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Dedications: To my Wife, friend, editor and Lady, Cymbric. Know our love is more electric than even this medium. ;-)

This work of poetry is under commission of Her Excellency Baroness Anastasia Alexandrovna, MLaurel, of whom the author is honoured as Her Poet Laureate.

The forming of this boke was undertaken in the Reign of King Thorin & Queen Angharad and was completed during in the Reign of King Gunnarr & Queen Gabriell, AS 24-25. The Electronic version was conceived and created during the reign of Hwolf and Luise with inumerable thanks to Adam Jansen and original "spurring" thanks to Jim Andrews.:-)

Special appreciation must be given to my wife, Cymbric of the Isles, for editing and support (see Sonnet 71), to my Mother and Father for the love of words, to each person who has commissioned work and/or allowed work to be done for them, the subscribers to my email poetry list, Colin Galbraith for the original 3-D front and back cover art, Maelen of Kynge's Lea and Siobhan Cairn for inside artwork and Alyx Arwyn for early encouragement.

Thanks to Mark Todd and Eoin MackIntosh for disc translation and printing advise, Jayney Beth Wallick and Ted Clifford of Words Unlimited, Seattle, for computer editing and laser printing services.

Boke Paper used is Astroparche Text Gray. The cover is 80# Heavenly Blue Environmental. Thanks to Meredith Ayling of Kaplan Paper Company for his help in paper selection.

- for Cymbric -

The Court of Kings; Seventy Sonnets of Love & Tribute by Brand McLiam, edited, and with a foreward, by Cymbric of the Isles.

Disclaimer and Dedications and Copyright information:
This selection of works is published/(c) in 1991, email version (c) copyright 1996 by Nopres Inparticular Bokes, Seattle, a subsidiary of Interacting With History. Foreward (c) 1991 Cym VanFaulker-Smith (formerly Kimberly Early-Griffith). This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. All errors in this work are solely the responsibility of the author.

Corrections & comments should be directed to GregRobin Smith c/o

For and unto: Cymbric of the Isles, Barb, Nanninia Fiora d'Lucca, Valerian, Julian Edward Farnsworth of Falconmoors, Guillaume de' Vinvert, Rebecca Louise Lowell, Gina Widell, Deccia, Lonnie, Susan Taubeneck, Belladona, Morwyn of Wye, Manfred Kreigstreiber, Amanda Kendall, Mark Ryan, Nu Tai-To Lao Tao-Sheng, Dak Ulfredsson, King Gunnarr & Queen Gabriell, Edmund DeLaHoussaie III, Hjalgrimmer Sigurdbjornsson, Anastasia Alexandrovna, Nicholas Humason, TessElla of Silver Shadow, Thorin Stykiskapr Njalsson, Angharad Severn O'Glamorgan, Arias the Inn Keeper's Daughter, Seglinda, Alix, Etaine Silveraxe Karlsdottir, Thomas of Appledore, Edward Ziffron, Rhiannon ferch Myfanwy A`rhyl, Eriene, Ellisif Angantyrsdottir, Godytha of Whiteraven, Harry Smith and Tom Smith, Ulfreda, Colin and Emma Galbraith, Paulina Yggdisil, Deirdre Muldomhnaigh, Alyx Aryn, Sybilla of Pennrose, Alan O'Draccocragg, Siobhan Cairn of Kilcalla, the many readers on my email poetry list, the students, teachers and staffs of the schools where I teach, and many others whom I saw but never knew, who gave commission, aid and opinion, or just an ear:

I offer this and my thanks.


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