Minerals ~ Amethyst
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Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek ἀ a- ("not") and μέθυστος methustos ("intoxicated"), a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of several forms of quartz. Amethyst is the traditional birthstone for February.


Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz (SiO2) and owes its violet color to irradiation, iron impurities (in some cases in conjunction with transition element impurities), and the presence of trace elements, which result in complex crystal lattice substitutions. The hardness of the mineral is the same as quartz, thus it is suitable for use in jewelry.

Hue and tone

Amethyst occurs in primary hues from a light pinkish violet to a deep purple. Amethyst may exhibit one or both secondary hues, red and blue. The ideal grade is called "Deep Siberian" and has a primary purple hue of around 75–80%, with 15–20% blue and (depending on the light source) red secondary hues. Green quartz is sometimes incorrectly called green amethyst, which is an actual misnomer and not an acceptable name for the material, the proper terminology being Prasiolite. It is actually against FTC Guidelines to call prasiolite green amethyst. Other names for green quartz are vermarine, greened amethyst, or lime citrine.

Of very variable intensity, the color of amethyst is often laid out in stripes parallel to the final faces of the crystal. One aspect in the art of lapidary involves correctly cutting the stone to place the color in a way that makes the tone of the finished gem homogeneous. Often, the fact that sometimes only a thin surface layer of violet color is present in the stone or that the color is not homogeneous makes for a difficult cutting.

The color of amethyst has been demonstrated to result from substitution by irradiation of trivalent iron (Fe3+) for silicon in the structure,[3][5] in the presence of trace elements of large ionic radius,[2] and, to a certain extent, the amethyst color can naturally result from displacement of transition elements even if the iron concentration is low. Natural amethyst is dichroic in reddish violet and bluish violet,[3] but when heated, turns yellow-orange, yellow-brown, or dark brownish and may resemble citrine,[6] but loses its dichroism, unlike genuine citrine. When partially heated, amethyst can result in ametrine.

Amethyst can fade in tone if overexposed to light sources and can be artificially darkened with adequate irradiation.


Click on Image for Listing
Specimens in Mini Boxes

These specimens are mounted in plastic display boxes that measure 2 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 1" deep. Click on the image to see the full listing of available specimens

Price: Marked under Specimens


Each specimen is unique so availability is by image of the piece you select. Orders are taken on a first come basis. We have many more in this size range that are not mounted. Those will be in a separate listing

Click on Image for Listing
Specimens - Shelf Size

These specimens are approximately 10 to 20 inches in size on the largest side. Click on the image to see the full listing of available specimens

Price: Marked with Specimens


Each specimen is unique so availability is by image of the piece you select. Orders are taken on a first come basis. We have many more in this size range that are not mounted. Those will be in a separate listing



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