(this is just the title:)

Heaven-ward, St. Edward, The Bastard, Will Go
`Cause, you see, Damned is he that to Gendy says "No"
And so with Pride, I now provide this brief broadside to woe
And hope, with smiles, this will beguile all the while its read.
(Title is ending.  Beginning now poem;)

Who in this realm was most blond, most slender?
Who pulled the noblest needle of all?
Whose voice was soft as down from a gander?
Edward the Bastard, Fast Eddy was called.

A Hero to Knights, a showman to crowds
To ladies all round, a most ardent swain.
And we that he ruled, both often and loud,
With pomp and with splendor, all say "Again!"

Ladies do sing still (and sigh at) his name.
Fighters still marvel at blows never seen.
Children who never have heard of his fame
Should learn well of him, the best Knight e're seen.

Tho' years and great leagues may keep us apart
Good St. Edward lives on ever in heart.

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