The UFO Files |
A51Watcher's Collection
I have decided it is time to share what I discovered during my years of research and investigations. About a year ago I also started making videos to help demonstrate the evidence (since in some cases words did not do them justice). If you are interested you can see them here: |
The Day Before Roswell Posted by A51Watcher, on Jan 15, 2011 A while back Stanton Friedman told me that Roswell was not the beginning, but actually the end of a period when Flying Discs (as they were called back then) were buzzing the entire United States continuously for an entire 2 weeks BEFORE Roswell. He suggested I should go have a look through the newspaper microfiche archives in my area because the majority of these sightings were right in my area. I did so and... he turned out to be 100% correct. Every day front page headlines. I am attaching scans and text of those 2 weeks. Also our top brass were being grilled by reporters as to what the deal was. They denied any knowledge and thus were being made to look bad since these things ripped through our skies with impunity and basically laughed at any chase craft. As time has passed and I have done some traveling, I always make it a point to stop by the local library wherever I am and go through the microfiche archives for the summer/fall of 1947. Reason being, it has been a jackpot every time without fail, and the stories vary from state to state, town to town, paper to paper. Many stories are one of a kind not reprinted in other papers. One of THE most interesting facts to emerge from all of this is: The vast majority of locations the Discs came to and "visited" were top secret military installations.The public did not know that at the time, but presently it is quite obvious why they would be visiting Hanford, WA (Kenneth Arnold and more) and of course Roswell, being the only nuclear air wing. Also White Sands, Los Alamos and more. So as I traced their movements during this 2 weeks leading up to "the crash", I noted all the TS and black project areas they went straight for, as I'm sure the generals at the time did too. They traveled in a pack, ranging from as small as 3 up to as large as 9 usually, 11 on one occasion. They cut corners on a dime without slowing down. They were silver sports models, and could emit intense bright light even during the day but usually did not do so. The pattern of movement reminded me of a rock band on tour, day by day going to a different city, then moving on. The East Coast had a few days of big activity also. The biggest surprise was when I went to Hong Kong for a friends wedding, and of course went to their library. He came along with great interest and I started as usual a full month before Roswell to make sure I didn't miss anything. Day by day the film rolls by and... nothing! I can't believe my eyes because I had never come up empty before. The entire critical 2 weeks and -nada-. I keep going, and surprisingly not even the famous AAF captures flying disc story or the follow up balloon story was run. But yet I keep going on sort of in stunned disbelief, then finally, a full 2 weeks AFTER Roswell, jackpot! The shiny fleet of 9 arrives during mid day as 100's of Chinese dock workers, and various townspeople watch in amazement at their speed and sharp movements. Here are the excerpts from what I
found that first trip:
06/26/47 -
OREGON JOURNAL - Flying Disk Mystery Grows
06/26/47 -
OREGON JOURNAL - Oklahoman Sees Strange Objects
06/26/47 -
OREGON JOURNAL - Carpenter Reports 'Discs' in
06/27/47 -
OREGON JOURNAL (editors note: lmao) 07/02/47 -
OREGON JOURNAL (editors note: mm hmm) 07/03/47 -
07/05/47 -
OREGONIAN 07/06/47 -
07/06/47 -
OREGONIAN 07/07/47 -
07/07/47 -
OREGONIAN 07/07/47 -
OREGONIAN 07/07/47 - THE
NEW YORK TIMES 07/08/47 -
07/09/47 -
07/09/47 -
NEW YORK TIMES 07/10/47 -
OREGONIAN 07/10/47 -
Oregon UFO
Oregon's UFO history is long and rich. Oregon was a hot bed of UFO activity from the beginning of the modern UFO era, starting with Kenneth Arnold's June 24, 1947, sighting near Mt. Adams and Mt. Rainier in Washington. The UFO wave of the summer of 1947 started in the Pacific Northwest and continued east for a few months and then died down. According to the best UFO database existing in the public arena, UFOCAT, Oregon has had over 1000 recorded sightings since 1947. (Some other good UFO databases are at National UFO Reporting Center and MUFON.) As the months go by, we'll put up some more information about Oregon's UFO history. For now, check out these news articles from The Oregonian and Oregon Journal from the summer of 1947. Be sure to read through every article and think about what the people were saying about the mysterious objects in the skies at the very beginning of the modern flying saucer era. If you've got any doubts about the reality of the mystery, a careful reading should clear this up for you. Folks, we've got a genuine mystery on our hands, and it is still with us. Why?! 1 A
History of UFOs in Oregon Jan 2, 2009
For much, much more on UFOs in that seminal year, 1947, check out the Project 1947 site. SOURCE: MUFON Oregon UFO History |
Related Links:
posted by A51Watcher Post
First let me say I agree with everything in your accurate and insightful post. Let's start with:
Major Donald E. Keyhoe, who lived through that two week period (later dubbing it "The Saucer Scare" period, due to the escalating public tension due to the daily increasing sightings reaching massive proportions, while the Military stood by helpless to do anything about it, let alone provide an answer), and afterward he contacted his many friends and contacts in the military and the Pentagon to determine what had happened. He details his search in his 1950 book, "The Flying Saucers Are Real"
