Betrayal without Breath

(Liam, a loyalist spy, speaks to a confidant:)

"Quick, the door shuts, the gate lowers to close There is not a flicker of time to pause Give now the secret which you now hold. Chose You this time and place `tween guards; for what cause?
You are silent. Think you the dripping on The dungeon walls ceases for you? Caught, death Meets us quickly. Suspected, we must run. Only tell what news begs your tardy breath.
I have no wish to linger twixt this fear And the most dire need to work for her To whom we are sworn. Speak, you. Damn your ears, What short word can move thee. What threat murmured...
Gods, how like life you looked. Now I see, Death. Fate worked thee to speak betrayal, without breath."


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