Photograph Notice

SCA Note: 

We are creating a data base on the SCA and a collection of photos that represents the SCA in all its Glory. We endeavour to pick photos that do not show any mundane items as much as possible and some photo editing removes the rest, most especially that awful caution tape.

If you see yourself in any of our photos please e-mail us with your persona name and location for inclusion. If for any reason you wish not to have the photo displayed please notify us.

If anyone can provide us with any names to go with the photos
it would be much appreciated.

If you wish to use any of these photos on a web page you may do so provided you attach the copyright credit.

All photos and artwork on our site unless otherwise stated is 
© Blue Knight Productions Inc.

Copies are available to those in the photos in 4x6 reprint prices. If you wish larger we can accommodate you at a reasonable price. We are a non-profit Nevada Corporation. 

Contact us at for more information

Baron Sir Zorgon of Shalott
Viceroy of the Isle Of Standauffish Renaissance Guild
Las Vegas, Nevada