XII Poems for XIIth Night

In Praise & Reverence

Being a collection of recent poems by Sir Brand McLiam
for 12th Night, AS XXX (1996). 

All works (c) copyright 1996 by GregRobin Smith, all rights reserved. 
Printed by Nopress Inparticular, Seattle, Washington. A Privy Council Press Production. 

Sir Brand, MPel, KSCA, writes by the inspiration of HL Cymbric of the Isles, his Lady-Wife and the Editor of all his works 
("~" = a poem writ for her). Brand is also Poet Laureate unto Anastasia, ML, Baroness of An Tir. Done in the waning reign of Hwolf and Luise and presented at the Coronation of His Grace Duke Thorin and Sinei'din ban Thorin.

For further information, write to 5932 - 37th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126-2836, email to: sirbrand@u.washington.edu for a free subscription to the poetry email list Chivalry is yet a guide, or browse the web page for poetry, educational and fund raising information at 


"In Prayse of Bokes"

"So Brief an Oath"

"A Romantic Limeric"

"The Faith of the Future"

"To Remembered Friends"

"The Candle in the Window"

"Lies: the Plague of Reason"

"Gloria est Magnificus"

"Of Wood and Air"

"Heart's Champion"

"A Presence of Heart" a sonnet/couplet poem shown in its couplet form

The above couplet poem in its sonnet form

"In Prayse of Bokes" finalized in tribute to Guildford of Redheugh

Within resides our artful craft and thought.
With careful hands, these words are built to teach.
The boke maintains its pages, as it ought,
And plays them for the reader in its speech.

Its signatures* combine those efforts made
Into a grand community of noise.
'tis Reason's key that ciphers back what's said
Unlocking compasses the heart employs.

"The Traveler's Path" each manuscript contains.
"The Heart That Yearns For Succor" speaks aloud.
"The Vision Of A Prophet's Dream" remains.
"Instructions To The Student" rests endowed.

Within these borders, where can we not stand?
One holds a hope entire, in mind, in hand.

*A signature is a collection of (usually) 16 pages printed on one large sheet, then folded, sewn to a binding and edge-slit so it can be read.
Shakespearean Sonnet, 14 lines, abab, cdcd, efef, gg, Iambic Pentameter (u^u^u^u^u^).
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"So Brief an Oath"

Take ye this token, be it tho' small
Know it in kindness, keep it, and all.
None of my dreams and none of my hearth
Will kept from you be. To share is my oath.

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"A Romantic Limerick"

"I love thee" said my Lady, 
And was a song to me.
Tho' 'twas not sung It is among 
My favorite melody.

"The Faith of the Future" by commission of HRM Hwolf

The Custom of a sword is it will cut when it does strike
The Practice of a horse will make it run at wall or pike.
The Manner of a falcon is its will to hunt at call.
The Habit of the hounds lies in their loyalty through all.

The Nature of a rock is it will break before it bends.
The Disposition of the moon repeats its monthly wend.
The Fashion of the sun does show its faithful face each dawn.
But honor speaks to what was done, when "what is said" is gone.

Our pledge, our oath, our promises are rudders 'gainst the winds
They guide and keep our Ship of State, inspiring faithful friends.
The future is an unknown sea upon which we must sail.
Without our faith well built on trust, we could not hope but fail.

We live, we grow, we loose, we die, these truths cannot be 'scaped.
But honor keeps our deeds in true, and keeps our futures shaped.

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A Toast: "To Remembered Friends" (revised 12/30/95-1/6/96)

"Friends all gentle .......... Gathered Here
Friends whose Mantle ........ Gives us Cheer
You, whose fate now ........ Joins with mine
Celebrate now, .............. Dance and Dine.
Toast together ............. "Friends away"
Heartfelt ever .............. There to stay.
Raise your chalice .......... And your voice
Give good service ........... And rejoice.
With our toasting ........... Let's recall
Friends worth boasting....... One and all."

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"The Candle in the Window" Done for Cassia's Birthday, Dec. 1995 

The candle in the window bears tidings for us all
It yet reflects with great respect the tale of home and hall.
This light of thine will always shine across the night-dark sea.
To welcome, guide, deliver us and bring us home to thee.
The candle in the window, with all reflected flame
Gives welcome to the wanderer, and those who know thy name.
The light of hope burns brightest, yea, to those whose paths are poor.
That darkness that surrounds us all is pierced by its bright sword.
The candle in the window does cast its light without.
'twill always send a glimmer to some lonely soul, ne'er doubt.
And tho' the flame may seem quite small, its brilliance ever dim,
Forget ye not that every heart needs but a spark within.
Thy candle in the window, a word, a deed, a smile
Does give a saving beam of faith out to this lonely isle.
Forget thee not thy radiance, thy light of giving grace.
And know there is a candle here, to shine upon thy face.

