Assorted Lessons in SCA Heraldry

Edited By Jaelle of Armida. (mka Judy Gerjuoy)

Two Elements for Names

Answers to the Quiz

Determine if the following names meet our requirements, and if they don't, explain why they don't. [Answers Below]

1. Anne of Lincoln . - Ok

2. Richard . - no; it does not have two elements, specifically, no by-name.

3. John mac Ivan . - no; mac and Ivan are not from the same language

4. Zeus the Bold . - no; Zeus is not a name used by humans in period.

5. Owen ap Morgan . - Ok

6. Mary Carpenter . - Ok

7. Arthur Natsuyana . - no; English and Japanese are not a valid combination of languages since the cultures did not have regular interaction during our period.

8. Miller Jones . - no; Miller is not a given name

9. Bjornsson the Viking . - no; Bjornsson is a byname 

10. Judith the Good of Sterling . - Ok

11. Robert the atomic scientist . - no; “the atomic scientist” is not a period occupation.

12. Alys Longshanks . - Ok

13. Horse Campbell . - no; Horse was not used as a given name in period.

14. Phillipe d'Orleans . - Ok 

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Armory content written by Herveus d'Ormonde (mka Michael Houghton)
Name content written by Jaelle of Armida (mka Judy Gerjuoy)
Web layout, design, and additional editing by Frederic Badger (mka Brander Roullett)