Edward VI

The following text is  © by Lara Eakins and is reproduced here by gracious permission for our Guild's historical and educational purposes. The scanned images and documentation are also the work of Lara.

Born: 12 October 1537
Became King: 28 January 1547
Died: 6 July 1553

Edward, Price of Wales by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) painted in 1537
Oil on wood 57x44 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection

Henry VIII died in 1547, secure in the knowledge that he had left behind the male heir to the throne that he had longed for. Unfortunately, the boy was young, not even 10 years old when he became king. His uncle, Edward Seymour became Lord Protector, and through Edward, sought to control England. Seymour's brother, Thomas, was made Lord Admiral and was an early influence on the life of the King's sister, the Princess Elizabeth. 

Protector Somerset was later overthrown my John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who then took control as Edward's chief advisor. 

Edward with a monkey, by Hans Holbein c. 1541-42
Pen, ink and watercolor, 40.1x30.9cm, Basle, Offentliche Kunstammlung
The fading of the sketch was due to the fact that it had been hung as a
painting and was exposed to sunlight.

Protestants in England were happy for the young king's ascension to the throne, but feared what might happen if the boy died. It was common knowledge that Mary, Henry's eldest daughter and heir after Edward, would return the country to Roman Catholism. To prevent this from happening, several of the nobles plotted to bring another woman to the throne in her place. Some rallied behind the other heir of Henry VIII: Elizabeth. Others looked to the descendants of one of Henry VIII's sisters, Mary. The oldest of these descendants was the Lady Jane Grey.

Edward VI c. 1546 by an unknown artist
National Portrit Gallery, London

Edward VI by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 155.6 x 81.3 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London


Note: Lara E. Eakins is an Honourary Member
of the Isle of Standauffish


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