College of Heraldry
Isle of Standauffish

  The Holy Roman  Emperor and The  Imperial  Arms of Empire, surrounded by The Imperial  Seven Electors and their Princely Arms of The Empire. The Arms of The Holy Roman Emperor of The German Nation, Or, a double-headed eagle displayed  sable,  The Crest,  an Imperial  Crown  Closed  by  high  arches, surmounted by an  Eagle on a globe,  Or.  "Long lives Charles, by the Hand of God, Imperator Augustus of The Romans".

From: The Imperial College of Heraldry of Germany,
                                 The Grand Chancellors Office,
                                 Royal Mail Post Office Box 276,
                                 Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0UL,
                                 United Kingdom.

Coats of Arms of the Isle and Members
Devices and Flags of the Isle of Standauffish's Free States
Devices of the Isle's Members
Member Heraldic Submission Form  PDF DOC
Member Persona Development Worksheet  PDF DOC
Charges, Crests and Other Symbols for Designing Devices
Shield Blanks for Designing Devices
Isle of Standauffish Heraldry Lesson Pages
SCA Heraldry Lesson Pages Great for Beginners
SCA Heraldry Samples
 Book of Royal Coats of Arms
Heraldry of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table
Coming Soon Scottish Heraldry, Tartans and Badges
Isle of Standauffish Tartan

Webpage  © 1995-2017 Isle of Standauffish
Tartan and Coat of Arms of the Isle of Standauffish © 1995-2005