Minnie Anderson-Keane


"Aurian Eyes" Dec 2009
"An adventure in abstract. One of the first of my paintings to sell, which I really wasn't anticipating as it's just a splodge of colors really, lol..." - Minnie

''Moondust in Brine'' June 2009

"''Recovery'' April 2009
"A tribute to breast cancer survivors."
"Thinking of you, Cindy, as you pass into the light soon. May your transition be peaceful and your destination joy. I love you.  I'm very far away as a family member is passing away from cancer. She and her family are close in my thoughts right now." - Minnie Apr 2014

"Headspace" April 2013

"''Where Healing Begins'' June 2009
"I reworked the face and body on this piece so here is the updated photo. This is a tribute to survivors of breast cancer." - Minnie

"Winds of Change" July 2012

"A Splash of Color'' July 2011
"I wanted to do something altogether different so I thought I'd play with abstract this time. Kinda fun! This piece will be used in The Art Bomb Project during the upcoming Ennis Street Festival." - Minnie

''I Remember'' June 2011
"Thanks to Richard Young and Alice Matthews for permission to use their photo as inspiration for this painting. This was created for use in The Art Bomb Project for the upcoming Ennis Street Festival." - Minnie

"Sleeping Angel" April 2011

''Combustion'' June 2009
"The final addition to my first solo art exhibition. I really liked this one as it was a change in style for me; less technical and specific and I allowed my hand a bit more free reign." - Minnie

''Miss Day'' Jun 2009
"Did this as a reworked version of ''Divine'' for the upcoming exhibition, as ''Divine'' was raffled off for breast cancer charity and I wanted to put something like it up. Though this one isn't really directed to breast cancer survivors, obviously." - Minnie

''Lady Fans'' Apr 2009
"Not the most imaginative title, but it was a fun experience in black and white painting." - Minnie

''Joyous Rebirth'' Apr 2009
''A tribute to moms-to-be everywhere. My exploration in a bit of psychadelia." - Minnie

''The Untold Story Part I'' April 2009
"The title says it all..take what meaning you will from it" - Minnie

''The Green Vase'' Apr 2009
''This was a commission piece. Not my favorite kind of thing to do, but there it is.. last time I'm doing a commission like that! I appreciate flowers, still life, and landscapes, but find it boring to do personally." - Minnie

''Balls and Stripes'' Apr 2009
''I'm sure I had another title for this but I can't remember it now! It's not my favorite, so that might be why. Meh..." - Minnie

''A Journey Together'' Apr 2009
''This was a piece I did as a wedding gift for some good friends of mine. She is Canadian and he is Irish, so I wanted to create something beautiful that symbolized that as well as their love for each other. He is a Pisces man so I decided to represent him as the fish (Pisces symbol) and he holds the clover to the lady as an offering of his love. She holds the Canadian maple leaf as her offering, and her long hair cascading down into the water sort of represents her long journey from Canada to come and join her love here in Ireland." - Minnie

"African Journey" Apr 2009
''A commission painting I did last year..I was and am still learning to take good photos of the paintings, so in this one, some of the detail is lost, but you can still get the idea" - Minnie

''Neptune'' Apr 2009
''My husband asked for this as he has a fascination with this planet." - Minnie

''Eddie Van Halen'' Apr 2009
''Another one my husband wanted as he loved Van Halen" - Minnie

Heraldry of Lady Aylimn

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