Copyrights and Permissions

Welcome to our Legal Department. We apologize for the lack of light down here in the basement, but we hope to move to better quarters in the near future. In the meantime let our staff of Lawyers help you with any issues you may encounter on a visit to our site......

This page contains  all the pertinent info on other people's artwork, etc. that we are using on our pages. Those artists that have specific instructions will be linked  directly from the  graphic in question  to their own  info file and link.  The following texts  document the letters of  permission received  from various sources,  either by direct e-mail,  or posted  notices on websites of  usage policies.  If any of this  information is  lacking  or in error,  please do not hesitate to bring it to my attention.

Fair Use of Artwork Ruling

GNU Copyleft Document

Wikipedia Commons Rights

Nasa Public Document Notice
Note that this applies to most Government Agencies. As the USA has a Freedom of Information Act and is technically employed by Tax payers, most photos and articles are freely in public domain. Where this is not the case it will be stated as such.


01. Aon Celtic Art 02. Phalliqua 03. Sir Brand
04. Sir Clisto 05. Taylor Music 06. Swift Fonts
07. Dana's Designs 08. Dee Dreslough 09. Argotique
10. Clipart Castle 11. William Edward Cook 12. Lake Java Script
13. Marine Art Gallery 14. Lara E Eakins 15. Stefan Schlesinger
16. Animated Flags 17. Internet Renaissance Band 18.
1} Aon Celtic Art

Permission Letter on File
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 17:20:34 -0600
From: "Cari Buziak (Aon Celtic Art)" <>

Aon Celtic Art & Illumination

2} Phalliqua

Permission Letter on File
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 00:14:31 EST

Phalliqua's Main Page 

3}  Sir Brand

Sir Brand's Poetry Page

Permission Letter on File
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 11:42:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: "GregRobin A.V. Smith" <>
To: Ron Schmidt <>

4}  Sir Clisto
Mka John Brunette

Sir Clisto Seversword
Knight of the Holy Blade of York

Permission Letter on File
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 20:52:27 -0800
From: John Brunette <>
Organization: none

5} Taylor Music

Permission Letter on File
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 13:58:52 (PDT)
From: (Barry Taylor)

6} Medieval and Harem Fonts

As far as we have been able to determine these fonts are in the public domain and readily available. If this information is incorrect, please let us know immediately.

7} Dana's Designs

Use Permit on File
Use the banner here and please link to:
Thanks! Hope you enjoy these!
All images © 1998 Dana's Designs  All rights reserved

8} Dee Dreslough


Use the Art!

If you like the art, feel free to use it. I know my digital works are never going to make me any money, and I love to see people using and appreciating them, so please do! I make a living selling the hard copies  (prints or originals on paper) as well as working as a computer artist for a small company I co-own. Please buy my originals and prints to help me keep this site alive! They will be worth quite a bit someday. :)

I will occaisionally crawl out of my little web-nest and take a look to see who's using my stuff, and be assured, I get a wonderful warm feeling every
time I see one of my pieces in use on someone else's page. You don't need to let me know you're using the art. This page is the official permission -  feel free to copy it or download this page to your hard drive if you worry about anyone hassling you about using my art.

Dee Dreslough Hereby and Forthwith permits YOU: (Your name here) to use my art on your web pages (both for and non-profit) and to create derivative products from this art (needlework, stamps, stationery, other digital art pieces, etc.) The only restriction on the use of this artwork is that you do not trademark or otherwise restrict other people from using it. I retain ownership/copyright of my work (but not derivatives) and ask that no one try to lay claim of ownership through copyright or trademark to MY pieces. They are for everyone.

A Note to Other Artists

Do feel free to imitate, copy and learn from my pieces! You don't need to mention me - your work is yours. If you study my pieces, as I have studied the works of other great artists to develop my style, and then create your own work from your studies, they are yours. If you want to mention me as an influence, go right ahead. I'd be flattered. (As a general rule, I don't mention my influences publicly although any fantasy/SF fan can spot who I like. :-) You shouldn't cite your influences either, because I've learned that if they aren't dead, like DaVinci or Michelangelo, they WILL eventually sue you.)

If anyone hassles you for using a part or all of one of my pieces in yours, you send 'em to this page. I will never sue anyone unless they demand that I stop drawing. (Basically, I'll sue to defend my creative freedom, but  never to limit anyone else's.)

I'll never sue anyone for drawing pictures, copying my work, or anything like that. To me, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I just need to be
free to express myself, and I respect that need in other artists. Anyone whotries to take this right from me or anyone else is itching for a lawsuit, and I will happily oblige them.

Be Warned: Other artists may sue you for appropriating parts of their work for use in your creations - INCLUDING TEXT! If you're inspired by a book, you ARE asking for trouble if you mention the author in relation to your work without getting their permission in writing first.

 I'll also try to put up as many art lesson pages (dragon physiology, shading techniques, etc) as I can manage, but I can't make any promises.

That's it! Go check out the art! 