He provides additional details from witnesses known to the public and also those that were not. He quotes Kenneth Arnold, who said he saw "...nine gleaming disks outlined against the snow, each one about the size of a C-54,...They flew close to the mountaintops, in a diagonal chainlike line... It was as if linked together". He also relates that most Americans were unaware that the Pentagon had been receiving disk reports as early as January... "After seeing the Pentagon comment I had called up Captain Tom Brown at Air Force Public Relations" and related that he had heard that Civil Air Patrol in Wisconsin and other states were starting a sky search. Brown: "We've got a jet at Muroc, and six fighters standing by at Portland right now," Keyhoe:"Armed?" Brown: "I've no report on that. But I know some of them carry photographic equipment." He relates that on July 8 at Muroc Air Force Base, where TS planes and devices are tested, six fast moving silvery-white saucers were seen by pilots and ground officers. Both a Navy rocket expert (Dr. Robert B. McLaughlin) and an engineer (Charles B. Moore) who were there, each independently reported the same incident at White Sands where they had seen four saucers in that area. The first saucer was tracked by White Sands observers with a theodolite. Then they worked out it's performance with ballistics formulas as being fifty miles up and making over fifteen thousand mph. The staff at True magazine (a popular men's magazine of the day) compiled a list from current newspaper reports (later confirmed by Air Force case reports, including sightings at eleven Air Force bases and fourteen American airports and a score of encounters by airline and private pilots) of known worldwide sightings at that point that included Paraguay, Belgium, Turkey, Holland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. An additional interesting 1958 incident involving Major Keyhoe, (from Wikipedia), "On 22 January 1958 Keyhoe appeared on a CBS live television show the Armstrong Circle Theatre to speak on the topic of UFOs. Keyhoe charged that a U.S. Congressional committee was evaluating evidence that "will absolutely prove that the UFOs are machines under intelligent control". However CBS stopped the audio portion of the live broadcast. Herbert A. Carlborg, CBS Director of Editing stated "this program had been carefully cleared for security reasons".
posted by A51Watcher Post
Another early author that came up with interesting details way ahead of his time was:
Frank Edwards and his 1966 book "Flying Saucers - Serious Business"
This is where I read the only report I have seen about the event, published post-Roswell in such detail, decades before Major Marcel broke his silence and came forward. "There are such difficult cases as the rancher near Roswell, NM who phoned the sheriff that a blazing disc-shaped object had passed over his house at low altitude and had crashed and burned on a hillside within view of the house The sheriff called the military: the military came on the double quick. Newsmen were not permitted in the area. A week later however the government released a photograph of a serviceman holding up a box kite with an aluminum disc about the size of a large pie pan dangling from the bottom of the kite. This, the official report explained, was a device borne aloft on the kite and used to test the radar gear by bouncing the signals off the pie pan. And this, we were told, was the sort of thing that had so excited the rancher. We were not told however how the alleged kite caught fire.- nor why the military cordoned off the area while they inspected the wreckage of a burned-out box kite with a non-inflammable pie pan tied to it."
...and then one of Gen. Ramey (on left) and his Chief of Staff, Col. Thomas Dubose (on right) obviously seriously examining the wreckage.
...and then another of the two of them laughing about what an idiot Major Marcel must be.
"Gee the Intelligence officer of our
most important secret base, (because it is our only
nuclear squadron of the day) apparently can't tell
the difference between a weather balloon and a
spaceship from Mars! Hahahaha!
posted by A51Watcher Post
Who knows better what really happened on that day, than the men who were actually involved in the event? Well besides Major Jessie Marcel, who was pictured front page across the nation, we also have another member of that event from the previous day, who was the man responsible for the headline heard round the world:
Lt. Walter Haut, then the public information officer for the 509th Bomb Group in Roswell:
In WWII, Lt. Haut
had been a navigator and then a bombardier as a crew
member of the 509th, "The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Airfield was fortunate enough to gain possesion of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County. The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff's office, who in turn notified Maj. Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office. Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher's home. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters."From that day on, until his death in 2005, Lt. Haut kept his oath and never revealed publicly what he knew about the monumentous events of that day in Roswell. However in 2000, he privately gave an interview with 2 researchers he trusted, first stipulating that the interview was not to be released until after his death. Then in 2002, he prepared a notarized affidavit, which was sealed and not to be made public until after his death, and thus he kept a promise made to Col. Blanchard, to not disclose it while he was alive. So in his own words, what did yet another -man who was actually involved in the event- have to say about that fateful day? "In July, 1947, I was stationed at the Roswell Army Air Base in Roswell, New Mexico, serving as the base Public Information Officer. I had spent the 4th of July weekend (Saturday, the 5th, and Sunday, the 6th) at my private residence about 10 miles north of the base, which was located south of town.So there you have it. Another man, who was actually involved in the event, revealing the true Alien nature of the event.
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