James Arthur Powel   "Boe"  Entertainer

Character:   Mr. Boe the Clown, Nimble the Fool, Artoro the Gypsie, Blaze the Fire-Eater Nimrod the Clown or Oddity the Mime

Schooling:  High School diploma
Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Clown School
IVC Tech-E.M.T.
ABC Bartending School

Skills: Juggling, stilt walking, mime, slapstick, balancing, fire eating, magic, taro, palm reading

Companies and Fairs: 

Walt Disney World, Seaworld, Ringling Brothers, Jordan Circus, Big John Stage productions, Harrah's, Rio Casino, Howard Hughes Corp., Pepsi Cola, Camal Citires, Caesar's Palace, MGM, Tropicana, Excalibur, Las Vegas' Age of Chivalry Ren Faire, Royal Fireworks, Spokane WA. Merry Greenwood Ren Fair, Gig Harbour Fantasy Fair, Schrewberry's and Cedar City Ren Fair, and these are only a few


Age    34, Born 05/22/68
Height    5"8" 
Weight    170 
Eyes    Hazel
Hair    Brown w/Blonde Streak

Zodiac Sign  Gemini
Favorite books  Lord of the Rings and Oddkins

Last book read  Jerry Goodkidds whole series
Favorite movie almost all adventures

Last movie seen  Man on the Moon
Favorite actor  Robbin Williams and Jim Carrey
Favorite actress  Gina Davis (Wow)
Favorite music  country and classic rock
Favorite group  Eagles
Favorite animal  Wolves
Favorite color  Red

Work History:

1977    Dropped my pants the first time as a clown. Family Picnic. I was 12 years old.
1980  First birthday party as Feathers the Clown
1982   Hired as a Mime for the Steamboat Days, Did Taming of the Shrew in High School
1983   helped write and acted in Relive the 50's.Reveve Permazonce Germany (I was in the army)
1984   New clown Jinx (still in the army) for Birthday parties and picnics
1985    Jinx dies
1986   out of the Army Many parades and Ringling Brothers clown college
1987  Seaworld as a Mime more parties
1988  Big John Strong indoor circus as clown and advance man
1989    Walt Disney World - Davie Crockett, then I was.
1991   an animatronic Fargo that comes to life at the Great Movie Ride.
Then I worked for Super Star TV
Late 91 Jordan Circus as clown and rigger
1992  Birzian Clown for the Rio and convention work
1993  Clown for Clark County Parks and Rec. teaching children circus skills.
Started the Las Vegas Renaissance Faire
1994  Kisewata Japan as clown, comedy and magic
1995   Ren faires conventions parties
Took 2 first places and 1 third place at western regional clown convention
1996  Jester for Harrah's Casino conventions and parties
1997  Ren faires, conventions, parties. 
3-clown stage shows that I produced.

"I am a clown!"
What a statement


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