The Order had its roots at the beginning of our history. Along with the regular attributes assigned to a noble Knight, Knights of the Order Protect Dragons and the Isle of Standauffish, as well as those persons that are a Friend of the Isle.

Meet the mighty Drathmar, Guardian of the Isle and Protector of the House of Shalott.
He was rescued by Baron Zorgon and was given a home on the Isle. You can read his story here. Drathmar's Story

Since our group was founded, members have sought to live by the ideals of Honour and Chivalry and to this end we have formed an Order of Chivalry to Honour and Reward those who have given great service to the Isle of standauffish and the community as a whole. While the Order is, like any other re-enactment group's chivalry, a game created entity, nontheless members of most such groups take it seriously, having to work hard to earn the titles within their peerage. 

The Order of the Red Dragon is the highest honor that the Viceroy can bestow on a member and is earned by deeds, not by combat or points. Though we must always bear in mind that this is afterall a "game", most of us at the Isle of Standauffish take our ideals and dreams with us into the mundane world.


Companions of the Order

The Squires

Past Members {Circle of Knights}
Sir Bradley of Armagh
Sir Carlos Du Toiraq
Sir Rhys ap Meridith

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 Isle of Standauffish