Email Dee Dreslough

9} Argotiques


The Graphics are free for non-commercial use.Permission is NOT given to include these images in other collections or archives.Right click on graphic, choose save image. In order to save you time please note that linking directly to these graphics will produce a advertisement from xoom. 

Argotique Graphics
10}Clipart Castle


Our Policies:

   1. All items on these pages are believed to be free of Copyright restriction when used on personal, non profit, web pages. If I have goofed let me know :

    2. Although not required , links to this page (text or banner) are alway greatly appreciated. But if you use more than 15 or 20 in your own graphics collection, please give credit. Not that I care , but I get strange email when people see them elsewhere in a group. I hate strange email. Feel free to use either of these Banners:

Our Thoughts:

1. If you have been to the old Castle Trash's Clipart Castle you will notice we're a lot bigger. I 've broadened my idea of fantasy, and think I have  provided something for everybody. I've used tables to speed it up. 

2. In the past a few people have used our pictures and then made rude com- ments about our page. This confuses me, use the gifs , say nothing - it's nicer. 

3. Nothing on these pages are even PG rated . So don't write to complain about certain religious symbols, mildly risque medieval humor, and the partial nudity of cartoons. This is fairly mild fantasy - lighten up ! Everything on these pages are here because i like it ! I like web diversity and consider my choice of gifs a freedom of speech issue. Things are clearly labeled - avoid what you don't like. 

 4. This is basicly a hobby. It's fun, but I will be trying to find a way to make it pay for itself because it is expensive. Support our efforts where you can. If you want to advertise here I'd love to hear from you .

Get yourself something to drink, kick off your shoes and settle in. I've been told this takes a while, you won't see it all on one visit. Have fun !

Clip Art Castle

11} Castles, Abbeys and Medieval Buildings
by Micheal W. Cook

Permission Letter on File
Date:Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:31:23 +0100
From: "Michael W Cook
To:  Ron Schmidt 

Castles, Abbeys and Medieval Buildings

12}Lake Java Script

Subject: Re: Permission request
Date:  Wed, 14 Jul 1999 04:47:33 -0400
From: Mitchell Eisenberg <>

This is fine.

13} Marine Art Gallery
Copyright © 1995-1999
Marineart Gallery
All Rights Reserved

Throughout the Marine Art Information Center, all pages are the copyright of the Marineart Gallery. Images and text shown on the Marine Art Information Center are the property of their owners. The Marineart Gallery grants permission to link to these pages from any WWW site. Pages, logos, text and images contained in the Marine Art Information Center may not be published separately, in hardcopy or electronically, without the express written permission of their owners. 
14} Lara E Eagers Tudor Research

Tudor England Website



Please feel free to link to this site. You don't need to mail me and ask my permission, but if you have a site that you want me to return the link for (and I haven't already), please drop me a line.

You may link to the main page or the pages for the Tudor Monarchs and the Six Wives of HenryVIII. Please do not link to any other individual files (texts or images). I sometimes move these other pages around and a link to a particular file might change. If you want to use an image (please read the info below too), download that file to your own server (click and hold for Macintosh computers and right-click for PCs).


All original graphics and text on this page is © (copyright) 1995-1999 by Lara E. Eakins. In places where primary source texts have been used, they are in the public domain, but their source (not me, but rather the original document) should be acknowledged. I would also appreciate credit for the time that I've taken to put these documents into electronic format.

Some of the photographs on the site are mine and I reserve the right to hold a copyright on those images. If you want to use the images, you must ask for permission by email.

Scans of portraits: when possible, I have noted the location of the paintings (such as the National Portrait Gallery) or the current owner (such as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II). Since these paintings belong to other people, I cannot make any claim to a copyright on the images, but I have spent a lot of time making these scans, and I feel that it would only be appropriate to credit my site if you use my scans. Please read the information about linking if you have not already.

Under United States and International Copyright laws, I feel that my use of portraits falls under "fair use" since they not for profit and for educational use only. (I can guarantee you I'm not making any money off this site!)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Lara E Eakins

15} Stefan Schlesinger  Photographer

Subject: Re: Permission
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 18:05:13 +0200
From: Stefan Schlesinger <>
To: Ron Schmidt <>

Hello Ron,
you have the permission to use my castle photos.
Have a lot of fun!

Greetings from

E-Mail  :

16} Animated Flags

Welsh Flying Flag copyright © 1996 - 1997 by Riad Dagher at The Page

You can download the animation of your choice and use it in your Personal Homepage for FREE if you give credit and provide backlink to this site. 

Please contact me for any use of my animated GIFs in a commercial site or for a commercial purpose. 

It's forbidden to add any of my animations to anyone's collection before having my permission. 

Please use the following HTML code to add a link to my site:

<A HREF=""> The Page</A> 

17} Internet Renaissance Band

Midi files © by Curtis Clark 

Music courtesy of The Internet Renaissance Band

Permission Letter on File
Subject: Re: IRB form registration
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 08:31:56 -0700
From: Curtis Clark <>
To: (Ron Schmidt)

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