The 1st line in each stanza is 13 syllables, and its rhythm is (u^u^u^u u^u^u^.) The rest of each stanza is done in Iambic (u^u^u^u^u^u^u^) 14 syllable lines.
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"Lies: the Plague of Reason" by commission of HRM Hwolf

A Sword will cleave, an Ax will split in two
A Mace will shatter, Arrows pierce right through.
A Charger mounted knight will smash the foe
A Lie can kill as eas'ly as a blow.

A Trebuchet flings stones that crush a wall.
A Ram will slam at doors until they fall.
A Tunnel saps the walls from near below.
A Lie collapses all that from it grows.

The Weapons here enlisted do forfend
To conquer life and bring about an end.
The legacy of Lies is sad to know.
Unless burned out with truth, their roots will grow.

Unlike a poison, who once used is gone. 
A lie can spread contagion, on and on.

Sonnet, rime abab, cdcd, efef, gg, rhythm Iambic Pentameter (IP) (u^u^u^u^u^ ) 14 lines, 3 stanzas of 4 and a couplet.
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"Gloria est Magnificus" for Gloria M.

Forever pours the rivers of our life
And friends, like currents, flow into our quay (pronounced 'Key')
Enriching with their travels and their strife
The delta that we form here by our sea.

"Together" raises "hope" and "family."
"Together" brings new strength to heal old pains.
"Together" answers questions kind and mean.
"Together": When we give, 'tis we who gain.

In Glory do we stand, in faith secure
(Although the future's road cannot be guessed)
For our dear friends commit to ride the tour
Accompanying each other through the mist.

And we, this troupe of players, do here claim
That we are richer for your part and name.

Sonnet, rime abab, cdcd, efef, gg, rhythm Iambic Pentameter (IP) (u^u^u^u^u^ )
14 lines, 3 stanzas of 4 and a couplet.

"Saddest, still, is the pursuit of unhappiness... The slowest of prey."

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"Of Wood and Air" to Colin, Meg and Emily.

The wood and air within my hand
Does grant a key to ope' the lid
And fly the treasures through the land
That too long have in darkness hid.
This wood and air, with balanced tone
Gives dance to sound and song to hearth.
It spins the wisps of happy homes
Into this ever weaving cloth.
This wood and air that I enfold
Gifts back full sweet my loan of breath 
Its magic will yet ease the cold
And give my soul a life past death.

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"Heart's Champion" for Baron Trahaearn of Madrone

Many came to battle then ..................... Fought they all for Champion. 
Knights and Warriors by the score ....... Known each by the gods of war. 
Clashed they savage they in turn ........... For the Champion's blade to earn. 
Lust of blood and greed for gain ........... Made the warrior's gift be pain. 

Little heeded (they that fought) ............. "Vict'ry for the bravest heart." 
Not the strongest arm or steel ................ But the kindest, gentlest will.
One at last survived the rest. .................. All remaining knew him best.
Brave of soul and kind in deed. .............. Good of spirit, all did cede.

Armor without stain or flaw. ................... Blade the brightest any saw.
Honor in his breast did burn. .................. Hail the Baron called Trahaearn.

Late that night all toasted well. ............... "Long live he this tale does tell."

For Madrone Arts and Sciences Championship, December 9, as 30. 

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"A Presence of Heart"

The face of my beloved has moved me oft to sigh.
Her hair and form have 'minded me of angels from on high.
Her touch so soft when playing and with spirit strong and free,
That I do muse that I must dream, then wake and she's with me.
Of all her gifts both rare and good from singing, to the fire, 
I'll take the most desired one, that she does fair inspire.
For as we build our keep and hold, unyielding wills both bold
Will fire the torch that warms the hall, and melt the hearts grown cold.
Her absence 'pon this walk of life would scorch my mind and soul.
So thank I luck and all that guides for weaving loves and lives now whole.

Sonnet, 14 lines, rime abab, cdcd, efef, gg Iambic Pentameter (IP) u^u^u^u^u^. The poem is also a couplet poem, and is shown above in that form.

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Below is the poem in its sonnet form
 (exactly the same wording, but in its alternative form):

The face of my beloved has moved me oft
To sigh. Her hair and form have 'minded me
Of angels from on high. Her touch so soft
When playing and with spirit strong and free,
That I do muse that I must dream, then wake
And she's with me. Of all her gifts both rare
And good from singing, to the fire,
I'll take the most desired one, that she does fair
Inspire. For as we build our keep and hold,
Unyielding wills both bold will fire the torch
That warms the hall, and melt the hearts grown cold.
Her absence 'pon this walk of life would scorch
My mind and soul. So thank I luck and all
That guides for weaving loves and lives now whole

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