adelson ready to assume the helm of Las Vegas largest newspaper? Whoever was at the helm October 1st, 2017 appeared to print the daily disinformation issued from the FBIA. and refused to hold the FBIA accountable for the inconsistencies of their news releases. Every single issue of the RJ called Stephen Paddock, 'the lone gunman' without the slightest bit of evidence. On the contrary there was ample evidence that there were at least 2 shooters and very likely more than 2 shooters. However the Las Vegas Review Journal under he direction of Sherman Adelson had become the FBIAs mouthpiece and house organ issuing forth everyday with more nonsense none of which supported the lone gunman theory. The local FBIA office chief thug stood behind Sheriff Lombardo with a smug, self satisfied smile, as the sheriff made a public statement obviously written by the FBIA. Some say the sheriff appeared to have a gun in his back held by the FBIA office thug. Will Adelson apologize for his newspapers wholesale capitulation to the FBIA when and if it is proven that not only was Stephen Paddock not the dead man found in his room but that Stephen Paddock never fired a shot from his 32nd story window from which not one single video showed a muzzle flash on that Oct. 1 evening. In their February 7 issue this morning the Las Vegas Review Journal on page 8B Business prints under headline 'Mandalay Bay renumbering floor liked to massacre' prints: a shooter used a suite on the 32nd floor to kill 58 people...' Whats this? A shooter? Not Stephen Paddock anymore? Its true. The RJ editorial staff morons have backed off 5 solid months of accusing Stephen Paddock as being the lone gunman now use 'a shooter?' Nice going you RJ editorial staff morons. What next, not quite 58 dead? |
VEGAS MYSTERY DEEPENS: Coroner REFUSES to RELEASE Gunman’s Autopsy - posted by Hannity Staff In yet another stunning twist into the investigation of Stephen Paddock’s Las Vegas rampage, the Clark County coroner’s office is refusing to release the gunman’s autopsy; saying they won’t disclose the report until “ordered to” by a District Judge. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the coroner’s office has desperately fought to keep the official autopsy of Stephen Paddock’s body confidential, going so far as to pay out $32,000 in legal fees to fight those seeking to view the findings. This week, a Las Vegas court ordered the Clark County office to release the records but has so far failed to comply; claiming they were waiting for the legal decision to be “finalized.” VEGAS MYSTERY DEEPENS: Coroner REFUSES to RELEASE Gunman’s Autopsy - posted by Hannity Staff Posted 4 days ago Months after the Las Vegas shooting, the FBI has finally arrested the second person of interest, Douglas Haig. Knowledge of the second person of interest became available to the public after a judge ordered 300 pages of search warrant records to be released. BREAKING: LAS VEGAS SHOOTER INVESTIGATION JUST TOOK AN UNEXPECTED TURN |
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