Minerals ~ Feldspar - var. Plagioclase
Shelf Size Specimens

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Feldspar - var. Plagioclase

These specimens are from the the huge crack we found behind our cottage on Eel's lake, near Apsley, Ontario. Sadly we moved to the USA before we had a chance to fully develop the location. There was a 50 yard straight in shaft of a uranium prospect just below the crack. Several nice specimens came from this area

Location: Eel's Lake, Ontario, Canada 
Inventory Location: ML Boxes
Feldspar Crystals
var. Plagioclase

Eel's Lake pegmatite, near Apsley, Ontario, Canada

Black Mineral coating is Augite. This specimen came from a large crack and was a surface formation as opposed to loose crystals. The feldspar in this area is pink with excellent cleavage

Price $   Shipping: $14.50 flat rate in US


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Plagioclase_001b.png Plagioclase_001c.png



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