Chapter One
The British Royal Family

Sir Owain Tudor
Born ??
Owain ap Maredudd ap Tudor

Very little is known about Maredudd ap Tudur {or Meredith}, the ancestor of the Royal Tudors, except that he is said to have held some office under the Bishop of Bangor and to have been exchequer of Anglesey. There is a tradition that he had to flee from justice after killing a man and that his son was born away while he was on the run. But no one knows for sure where or when Owain ap Maredudd ap Tudur, more conveniently, Owen Tudor, was born, though it must have been in the early 1400’s. Nor does anyone know exactly how or when he entered the Royal service. All that is known for certain is that at some point in the 1420’s Owen became Clerk of the Wardrobe to Henry V’s widow, Katherine of Valois, and that in 1429, or it may have been 1432, he and the Queen were married.